Financial crisis closes a dojang


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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The economics in my country are very very bad since the last third of 2008, I know this is a world wide bad situation however it seems USA and Europe are recovering but us in México are going down, our president raised the taxes and even created a new ones and the price of food and energetics are reaching sky limits. The regular worker has a very thin income to feed,dress and take care of his/her family, in my country the things are turning pretty bad.

Yestarday a feiend of mine who is a 4th degree black belt in TKD and first degree black belt in Hap Ki Do told me he had to close his dojang on november 30.

As long as I know since summer vacation the kids stoping go to train and the number of students went down 50%, even wiht this low number of kids my friend tried to mainaing the boat floating but evetually the lose of students make him broke.

When I herd this I got pretty sad, thanx god my friend works for a govermantal company and the dojang was only a part of his income but the economics of my friend is suffering since last summer.

I live in a nice broad country a very rich one in natural resourses but saddly my goverment it's doing the opossite what other countries are doing to recover from the financial situation.

Felipe Calderon president of Mexico and the legislators chambers are killing a beautiful country with all the bad laws they are issuing.

It's not all that different here in the U.S. Recovering from the bad economy and haveing the media say that we are recovering are 2 very different things. Hope your friend is doing well and reopens once everything settles down. Best wishes.
the same strategies that Mexico is using are the same ones that the U.S. is trying. Raising taxes don't create jobs in Mexico the same as it doesn't in the U.S.
The economy is bad everywhere, people need to adjust to make ends meet, it is a sad day but the truth is we allow things like this to happen.

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