Favorite TV Shows?

Yes it is ..Billie Piper.
It only comes on in the UK so I have to get the episodes online.

The new Doctor Who runs hot and cold for me. Some of the bad characters are just too campy for this day and age.

But, I had read an article about this actress leaving the part of Rose to become the call girl. It seems very intriguing. I would love to see it, at least once.

I'm glad to know I wasn't missing it on UPN or whatever that network is called now.

Yes, Buffy was that good. As was Angel, and Firefly. My wife watched them more than me. Currently, she is getting a big kick out of 'Reaper'.
First, I feel it necessary to say....I love my TiVo.

On that note.....HOUSE, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, Star Trek (working on the original series), Family Guy, Quantum Leap, Dead Zone, Biggest Loser (I can't help it...my wife loves it and I'm hooked now), and of course....The King of Queens
Ace, it was such a shame that the money men made the scriptwriters of Alias simplify everything after Series 1 because they thought the viewing public couldn't understand it ... and then cancelled it anyhow :eek:.

I was loving the fact that I couldn't quite put the pieces together and was eagerly awaiting more slim insights into what the overall picture would eventually be. Ah well, maybe they'll properly novelise it one day?

You know, that is what made me tune in every weeek, it complex storyline that you had to stay tuned in every week to see the plot twists and turns. I think I have the first 3 seasons on DVD. Yes the 2st season was the best season by far.

I agree it should be made into a novel.

Funny that JJ Abrams who did Alias would do Mission Impossible 3 and to me the 3rd is the best out of all 3 of the films.
The new Doctor Who runs hot and cold for me. Some of the bad characters are just too campy for this day and age.

But, I had read an article about this actress leaving the part of Rose to become the call girl. It seems very intriguing. I would love to see it, at least once.

I'm glad to know I wasn't missing it on UPN or whatever that network is called now.quote]

You can't beat Billie Piper semi nude in episodes or seeing her doing stuff that you swear would only be on the spice channel.

Amazes me how shows like this are only shown on tv in the UK but would be only accessible in the U.S. if it was on showtime or HBO and even at that....it wouldnt last long due to people complaining that it is too sexually explicit.

I think it is time for me to get more into foreign programing.
Any of the CSIs
The Simpsons
Dancing with the Stars
Gene Simmons' Family Jewels
The Soup
VH1's Best Week Ever
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
Family Guy
Hannah Montana
I totally forgot Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and Manswers
I like: The Family Guy, The Office, Scrubs, CSI Las Vegas, and Desperate Housewives.
O gee. The wife and I always watch Prison Break and the Bionic woman together. Not too mention "How I met your mother."

However, I am a huge Justice League and Batman fan. I will watch any cartoon version of these incarnations, including Superman alone. Even as "Campy" as the Superfriends are I still watched them as a kid. You know you are a 70's kid when Hanna Barbara ruled the cartoon scene.
I was sitting here and realized I missed one of my fav tv shows (Law & Order:SVU) so made wanna ask.......

What TV shows are ya favorite?

Mon: Weeds
Tues: Law & Order: SVU, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me
Thurs: Smallville, The Secret Diary Of A Call Girl
Sat: Property Ladder

Thats it for me...when tv is on other times it stays on HGTV.

When I came to the US I was super disappointed, because (at least in Time Warner) the channels take so much time advertising that I lose interest in what I'm watching. grrr!

Buuuut... I see Law & Order SVU several times a week (mostly old chapters xD). CSI Miami (I got a little tired of CSI Las Vegas), Monk, The Girls Next Door (lol) and House when I catch them. My husband is waiting for Burn Notice new season. (january, right?)

(My husband watched The Biggest Loser too but he quit when one of the "biggest losers" married another of the competitors, they have a child and they gained the weight again... pffffff)

Cartoons? Yep, mostly adult swim, like American Dad, Family Guy, Drawn Together, occasionaly The Simpsons and The King of the Hills.