Famous Idiots

Tess, great site. I spent at least an hour browsing and laughing. How soon, though, before it gets shut down as being too controversial or offensive to the liberal mindset?
....right, funny thing how all the "idiots" dont support bush LOL

Now THATS funny.

lol, people who make those sites need to get a clue.
How soon, though, before it gets shut down as being too controversial or offensive

you will notice the thread is not shut down....and it wasn't offensive to me... So your a little off on your "27 rotfl"

If i go look at horribly biased websites, that quotes things wich in of itself is not stupid, just from "stupid famous people"

The only thing i feel is sorry, sorry for the people who made that site, and sorry for the people who accualy think of those celeberaties are stupid. If einstien was anti-bush they would have quoted him on that site.

Ignorance just upsets me.
What pisses me off...

Regardless of who is saying it... Democrat, Republican... Conservative, Liberal...

First off...

Freedom of Speech is one thing.

Openly speaking traitorus comments is another. As far as I know, TREASON is still an offense punishable by death.

But I get off my point...

These IDIOTS on BOTH SIDES of the line need to get off their high horses, stop whining because people have opposite politcial agendas. I really really belive so many of these people simply think the way they do because they are "Democrats" or "Republicans"

We need to stop slaping the lable "Left" or "Right" on ourselves and fighting each other only because of those lables.

I have to say, from OUTSIDE THE LINES... (I am neither Republican or Democrat... I am AMERICAN, statism is bull@#$% ) I see a lot more screaming, whining and crying from the Democrat side of the line. MAYBE its because the "Liberals" do control or make up a larger portion of the media/entertainment industry and that is why... I couldnt say, I dont have the numbers. I do remember Clinton allegedly doing a lot of things Equal to or beyond what Bush does in office, but the only thing focused on was the Monican Lewinski BS. Ask yourself Why is that? Is it because THAT is what was fed to us by the media as a distraction while he was in? Or is the media making an effort to demonize Bush? Again, I dont know... I just find it strange. But the other day I was in a restaruant and they had CNN on... I could not believe the CRAP they were spouting out and the BLATENT manipulation of facts they were displaying. Anyone with 1/2 a brain could see it. No one questions this?

My point is this... If we could come together and focus on correcting things instead of trying to make our Parties look good, and their party look bad... we might have some strength as a nation.

I dont think the situation would be any different if there were a Democrat in office, I think we would still be at war, the only thing that might be different is that we would be seeing how "Positive" of a thing it is. All this political posturing is retarded.
Well, I'm certainly not going to get caught up in a pointless discussion about this, but I am going to make a couple of statements.

1st off, it's good to see that nobody Republican or conservative ever made a stupid public statement. I mean, that stuff about trees causing air pollution, or ketchup being a vegetable, or signing legislation to outlaw the Soviet Union so "we begin bombing in five minutes," or innumerable other gems, never happened.

2nd, good to know that none of the reprehensible public behavior--Henry Hyde driving his girlfriend to get an abortion, then claiming it was all youthful indiscretion though he was 40 at the time, for example, or Nancy Reagan's using an astrologer to determine the President's calendar, Rush Limbaugh's adventures in rehab after years of snarling about junkies--ever happens on the Republican side of the aisle. Musta been some other Republican party.

But 3rd, and anybody who supports this one oughta be ashamed themselves, there's the notion that Americans who haven't done a damned thing except exercise their Constitutional rights of free speech are traitors. Not that they'd give a damn--certainly, mean-spirited sleazes like Ann Coulter couldn't care less--but Americans fought and died and got ruined for those rights of free speech and dissent, which happen to be in that wacky Bill of Rights PRECISELY SO THAT we can object loudly and effectively to public policy decisions. Shame on them. Shame on them for knowing so little about democracy, shame on them for taking its core principles so lightly, and shame on them for throwing charges like this around as though they didn't matter.

It's this kind of crap that has led to all the claims that people who served their country loyally in harder times than you or I have ever seen--people like Colin Powell and Wesley Clark, if anybody's interested--need to be lectured about their responsibilities and their patriotism in times of crisis.

