full contact video

ive been working on alot of punching to bridge recemtly... as they punch i just punch through and see how they respond.... can i get in there and follow up or am i just averting their combo.... it really puts a few people off,as they step in , a punch flies back..
but i still need to work on everything that this thread has brought up... great thread guys... am about to print it off and keep with all my other notes and stuff.
Hmm I cant say Ive ever thought of printing the stuff off thats on here but I may start doing that when I see somthing interesting.
i have a pile of random notes that i try to make after every session to try to drill it into my slow old brain.
i can then try to go over those notes in my home practise for the few days after iv learnt soemthing new or re visited a technique a move that i have found difficult.
i have a folder full of random notes and i also have a pretty full how to book just form mooks notes lol
but i have whole treads from here or iv cut and pasted into word quotes and drills people have posted so i can keep and use from reference when i,m training at home and need inspiration or help with a particular technique.
I would like for lots of MJMs posts to be stickied, especially the drills ones.
sorry OP for mini thread hijack but i was going to try and collate all the info for specific things and put all into one thread... like chi sau- any post with info all cut and pasted into a chis sau sticky so we can all use as reference.
back to the thread...i would hazard a guess that neither guys in the second vid were particualerly experienced in their chosen arts as the wc didnt look like wc and the tkd didnt either.IMHO.
why was the wc guy standing on the end of the kicks.... if the tkd guy was any good he would have controlled the fight just with legs only.
not saying i would be any better, deffff not lol.
and again respect for getting into a ring and having a crack!
sorry OP for mini thread hijack but i was going to try and collate all the info for specific things and put all into one thread... like chi sau- any post with info all cut and pasted into a chis sau sticky so we can all use as reference.

Aaa don't worry about it Matsu. I posted this so we can all learn, be it from the video or not... so long as we talk about what can actually work in a fight... No armchair wing chunning. lol. Props to you for working on your wing chun.

back to the thread...i would hazard a guess that neither guys in the second vid were particualerly experienced in their chosen arts as the wc didnt look like wc and the tkd didnt either.IMHO.
why was the wc guy standing on the end of the kicks.... if the tkd guy was any good he would have controlled the fight just with legs only.
not saying i would be any better, deffff not lol.
and again respect for getting into a ring and having a crack!

thanks Matsu.

In regards to the other video... the wing chun guy is one of the better ones i've seen caught on film in a full contact competition. He was grounded. Moved down the center, did some paks, chain punched, loped, attacked his opponents center and had some quick hands.

His opponent the TKD guy might not be the best TKD guy but he would give anyone problems. He was versatile with his feet as well as his hands. Here's a better video of him versus a thai guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4uys2TiN58&feature=related
Here's a video of another wing chun guy... not me... going against a very versatile TKD guy, with some apparent training in jkd also. Would everything that we've discussed work in this scenario... If not, what can be changed.


