Espn2 ..... Ggggrrrrrr


Master Black Belt
Apr 1, 2002
Reaction score
Rochester area, NY
I was looking at the ESPN2 schedule for the Martial Arts (ISKA/US Open) and they have it 2am or 4 am ..... ggggrrrrrrrr. It was on for three hours the other night, but it was on a 4 in the morning :cuss: It is the all new US Open (from the 2002 tourny), too. $#@#$$#@$%^%$%^^% (lotta 4 ketter words there).

We should all write a "nasty" note to them to move it back to Friday nights at 11 (or earlier). You agree?
Originally posted by karatekid1975

I was looking at the ESPN2 schedule for the Martial Arts (ISKA/US Open) and they have it 2am or 4 am ..... ggggrrrrrrrr. It was on for three hours the other night, but it was on a 4 in the morning :cuss: It is the all new US Open (from the 2002 tourny), too. $#@#$$#@$%^%$%^^% (lotta 4 ketter words there).

We should all write a "nasty" note to them to move it back to Friday nights at 11 (or earlier). You agree?

I hope they re-air that! FCS founder Ray Dionaldo was supposed to give a demonstration at this past U.S. Open. That would be so cool to have that on tape.

True about the sumo, arnisador. Every so often ESPN2 does show their Sumo Digest program, usually in the early evening. I don't know about when most other MA programs are on though. Unless I specifically hear about them in advance and know to look for them, I only check out the TV schedules from like 8pm - midnight. It would certianly be nice if the shows you wanted to watch were aired at a reasonable time. I don't know how TV stations figure their schedules though. Maybe they don't deem MA programs popular enough to warrant a good, prime-time timeslot. *shrug*