Good to get some color!!


Green Belt
Founding Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Today was my first class not practicing as a white belt. It was a great class. New drills, new techs, new and more new. Was a good class overall. Review some and added enhancements. I was a white belt for a longer than average period of time I believe and it was refreshing to be back in class with a new curriculum to add to the yellow.

Post is not about much, but when you have a good class sometimes you just have to say something. It is going to be a long 2 weeks before I get to see Brother John again!!!


It is always nice to be able to welcome someone new into the Kenpo fold. Congratulations on your promotion!! Keep up the good work. Just think, you could be riding a bicycle in a gym and going nowhere. At least with Kenpo you get "Motion with a Purpose", and a skill offering challenges that can last a lifetime.

Yours in Kenpo,
-Michael Billings
Ahhhh, I remember being a yellow belt, about three times if I remember right too. Twice in TKD and once in kenpo. Ohhh to be young again........:cool:

Originally posted by JD_Nelson

Today was my first class not practicing as a white belt. It was a great class. New drills, new techs, new and more new. Was a good class overall. Review some and added enhancements. I was a white belt for a longer than average period of time I believe and it was refreshing to be back in class with a new curriculum to add to the yellow.

Post is not about much, but when you have a good class sometimes you just have to say something. It is going to be a long 2 weeks before I get to see Brother John again!!!



Careful, them other White belts may look at you with hungry eyes !:eek:
Todays warmup consisted of doing the yellow belt techniques as a form trying to flow with each of them, both right and left side. Right went pretty decent the first time around. But the left was a little tricky. I used to really work on building the left side using these techniqes, but kinda moved away from it.

I have read several times about the brown belt blaaas and how learning the techs at that time in the future may be a way to shake the brown belt blaahhs. Guess brother john will advance me ahead to executing them on the opposite side a little bit early.

:D :D :D

As for the orange curriculum learned 2 techniques, phase 2 of form 1 (AKKI).


It also had been a while since I have had the opportunity to make any contact with another body via kenpo. Likewise for my classmate I started with. I tend to have some veryheavy hands when executing the blocks. The nerve pockets on the inside of his arms were pretty tender when class was over. He got me with a few as well.

I like the idea of using another's body as a drum. It makes me tingly all over!!!


on your promotion JD, I can remember yellow belt like it was yesterday. Enjoy the journey!!! Any chance we'll be seeing you guys in Maryland next weekend?
Originally posted by Les


Congratulations on your promotion.

If you work hard perhaps you can take the next test in Vegas:)


Vegas??? Did someone say Vegas??? What's this about Vegas??

And ditto on the congratulations jeremy!
Congratulations on the promotion!!

Yellow is a good color--it means you have gone beyond the "wannabe" stage, and have actually put some dedication in. It's the first step on a very rewarding road, as I'm sure you already know.....

Congratulations in advance on your Black, as well.....I'm sure you'll get there!!

Are you going to make it to the east coast camp in Baltimore? And congrats on your new rank JD. Just remember we are all white belts in one form or another.

Bill Smith - AKKI
Originally posted by Bill Smith

Are you going to make it to the east coast camp in Baltimore?

Bill Smith - AKKI


Afraid not.

I still can't afford to eat after going to Vegas in March.

But it was worth every penny, believe me.

for next March Les, its was great to finally meet you. And this time bring some of the "across the pond" gang!!! (especially Gary)
Congratulations. There are two really big steps in Kenpo, Tracy's or EPAK. The yellow belt, and the Black Belt. Both are the portals to great amoounts of knowledge.

Take care,

Dan Farmer