Personally, I don't look to rich actors like Streisand to determine my political beliefs, or sense of national policy. Personally, I avoid demanding that everybody in the country agree with me, or be stamped traitors. Personally, I like to read books that AREN'T on bestseller lists, and listen to people who AREN'T on cheap talk shows, before I decide what I think. Personally, I'd argue that anybody who takes the likes of those clowns on, "Crossfire," and "Oprah," seriously as intellectuals, pretty much deserves the dumb ideas that they end up with.

That site, though, does exemplify what happens when you fall into chanting politically-correct ideas shoved down your throat by the mass media.

Me, I miss Barry Goldwater and Eisenhower. But then, they had some faith in American democracy and Americans.
Originally posted by theletch1
Tess, great site. I spent at least an hour browsing and laughing. How soon, though, before it gets shut down as being too controversial or offensive to the liberal mindset?

Wow, they’ve accelerated the schedule, they control web content as well as the media? I didn’t think that was in the master plan until 2008. :shrug:

I’ll have to send an encrypted message to Hillary and Ted and congratulate them. I knew it was a brilliant idea to have Al Gore create the internet!

Booga Booga……

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
But 3rd, and anybody who supports this one oughta be ashamed themselves, there's the notion that Americans who haven't done a damned thing except exercise their Constitutional rights of free speech are traitors. Not that they'd give a damn--certainly, mean-spirited sleazes like Ann Coulter couldn't care less--but Americans fought and died and got ruined for those rights of free speech and dissent, which happen to be in that wacky Bill of Rights PRECISELY SO THAT we can object loudly and effectively to public policy decisions. Shame on them. Shame on them for knowing so little about democracy, shame on them for taking its core principles so lightly, and shame on them for throwing charges like this around as though they didn't matter.

I would be the first one to agree that Freedom of Speech is an IMPORTANT right... but again, There is also personal responsibility, there are CERTAIN THINGS YOU CANNOT SAY... I cite the example of the "person" (I will refrain from listing his Name or Political affiliation here) who stated, and I QUOTE:

"I belive that we must remove the current administration by any means neccessary!"

The Argument can be made that this statement can be "innocent" or it can be made to be much more sinister. If I said it about you, which way would you take it?

"I belive that we must remove rmcrobertson by any means neccessary!"

Would you think I meant to do you harm? Would you look for protection? Or say, "Well, you have the right to say that..."

What if I decided to Post your name, address, social security number, phone number and Credit Card numbers here? Would freedom of Speech make that right and just? Or would you seek to imprison me for it?

What if I chose to yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater? Criminal? Or Free Speech?

As far as my statement about treasonous statements, I was not refering to anything specific in that webpage, but comments in general... I was refering to some of the things I heard being thrown around durring the initial round of demonstrations and protests over the war... Im not talking about objecting to policy decisions, or Bush, or anthing like that, I am talking about truly Anti-american sentiment like "America should be destroyed" and "We deserved to be attacked"

And I am not ashamed for feeling this way.

Additionaly, I had some rather angry things to say about people hiding behind those who, like most of my family going back generations DID fight and bleed for those rights, instead of hiding in a protest march somewhere, but I chose to remove them.


Sorry If I am taking this off thread, I will stop now.
Ok, I went off half-cocked...

I blame the "two party system" for so much of whats wrong in america right now...

I swear I think a lot of Democrats would vote for Hitler if he ran on the democratic ticket just because he was a "democrat", and a lot of republicans would do the same if Mussolini ran on that ticket... out of sheer party loyalty, and be dammned what happens after that...

By the same token I think most Democrats would scream and cry and whine and try and villify "the perfect president" if he ran and was elected on the republican ticket, and the Republicans would look for a way to oust "the perfect president" if he ran on the Democratic ticket.

And I dont see a solution, but I keep seeing the BS paraded around by both sides... and my hands are tied because I dont have the power or money to SHOW that to people... Frustrating.
So can we fling Pat Robertson in the can? Didn't he get on TV and announce that we deserved to be attacked, what with the ACLU and the lesbians and all? Or what about G. Gordon Liddy, he of the, "when the ATF comes through your door, go for the head shot," fame? Or Ollie North and Ronald Reagan, who sold/traded missile parts to Iran (illegal) so they could raise money for the Nicaraguan contras (also illegal)?

Look at Ann Coulter's book. She's not discussing loonbox statements from fake lefties and liberals. She's talking about, say, the Dixie Chicks...