Gals don’t gab that much more than guys


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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Interesting bit of info:

WASHINGTON - Another stereotype — chatty gals and taciturn guys — bites the dust.

How many of you actually believe gals talk more than guys? What are your thoughts about this? I think this really depends upon with whom does the individual talk? I know that with most people, I talk very little, but there are a few certain individuals I could very easily talk with for hours and hours...

- Ceicei

Link to article:
Well, it's a fairly limited study, but then again, it's like the classic book title: How to Lie with Statistics, meaning it's pretty easy to get the result you go looking for. We could probably commission a study tomorrow that would conclude the opposite, as well.

Building on that bit of unsubstantiated blather, let me say that I'd always heard the figures 15k words/day for women, 10k for men (in general--I've known men you could kill and they'd still keep talking). Another way I've heard it is, women generally talk for rapport; men talk to report. Since this is true of me and my wife, I always figured it must be true of the whole world. What's that? I can't generalize from the specific like that? Oh, well, I've been wrong before. :)

Interesting topic, Ceicei. I hope it generates some discussion (word count tallied by sex to be conducted when it's all over? :p)
Another way I've heard it is, women generally talk for rapport; men talk to report. Since this is true of me and my wife, I always figured it must be true of the whole world. What's that? I can't generalize from the specific like that? Oh, well, I've been wrong before. :)

I've not heard it expressed that way before and I think that that encapsulates the truth of it very well :tup:. It certainly holds true in our house. I too have known blokes who could talk the hind leg off a donkey but these are rare. The ladies tend to be the ones around the table who get the conversation going and keep it running if it flags.

Of course, as Ceicei said above, it all depends on the dynamics of the group. When with some of my friends, we talk and debate and chat endlessly in our quest to set the world to rights. With others we can sit in companionable silence.

To further extrapolate, the stereotype of 'phone useage is an interesting one to add i.e. that women will chatter for hours on the 'phone about anything and everything whereas men use it to transmit relevant information and hang up.

An example of male 'phone conversation: "Hi Bob. Going the pub tonight? Okay, see you at seven." .

An example of female 'phone conversation "Hi Wend. Are you doing anything tonight? We're thinking about going to the pub ... the usual one ... next to the hairdressers ... yeah, the one they painted pink last month ... the one where Jules got that perm that didn't work right ... yeah, that's it ... {gossip about friends} ... {gossip about friends partners} ... {gossip about new clothes} ... {gossip about celebrities/TV shows/pretty much anything} ... anyhow, we reckoned about seven o'clock ... oh! It's half past seven already, best make it eight, oh hang on I've got to do my hair call it nine ..."

ROFL - sorry, I know that was evil of me but I couldn't resist {holds out hands in a guilty but appealing fashion}.
Heard on the radio today

A husband and wife were talking bout the news.

Husband "Did you see the report about how women speak twice as many words as men?"

Wife After some thought replied “of course so, we have to repeat everything that we say

Husband What?

Brian King
Heard on the radio today

A husband and wife were talking bout the news.

Husband "Did you see the report about how women speak twice as many words as men?"

Wife After some thought replied “of course so, we have to repeat everything that we say

Husband What?

Brian King
Ha! That's funny. I know that I'm not much of a talker at all unless I'm discussing something that I'm passionate about. I spend about 75-80% of my time alone so I really don't have anyone to talk to. Driving a truck for 9 or 10 hours a day the only people I talk to are on the CB radio and those conversations are generally just bear reports, hazzard reports and the like that last for only a few seconds. Erica and I talk as much as possible to each other but, sadly, there never seems to be enough time for that.
Ever listen to 2 armchair quarterbacks discuss Sundays game???Talk about long winded..
I've known both long winded and one sider conversationalists of both sexes. You can only get in the words: yeah, uh-huh, right-but, I know, and SIGH! You quickly learn not to say: no, never-heard of it, wrong, uh-uhh (the negative), and so forth because it'll just spur them on.

Like Ceicei said it's about the dynamics of who you're with. I'm the same way. With some people you won't hear me say more than two or three (of the above words). With others, I'm fairly animated. But I try to be even keeled.

I think both sexes gab just as much as the other. It all depends on the subject.

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