Giving Rank as one wins a tournament


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
This afternoon I had a potential customer come into my Dojaang and said he was a red belt in WTF TKD and he trained in India and that his Master was ready to promote him to Black Belt since he won another tournament. My question is in all my years of MA I have never heard of a instructor giving rank for winning a competition has anybody else and if so what was the circumstances.
Judo does, the Kodokan promotion guidelines say:
Those below the 4th dan who have been found outstandingly excellent in Red VS White Tournament held in spring and autumn every year at Kodokan, and those who have attained especially excellent result in All Japan Judo Championships or in World Judo Championships may be promoted regardless of these standards with the exception of minimum age candidates for 1st dan.

And most of BJJ schools do, usually if you win your division a couple of times at a big tournament it means you are ready to step up to the next one.

I have heard of requirements to attend tournaments from TKD schools, but not requirements to win them.

terryl965 said:
This afternoon I had a potential customer come into my Dojaang and said he was a red belt in WTF TKD and he trained in India and that his Master was ready to promote him to Black Belt since he won another tournament. My question is in all my years of MA I have never heard of a instructor giving rank for winning a competition has anybody else and if so what was the circumstances.
The Kukkiwon rank guidelines provide for decreased time-in-grade if one has competed and won at the International level. The idea being that if you've trained hard enough to succeed at this level, you have matured within your current grade.

terryl965 said:
This afternoon I had a potential customer come into my Dojaang and said he was a red belt in WTF TKD and he trained in India and that his Master was ready to promote him to Black Belt since he won another tournament. My question is in all my years of MA I have never heard of a instructor giving rank for winning a competition has anybody else and if so what was the circumstances.
LOL no, but hey, its a big wide world out there!
I don't get rank.....but we do get a special patch if we place in a Tourny
My tkd instructor does promote students for winning at tournaments but we are only allowed to progress in rank this way up to blue belt-5th gup.
terryl965 said:
This afternoon I had a potential customer come into my Dojaang and said he was a red belt in WTF TKD and he trained in India and that his Master was ready to promote him to Black Belt since he won another tournament. My question is in all my years of MA I have never heard of a instructor giving rank for winning a competition has anybody else and if so what was the circumstances.
customer? I thought dojos had students.........anyway... I have heard of judojo that sometimes promote for winning tournaments.
The Kodokan in Japan has a website that lists their requirments for testing.
RRouuselot said:
customer? I thought dojos had students.........anyway... I have heard of judojo that sometimes promote for winning tournaments.
The Kodokan in Japan has a website that lists their requirments for testing.
Dear Sir they are not a Student until they start class until then a potential customer. Just the way I look at it.
terryl965 said:
Dear Sir they are not a Student until they start class until then a potential customer. Just the way I look at it.

So, the offical Student and Teacher relationship is not there until they actually begin to study under you and not just watch a few classes or attend a couple of seminars.
Rich Parsons said:
So, the offical Student and Teacher relationship is not there until they actually begin to study under you and not just watch a few classes or attend a couple of seminars.
Sir in my eye's they are potential as long as they are on the sidelines watching. I cannot see how they are student until then. Seminars I never host I always attend so have no comment on that subject. I mean do not get me wrong I talk to them treat them nice but to be a teacher for one they have to be able to learn from your guide. Now if they pick up a few things from me while watching class then I believe they still are not my student for I had no formal dealing with them. It would be like video training the guy in the video never really trains you even though he has shown you everything. Just my humble opion.
terryl965 said:
Sir in my eye's they are potential as long as they are on the sidelines watching. I cannot see how they are student until then. Seminars I never host I always attend so have no comment on that subject. I mean do not get me wrong I talk to them treat them nice but to be a teacher for one they have to be able to learn from your guide. Now if they pick up a few things from me while watching class then I believe they still are not my student for I had no formal dealing with them. It would be like video training the guy in the video never really trains you even though he has shown you everything. Just my humble opion.


Please call me Rich.

I do not disagree with you, on the fact that they are not your students, until they actually begin to train and learn from you. That is my opinion as well. Humble if you would believe.

Thank you
Hello, There is no rules about "How rank is to be given" ,each school does it there way. Every got promote at work? standard rules for this promotions. Same in the martial art world. There is no right or wrong here. You may or not agree how they do it? Hope no one complains about your school? At ours ,the Black belts test is given only twice a year and in front/with the Professor and his chief instuctors. (about 4 hours long). You will need to be summited by your Head of school, meet the requirements, and approval of the Professor before testing. ......Aloha
As far as rank from the kodokan...I hear they also have a program in place for schoolteachers to get their black belt in 6 weeks.
bignick said:
As far as rank from the kodokan...I hear they also have a program in place for schoolteachers to get their black belt in 6 weeks.

Sadly enough that could be true. My wife is a school teacher and got her Shodan in roughly the same amount of time.

The reason that school teachers can do this is so they can run/teach the clubs at Jr/Sr high schools. Nobody expect them to be as good as a legit shodan.
RRouuselot said:
Sadly enough that could be true. My wife is a school teacher and got her Shodan in roughly the same amount of time.

The reason that school teachers can do this is so they can run/teach the clubs at Jr/Sr high schools. Nobody expect them to be as good as a legit shodan.
Yeah, I've heard they have a shortage of instructors and they are trying to get judo back into the schools. Maybe I should have went for an education degree. I've been a yellow belt in judo for about two years...I'd probably be a 5th dan under that program
bignick said:
Yeah, I've heard they have a shortage of instructors and they are trying to get judo back into the schools. Maybe I should have went for an education degree. I've been a yellow belt in judo for about two years...I'd probably be a 5th dan under that program
There isn’t really a shortage of instructors. In Japan teachers in some prefectures are required to be ranked in a martial art as part of their certification to teach in public schools. Normally this is kendo or judo, very rarely is Karate part of a schools sports program (long explanation for that). Therefore they crank them out like it was a factory. My wife admits here kendo shodan is a bit of a joke….you wouldn’t know it by the way she swats me with a broom though!
I have allowed students to advance in rank for winning a gold or silver medal in forms competition, though only for color belts. Other instructors in our organization do as well, but by no means all. Reason being when a student competes in front of judges, it is no different than testing. The only difference is you win a medal instead of a higher rank. We have one tournament a year, so they are not being promoted this way on a regular basis. Also, winning either a forms gold or silver or a forms/free fighting medal qualifies, not free fighting only. If a student wins a medal in just free fighting or one step, they are not eligible to advance. I believe that good form at this level is the most important, and so that is the determinant.