Female students flirting with thier instuctors

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fist of fury

I'm curious for the instructors here how prevelent is it? And how do you handle it? Does the student get upset and leave or do they get mad and try and make you look bad? And if not, does it make the classroom enviorment uncomfortable for you as an instructor? How do the other students react?

I'm not even close to instructor level so I've never had this problem so I'd like to hear how many of you have handled it. In this day and age where being a man automatically makes you guilty whether or not you've actually done anything I'm interested to hear how it affected you as an instructor.
If you present yourself professionally, the students will treat you with the same kind of respect (or more) that they give to, say, a college professor...
Certainly a no fraternization policy is the best way to avoid this issue...put it in the "rules" that you have every student read and sign when they sign on...
I've never had a problem with students flirting with me.
I have had students that flirted with each other and eventually dated...and then broke up...eventually one of them stopped training at our school.

Does your new aviator ever hit on you? She keeps trying to dance at me, and I think it's kinda sexy!:p

Seriously, I have had stuents hit on me before, but by not responding and acting professional, it usually disapates.
I'm not an instructor, but I have seen students flirt with their senseis. It's just distracting. I could care less what they do outside of class, but the dojo isn't the place for fluttering eyelashes.

Getting off my grumpy old man horse, I can understand it. Martial arts--especially the teaching of martial arts--lends itself to close physical contact, and it's not inconceivable that someone could miscontrue that.

I've also seen students flirt and date one another. The inevitable breakup generally means we lose at least one student.

Does it happen? Yes. Should it happen? I think that the answer should be the same as if a boss of a company were to be socializing with an employee. It probably depends on the situation as in the case that follows which is true.

At the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school I recently left. There is a woman that I remember her being asked specifically by another woman "so whats going with you and (the instructors name)" and she replied "what are you talking about," that was abouy 2.5 years ago.

Today they are engaged to be married.
As They Say:

Dont Dip the Pen in the Company Ink.

Michael Tabone
Originally posted by PAUL
Seriously, I have had stuents hit on me before, but by not responding and acting professional, it usually disapates.

I've seen instances (not in M.A. but in school) where when the
advances are met in kind, then anger sets in, rumors and lies
get spread by the now angry, formerly flirtatious party.
I've had to teach the class on occasion and of course........being young there is the occasional flirting. Of course I'm not really sure how to deal with it so I just smile and move on. My dads too ugly to even think about asking whether its happened to him.......**** he saw that......time for my *** whupping :(

Originally posted by PAUL
She keeps trying to dance at me, and I think it's kinda sexy!

i thought i told that flirt to stop gyrating at the men on martial talk...ugly cat might have to come back and set her and everyone else straight.

in all seriousness though...we did have a woman up at our school at one point that had slept with her instructor (not mine, she had her black when she came to our school) pretty much for the sole reason of getting her black belt. after she had it she then dumped the instructor...don't know his name the poor shmuck, and ran off to our school with her new boyfriend from the old school.

the two of them didn't last long at our place...my instructor kicked them out after he'd had enough of their garbage.

and ladies...no disrespect to all of you...this chick was just all about herself and had no problem doing whatever it took to make her "outfit" complete.
That would curl your toes up.

However out of respect for some of the participants I won't.

...so you know it must be bad!
in addition...there are also some older men in our school (who are instructors) that like to flirt with the young women who come in to the school. not only do i find it disrespectful to the girls, the school, and the art...it also skeezes me out to see old dudes hitting on fine young ladies...

i mean com'on...that's my territory...:D
So far we've from a few instructors...all male.
I know there are female teachers, too...
Has this happened to any of you?

You know another problem similar to this one......when the fat chicks are doing stretches and they bend over and you have to look right up there ***........puts you right off training. :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
You know another problem similar to this one......when the fat chicks are doing stretches and they bend over and you have to look right up there ***........puts you right off training. :asian:

thats just wrong!:eek: :rofl:
Originally posted by PAUL
But you would prefer looking up a big fat Male @$$ ....wouldn't you? Say it ain't so, I dare ya! Fibber! *Massage to the Groin*

I'm sayin it aint so.......stop trying to change my mind! Hey.....HEY!! That my leg your humping there......get off that!

*Boot to the Groin*

That'll show you :p
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