Full contact or point system?

I agree, martial arts is about FIGHTING. if theres people that want to wave arounds sticks in the 21st century and do dances moves instead of fight, than dont do martial arts!!
Three things.
1: Hey there 3yr old Thread!
2: Some Stick Fighters carry Sticks on their person.
3: I Agree.
Three things.
1: Hey there 3yr old Thread!
2: Some Stick Fighters carry Sticks on their person.
3: I Agree.
1) Every clear (THUMP!) I hear a heart beat...the thread isn't dead yet
2) Agreed.
3) So Taiji people should not do martial arts since a vast majority of them do not fight?
I agree, martial arts is about FIGHTING. if theres people that want to wave arounds sticks in the 21st century and do dances moves instead of fight, than dont do martial arts!!
Explain what you mean by 'wave around sticks and do dance moves.' Do you have specific arts in mind when you say this?
1) Every clear (THUMP!) I hear a heart beat...the thread isn't dead yet
2) Agreed.
3) So Taiji people should not do martial arts since a vast majority of them do not fight?
3: I meant the Dance Moves Part - I thought I covered the stick thing in 2 :)
Even for continuous action sparring, how can you figure the ratio of how many points should be awarded for how effective a landed technique should be, which is what the case is if the rules don't allow full contact.

Even with something like kickboxing or MMA, judges have to figure this out. Because it's not like every strike that a full contact fighter throws is full power. In MMA, for instance, you see plenty of leg kicks and other techniques that are clearly not full power and are thrown to score points.
i see what you're saying, but a full-scale conversion to knockdown TKD would lead to a mass exodus. part of why point fighting is popular is because it hurts less than knockdown rules. i think knockdown TKD as a division of competition would give the art more respect, but i don't think that it should replace point fighting. i think rather a restructuring of point fighting would be better. for instance, penalties for dropping your defense after scoring, not counting pitty-pat strikes, that sort of thing.

Considering that Olympic style TKD already allows full-contact strikes, I think scoring knockdowns better would lead to fighters throwing harder strikes. For instance, if you got 5 points for a knockdown then competitors would more fully utilize the full-contact nature of the sport.
3: I meant the Dance Moves Part - I thought I covered the stick thing in 2 :)
Sorry...thought you were referring to the "If you don't fight..." part...Carry on...I'm going to sit and watch this zombie thread eat people's brains. :)