flag patches on gis

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I never really understood why, in American training facilities that teach Korean arts, that the Korean flag holds such a place of prominence. Likewise, I find it amusingly interesting that according to MOB schools in the UK don't hang the Union Jack, but hang the flags of other countries...

Even though I am an American, and darn proud of that fact (despite the black eyes my country's history may have), I fail to see the necessity of an American flag, either as flag or patch, displayed in conjunction with martial arts training.

Sure, hang one outside to show your patriotism. Sure, have one on your uniform to do the same. But hanging one in the school and bowing to it? Why not rather recite the Pledge of Allegiance or play the National Anthem, while holding the right hand over the heart? Those are American ways of displaying respect for our National Colors, not bowing...

And having other countries' flags in the school has sort of amused me, too... To paraphrase what MOB said upthread, do you forget the national origin of the art you study? :)


Wear what you want, just don't overdo it...

:asian: :tank: :asian:
I agree upon the

wear what you want just dont over do it comment............

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
I’m just starting martial arts. Haven’t even joined a specific studio yet. But bought my Gis. And patch. And was going to get put on. I never questioned weather I would have a flag patch. Just wanted to verify sleeve and direction. I mostly watched Olympics and players on most sports always had flags on uniform. I not a vet but did work as a army civilian for 14 years. Proud patriotic American. Will of course wear a flag. To the young lady. If any one try’s to take yours. I’m sure they will learn their lesson. And if you need a hand let me know. Sandy
I’m just starting martial arts. Haven’t even joined a specific studio yet. But bought my Gis. And patch. And was going to get put on. I never questioned weather I would have a flag patch. Just wanted to verify sleeve and direction. I mostly watched Olympics and players on most sports always had flags on uniform. I not a vet but did work as a army civilian for 14 years. Proud patriotic American. Will of course wear a flag. To the young lady. If any one try’s to take yours. I’m sure they will learn their lesson. And if you need a hand let me know. Sandy

Normally it is left hand side for non military medals and stuff. ( I think. It has been a while)

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I’m just starting martial arts. Haven’t even joined a specific studio yet. But bought my Gis. And patch. And was going to get put on. I never questioned weather I would have a flag patch. Just wanted to verify sleeve and direction. I mostly watched Olympics and players on most sports always had flags on uniform. I not a vet but did work as a army civilian for 14 years. Proud patriotic American. Will of course wear a flag. To the young lady. If any one try’s to take yours. I’m sure they will learn their lesson. And if you need a hand let me know. Sandy
Do you at least know where you intend to sign up? If not, you put the cart behind the horse. A plain white gi is your safest bet, but some dojos have different requirements. In what I've observed, Korean styles are more likely to have American flag patches on their uniforms, but they're also the least likely to wear plain white gis.
To the young lady. If any one try’s to take yours. I’m sure they will learn their lesson. And if you need a hand let me know. Sandy
I don't think she had any concerns about people trying to take hers. And if they did, they've had 20 years since she posted to try, so I doubt you would be able to help at this point :D

"No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."

"No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Many people who refer to respecting the flag, I have seen break b, c, d, e, g, i, j and k. I was grown up with the idea that following the flag code was respecting it, so when I realized people were violating the code constantly, while claiming to respect the flag, it blew my mind.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Many people who refer to respecting it, I have seen break b, c, d, e, g, i, j and k. I was grown up with the idea that following the flag code was respecting it, so when I realized people were violating the code constantly while claiming respect it blew my mind.
My biggest pet peeve is when people hang a flag outside their home or on their car and just let it rot away.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Many people who refer to respecting the flag, I have seen break b, c, d, e, g, i, j and k. I was grown up with the idea that following the flag code was respecting it, so when I realized people were violating the code constantly, while claiming to respect the flag, it blew my mind.
Wearing it as a Cape on Australia day always made me cringe a bit.
My biggest pet peeve is when people hang a flag outside their home or on their car and just let it rot away.
My late father-in-law did this. He was a huge patriot, per him, part of some freedom party. We were having a talk at some point that involved burning flags, and I mentioned that is a proper way to dispose of them, if done right, when a flag got too withered..he didn't like that.
Wearing it as a Cape on Australia day always made me cringe a bit.
Or when an athlete who just won a gold medal at the Olympics grabs it, drapes it over their shoulder, then drags it along the ground or just drops it.

Anyway, I try not to get too worked up about it, but I will admit that I judge folks who disrespect the flag... particularly when they do it in a confidently ignorant manner. Can't speak for everywhere else, but around here the people who do this are typically members of meal team six.

"No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."
The "Patriotic Organizations" clause leaves it pretty much wide open to anybody who wants to say they're wearing it out of patriotism.
One thing to note here is that this is a symbolic regulation. There are no penalties for violating the federal flag code. Not sure if any states have penalties attached but I’ve never heard of one.
One thing to note here is that this is a symbolic regulation. There are no penalties for violating the federal flag code. Not sure if any states have penalties attached but I’ve never heard of one.
I know for at least the flag burning aspect, it went to the supreme court and was found that enforcing it is unconstitutional. I'd assume the same is true for the other aspects of it-I only know about the flag burning because it came up when learning how to properly burn then in the BSA.
I know for at least the flag burning aspect, it went to the supreme court and was found that enforcing it is unconstitutional. I'd assume the same is true for the other aspects of it-I only know about the flag burning because it came up when learning how to properly burn then in the BSA.
Agreed. It can't be enforced. The intent, however, is clear. Anyone is free to respect or disrespect the flag. Creative interpretation, which is usually what comes next in discussion of this sort, is simply a salve to the disrespectful to make them feel better about being disrespectful. I'm not perfect, I have a Jean jacket with a US flag patch on it, and I shouldn't. I won't pretend it's not wrong.
Agreed. It can't be enforced. The intent, however, is clear. Anyone is free to respect or disrespect the flag. Creative interpretation, which is usually what comes next in discussion of this sort, is simply a salve to the disrespectful to make them feel better about being disrespectful. I'm not perfect, I have a Jean jacket with a US flag patch on it, and I shouldn't. I won't pretend it's not wrong.
You can buy jackets, ballcaps, and other clothing at exchanges on military bases that have US flag patches on them. If these items can be sold and worn on federal property, then it shows one thing that we've already known to be true. That whether something is respectful or disrespectful is determined by the intent of the person making the expression, not by words on a document.
....whether something is respectful or disrespectful is determined by the intent of the person making the expression, not by words on a document.
Yeah. I think you guys established that a ways back.

Burning a tattered flag to properly retire it is respectful.
Burning a flag, throwing it on the ground, trampling it and cursing the country it represents isn't.

A harder call is to judge conflicting intentions. Extremists on opposite sides of an issue typically believe that their side is both right and righteous.
You can buy jackets, ballcaps, and other clothing at exchanges on military bases that have US flag patches on them. If these items can be sold and worn on federal property, then it shows one thing that we've already known to be true. That whether something is respectful or disrespectful is determined by the intent of the person making the expression, not by words on a document.
Anyone can justify it any way they wish. The words on the document are what they are. Respect them or do not. I don't have any interest in telling people how to live their lives. As I said, I am also a violator. But I know that I am, and I do not lie to myself about it. But whatever makes people feel better I guess.
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