Good news on gun rights...


Lifetime Supporting Member
A judge actually follows the constitution in gun case in Maryland...

And more good news from Colorado and students carrying on college campuses...

The Colorado Supreme Court has struck down a gun ban by the University of Colorado Board of Regents that had prevented students from carrying concealed handguns on campus. The court sided with opponents of that ban who argued that the ban is illegal because it was never approved by the state legislature.
The Concealed Carry Act, passed in 2003, prohibits local governments from limiting concealed carry rights with a few exceptions: K-12 schools, places where guns are banned by federal law, public buildings with metal detectors and private property.
College campuses were not excepted under the law.
Maryland has already said they will appeal. In MD they only way to get a permit is to be a politician, judge, police officer, or prove you regularly cary large sums of money. When my wife quit being a police officer to stay home with the kids she applied for a permit and was denied because they said she couldnt prove a "need" to carry a firearm. So we will see where this goes from here. I hope it holds up and they allow more to carry in this state lord knows we need it. An Armed society is a polite society.
Hey, that's my line, Ballen :lol:.

I quite agree that there should not be a requirement to show a 'need' to do something that is fundamentally lawful in your society.

I don't need to train in Iai but I want to for no other reason than I like it and I get a lot of benefit from it that has nothing to do with practical proficiency with a sword. Carrying one about with me, in a fashion where it is ready to use, would be impractical and illegal over here in Britain. I can see why, when broached in terms of how that might intimidate and frighten others.

A concealed carry pistol tho' ... why, when the right to bear arms is enshrined in your Constitution, should that be a source of so much brow beating and consternation?
A concealed carry pistol tho' ... why, when the right to bear arms is enshrined in your Constitution, should that be a source of so much brow beating and consternation?

Its how its written in our constitution. The anti-gun side says it is not ment to apply to the citizen its ment to apply to a state militia and pro-gun people say its a right for the people.
I`ve never understood the argument that my right to freedom of speech, religion,peaceful assembly, pricacy from unreasonable search and seizure, etc. are able to be exercised anywhere but my right to bear arms ends at my doorstep. I was very happy to see the decision in the MD case. There are far too many legilators who try to inhibit firearms ownership by roundabout means like proposing taxes or limits on ammunition purchases, or burdonsome insurance requirments that turn firearms ownership into a privilage only a few can afford. Add that to arbitrary requirements like having to show a sufficient need to carry a gun and it gets truly out of hand.( I wonder what people would think if they had to prove they had a real and sufficient need to drive before they could get a driver`s license.)Thanks for posting.
.( I wonder what people would think if they had to prove they had a real and sufficient need to drive before they could get a driver`s license.)Thanks for posting.

Its funny you say that because in MD you dont even need to prove your a citizen to get a drivers license. Pay the fee show a utilitybill with your name and a MD address and some type of photo Id and pass the test you get a license.
Here is the amendment in question...

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[SUP][57[/SUP]

Some on the anti-gun side see the militia part but for some reason that part about "...the right of the people..." is lost on them...

The founders were very careful in their wording and when they meant the people, they meant the people.