


I was watching Kick Boxer Last night.
I was wondering can you really do that brick thing?
Where he transfers energy to the brick at the bottom and it blows out?

And what about the blind folded thing. Ca one really do that?:asian:
The brick thing .. that was on Bloodsport, not Kickboxer, wasn't it?
Originally posted by Kirk
The brick thing .. that was on Bloodsport, not Kickboxer, wasn't it?
Your right sorry....
They were on back to back yesterday...Bloodsport.
98.5% of ALL breaking (boards/bricks/tiles...etc.) is useless show bunk!!!
It's simple physics for Simple minds.
Breaking a board is good for something though... making two boards.
HOWEVER, there is about 1.5% of breaking demonstrations that are worth a darn. Most of these are spead breaks: I saw a martial artist by the name of He Ill Cho (Tae Kwan Doist) take a one foot by one foot by one inch piece of pine and toss it vertically into the air like a frizbee. When it began to descend Master Cho swiftly spun around and broke the board with a sharp spinning backfist. Breaks like this show depth guaging, timing, speed, alignment, focus and accuracy with a moving target... not just the speed and alignment that it takes to pass your hand (or other assorted body part) through a solidly supported piece of pine.

As to being able to break the brick below w/out breaking the one above. I WAS going to say that this to had no practical usefulness... but it does!!! I have a pesky neighbor who has very expensive & LOUD Speakers on the wall that he likes to put through their paces around 12:00-2:00am. IF I could strike my side of the wall and have it break his speakers w/out damaging MY side of the wall......... that would be GREAT!!!!

IN all honesty, I believe that there is a martial artist name of John Painter (I think) who demonstrated his ability w/this feat on several occasions. Bet he could handle my neighbors stereo.
Your Brother
Somewhere on the Information Highway I read an article about how to "fake" this technique with boards. It had to do with the way the grain was lined up.

Let's assume there are 3 boards and you want to break the bottom one without breaking the top two.

You would stack them like so...
Board One: Grain Horizontal to you. (ie you hit against the grain)
Board Two: Same
Board Three: Vertical grain (ie the hit is with the grain)

Now use practice and a lot of showmanship and you should be ok. I have tried this for fun with moderate results.

Jeremy Bays
It is posssible to break the top, the middle, or the bottom brick in a stack of three WITHOUT faking it...(no spacers)

It is a difficult break and requires excellent focus.

Most people who show off their breaking skills use spacers or bake the bricks...that's all crap.

The ability to do the above described break teaches how to focus your maximum energy at a target below the does have practical benefit...

Any breaking, if done without spacers, is a measure of what force you are generating...I don't agree with breaking demos...
Breaking should be done for yourself, maybe twice a year...

Originally posted by Brother John

As to being able to break the brick below w/out breaking the one above. I WAS going to say that this to had no practical usefulness... but it does!!! I have a pesky neighbor who has very expensive & LOUD Speakers on the wall that he likes to put through their paces around 12:00-2:00am. IF I could strike my side of the wall and have it break his speakers w/out damaging MY side of the wall......... that would be GREAT!!!!

:rofl: Maybe I wsas wrong then.....There could be some practical uses! And I have the exact same problem......They do it the morning on Sunday...and waking up to Hard Metal on a Sunday is NOT nice :shrug:
I LIKE Heavy Metal...
but IF I'm going to partake of Heavy Metal in the early morning...
It MUST first be preceded by Heavy Caffiene!!!!!

Praise Juan Baldez and the goat he wrode in on!

Your Brother (pass the French Roast before you turn on the Metallica)
Originally posted by Brother John
I LIKE Heavy Metal...
but IF I'm going to partake of Heavy Metal in the early morning...
It MUST first be preceded by Heavy Caffiene!!!!!

Praise Juan Baldez and the goat he wrode in on!

Your Brother (pass the French Roast before you turn on the Metallica)

Unfortuantly I dont......and at 9:00 in the bloody morning ON A SUNDAY I dont think you would like it either :shrug:
I pretty much blast the metal 9am-9pm. However, the other twelve hours I respect the fact there are six other families in my apt. house. And happily, they also shut up after hours. That has not always been the case, in my city-dwelling life.

I find the one thing I cannot handle is talk radio before coffee. I really don't want to hear anyone yapping away until I'm fully awake. :shooter:
Originally posted by Jill666

I find the one thing I cannot handle is talk radio before coffee. I really don't want to hear anyone yapping away until I'm fully awake. :shooter:

Amen to that!!! The only thing about my problem is that not only do the nurses blast the music loud in the morning on a sunday....There not even good looking NURSES!!!!!! So I have no inititive to go downstairs and complain besides the noise.....but thats not enough to get of bed for!

Bloody Nurses :shrug:
Board breaking can be a pretty good gauge of how effective a strike may actually be if you had to use it on a person (assuming no spacers). I figure that if you can go through an inch or more of pine, you can break a person's ribs in a fight.

Due to the laws of physics, the board in back will actually break before the board in front. With a precise amount of power and focus, you can break only the back board or brick (I've seen people do it accidently too). But I'm completely at a loss as to how people manage to break only the middle board or brick.

And speed breaks are just freakin' awesome. I don't advise just casually attempting them.

One more thing, if you're attempting a normal break, make sure the boards are not cross-grained like Samurai said. You'll easily hurt yourself doing that if you're not trying for a trick break. It can be like lying the wood flat on top of concrete.
One possible explaination for how to do the 'bottom brick break' trick is that dry bricks are more brittle than wet bricks. If the top bricks were soaked in water for a few days then allowed to dry off and the bottom brick was baked in an oven this may explain the trick. Boards flex across the grain but are brittle lengthwise to the grain so whichever board is lengthwise will break much easier. Lengthwise meaning supported on either side of the board rather than the ends. So if you plan on doing a breaking demo to wow the rubes, bake your bricks first. Dry boards break easier too. You can easily break a 12 x 12 x 1" board by holding it on either side and smacking it with your forehead. And before I get any smarta** comments, no I don't do breaks, with my head or otherwise.

I know that many breaks can be faked...or assisted by certain "preparations," but, I have seen the brick break done with bricks I preparation was involved.

I haven't been able to pull it off, yet, but I will continue to work at it...