Not much evidence of Wing Chun as I know it in that video I'm afraid. , these are some points that stood out for me.
  • Improper guard , hands off the centreline , guard too low.
  • Hunched forward like a boxer instead of having head up and back straight.
  • Off balance most of the time due to his posture .
  • Not sunk down , bouncing around .
  • Needs to work on speed , punches way too slow.
  • Seems to hang around on the periphery of kicking range waiting to be kicked.
  • Seemed to be very intimidated by very flicky kicks that were lacking power hence the above point. He should have just walked straight through them and into punching range , no need for any leg deflections even.
  • Don't try and duck high kicks or pull your head back away from them , straight away your body structure is compromised and your balance is gone and you just give him another opportunity to attack , instead raise your arms high to protect your head and raise your leg at the same time so that knee almost touches elbow , we call this Full Guard then step in, or alternatively get your hands up protecting your head and move straight in and keep going then start punching.
These are Wing Chun strategies he needed to employ.
  • Be much more aggressive , he was way to passive . He could have bulldozed that guy straight into the ropes many times as his opponent seem to spend a lot of the time on one foot or in mid air throwing flicky kicks
  • Again bridge the gap with your own kick and soon as you step down into range start attacking his lead hand with the Pak Sau and punch and then for Gods sake press the attack until the guy is backing up and off balance.
  • For slightly greater than kicking range distance and if you believe you might be kicked as you move in USE A CHARGING KNEE , it guards your centre as you move in and can also attack. Just take a short step forward with one foot as you raise your other knee up to guard your groin and midsection and charge straight in , once in range step down attack with pak sau and chain punching.
  • He needed to press the attack , he threw a few punches then would back off straight into his opponents kicking range again.
  • You have to get in very close so that you can dominate the centreline if the opponent is trying to resist your striking and use the bottom of your forearms to trap his arms as you are chain punching. This accomplishes a few things , it strikes the opponent , traps his arms underneath yours so he can't hit and because of the action of your forearms driving forward and sliding over his arms it exerts pressure on his balance and destabilizes him. For this to work effectively you must be in close range , sunk down in your stance and aggressively and continuously moving forward.
  • A good way to practice this is to get your partner to hold his arm up very strong like he is try to resist your punching , move in with Pak sau and start chain punching , get in very close and aim for his head , but at the same keeping in contact with his arm , sawing over his arm , the angles of your forearm acts like a type of wedge . The action of the arm retracting on his arm tends to drag his arm down and the punching arm going forward pushes his arm so that he feels that he is constantly being pushed and pulled as he is being hit which keeps him off balance. ITS JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO MERELY HIT WE HAVE TO CONTROL THEIR ARM AND HIT AT THE SAME TIME.
  • Make sure you sink down , use your stance and keep going forward.
Once you have mastered that drill you may start adding further measures for even greater control of his arm , such as wrist latching , if he is putting up too much resistance or trying to get away , when your punching arm is returning turn it into a Fook Sau and drop it like a dead weight so that your inner forearm slides down his arm and fingers hook over the top of his arm (in what we call a latch .

This will drag his arm down clearing the path for you strike with the other hand. Practice this drill in a continuous and relaxed fashion , one arm punches and on its return the punch becomes a latch , at the same time your other punch is going forward and the cycle goes on an on.

With a bit of practice you will be surprised how fast you can chain punch while inserting wrist latching into the chain punching cycle , after a while it becomes second nature and anytime you make contact with the opponents arms you will automatically start chain punching and latching . I find it to be a very fast , simple and aggressive type of trapping.
Ugh, I see so many of these videos! it drives me NUTS! I wish I could find something like this to attend.. just nothing in my area, or if there is.. impossible to find on the internet.. grumble grumble rant rant!!
I watched a few of those videos. One of them, the guy gets creamed by a MT fighter. The other one did okay (karate vs wc) , he did alright in the beginning, lost it and then did better during the 2nd half.
Ugh, I see so many of these videos! it drives me NUTS! I wish I could find something like this to attend.. just nothing in my area, or if there is.. impossible to find on the internet.. grumble grumble rant rant!!

Alot of the videos on youtube dont look like Wing Chun as the people that usually post them are people that are totally full of themself and think they are great and most likely havnt actually trained for long which makes it look like rubbish. They are just too cocky and think they are showing off but instead they are showing that they have learnt nothing.

I have mentioned in threads before that this isnt just for WC as its the same with most styles since some people start doing a MA think theyre "cool" and put them self up for all to see how "cool" they are.

There are the exceptions like the OP where people put it up for constrctive critisism.

It will be rare for you to see a great video from a master of WC on youtube as they will have learned to be humble and confident enough in there ability not to have to show off.
Alot of the videos on youtube dont look like Wing Chun as the people that usually post them are people that are totally full of themself and think they are great and most likely havnt actually trained for long which makes it look like rubbish. They are just too cocky and think they are showing off but instead they are showing that they have learnt nothing.

I have mentioned in threads before that this isnt just for WC as its the same with most styles since some people start doing a MA think theyre "cool" and put them self up for all to see how "cool" they are.

There are the exceptions like the OP where people put it up for constrctive critisism.

It will be rare for you to see a great video from a master of WC on youtube as they will have learned to be humble and confident enough in there ability not to have to show off.
Well said

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