Chat room up and running...

CAnt get it to work.

Registered my user id, but no work, cant log in.

I removed your chat account.

Please Re-register and give it another try.

If you still cant get in, please send me a PM here with your password and I'll try and figure out where the problem is.

Works fine now. I think it was a error-40: which is that the error was 40 cm from the screen.....


Originally posted by Yari
I think it was a error-40: which is that the error was 40 cm from the screen.....

LOL! I hadn't heard this one before. I had the same error last night, when I kept trying to use my password for the new site to log in to the old beta site we were using to test...ah well, in my case the 40 could represent my advanced age and foggy memory as well!
Originally posted by arnisador
ah well, in my case the 40 could represent my advanced age and foggy memory as well!

In that case I'm getting there. Next year I'm turning 40 ..... So the whole year would be an error-40 :rofl: :rofl: :D

Originally posted by DAC..florida
wont let me in either some help please!

Looks like you're in now--can you tell us more about what the problem was?

-MT Admin-
first i double clicked on the web adress shown then i registered.
next i double clicked on the little square box that said chat it then told me i must first register
Originally posted by DAC..florida
maybe its just me but Im not getting in!

I though I saw you in there earlier. What browser are you using?

I show dac.. and dac..flori as registered chat users.

-MT Admin-
Its just as well.....He's not very interesting to talk to anyway :D
It's starting to sound like we have AOL compatibility issues. While we look at it from this end, someone has suggested using Netscape with your AOL connection. Can you try this? We'll keep trying to resolve it from here

-MT Admin-
AOL has 'issues' with their browser. The chatroom is heavily CSS dependent, and AOL's 'customization' can cause problems.

Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x -should- all work ok. (Not tested)
Internet Explorer 6.x works. (Tested)
Netscape 6.x and greater work. (Tested)
Mozilla 1.3 and greater work. (Tested)
Opera 6x and greater work. (Tested)

If you are an AOL or Compuserve user and experiencing problems, please try an alternate web browser.

If you are using a browser not on the above list, please let me know your experiences.

Thank you!