Steven Segaul



What do you guys think of him?
I just saw Glimmer Man.
Was wonder what people think of him a s a martial artist? We know he is a crappy actor.;)
He is an excellent martial artists and a very fine person.i had the pleasure of meeting him in 97 and was extremly impressed.
The passive attitude he displays on screen is realy what he is like.
He dosnt consider himself a tough guy or any of the other hollywood crap.He realy believes in his ideas and his training.

Just my two cents worth...
I like the action in Seagal's flicks. Lately, however, he's been spending a lot more time in court in a mob related trial, and not as much time in front of the cameras. See below... :rolleyes:,1,1448621.story

I enjoyed the last quote in the story:
"I like his movies," the kid said. "but I thought he'd be skinnier."
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
I like the action in Seagal's flicks. Lately, however, he's been spending a lot more time in court in a mob related trial, and not as much time in front of the cameras. See below... :rolleyes:,1,1448621.story

I enjoyed the last quote in the story:
"I like his movies," the kid said. "but I thought he'd be skinnier."
Have to register in inorder to see the page...Can you post the info?
Originally posted by SteelShadow
He is an excellent martial artists and a very fine person.i had the pleasure of meeting him in 97 and was extremly impressed.
The passive attitude he displays on screen is realy what he is like.
He dosnt consider himself a tough guy or any of the other hollywood crap.He realy believes in his ideas and his training.

Just my two cents worth...

Never met him, but I've heard some stories from people I consider reliable sources that he's kind of an arrogant *** as a person. But they may have met him before '97. Maybe he's changed. If so, then I'm glad.

As a martial artist, though, I've also heard from some people that I consider reliable sources that he's very good. And that's the impression I got from watching video footage of him in action (non-movie, non-choreographed stuff).

Couldn't stand On Deadly Ground, Fire Down Below, or The Patriot. But I've found the rest of his movies entertaining.

From the few videos of him that I have been able to watch he is excellent in his techniques and a teacher who trys to take time to speak with many of the people at siminars and demos.
I have had a few friends who have met him at dojo's when he was visiting and they always spoke highly of the way he conducted himslef and of the programs he gave.
I would like to spend a couple days or weeks training under him so I could judge for myslef.
I liked Fire Down Below just for the small enphasis on how people are still living in Appalachia, mining and scraping out a hard living. It seems he really tries to portray different walks of life and incorporate a morality play within his movies which I like, as long as it's not too heavy-handed.

There's a lot of talk & speculation and mixed stories. Couldn't say- I don't know the man. But his skill is obvious as a martial artist.
if you've ever seen his old footage of him teaching and giving tests in his school in's some cool stuff. he knows what he is doing and is a good martial artist in my book. he's not the greatest but hey, who is? he tends to mouth off sometimes to the MMA crowd and has put them down before, and does a lot of other things on his movie sets that earn him a certain rep. but i guess if you went around asking people is old stevo was a nice guy you'd probably get a 50/50 response.

needless to say, he's not just some shmuck that took some aikido and acting classes and decided to make movies...i'd put van damme in that catagory.
Originally posted by Jill666
I liked Fire Down Below just for the small enphasis on how people are still living in Appalachia, mining and scraping out a hard living. It seems he really tries to portray different walks of life and incorporate a morality play within his movies which I like, as long as it's not too heavy-handed.

Yup. Fire Down Below was too heavy-handed for my tastes. That's the primary reason I didn't like it or On Deadly Ground.

Most likely the most credible/genuine high ranking/highly recognized martial artist to ever make a movie.
But,.. yeah.... he did fall asleep a lot in acting class me thinks...
My thouhts.
Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John
Most likely the most credible/genuine high ranking/highly recognized martial artist to ever make a movie.
But,.. yeah.... he did fall asleep a lot in acting class me thinks...
My thouhts.
Your Brother

To ever star in a movie, possibly. But there are some others like Marc Dacascos, Bruce and Brandon Lee, Jackie Chan, Qingfu Pan, etc.

But to ever be in a movie, then the list would have to include Dan Inosanto, Diana Inosanto, Ron Balicki, Gene Lebell, Donn Draeger, and a host of others.

I would consider all of these to be as genuine and ranking as Seagal.

Don't forget Mr Norris! He was a b.b. when Seagal was crappin'
in his diaper.
Originally posted by tarabos
if you've ever seen his old footage of him teaching and giving tests in his school in's some cool stuff. he knows what he is doing and is a good martial artist in my book. he's not the greatest but hey, who is? he tends to mouth off sometimes to the MMA crowd and has put them down before, and does a lot of other things on his movie sets that earn him a certain rep. but i guess if you went around asking people is old stevo was a nice guy you'd probably get a 50/50 response.

needless to say, he's not just some shmuck that took some aikido and acting classes and decided to make movies...i'd put van damme in that catagory.
So VanDamme doesnt have any real skill? I thought he used to fight in france?
Originally posted by Jill666
I liked Fire Down Below just for the small enphasis on how people are still living in Appalachia, mining and scraping out a hard living. It seems he really tries to portray different walks of life and incorporate a morality play within his movies which I like, as long as it's not too heavy-handed.

There's a lot of talk & speculation and mixed stories. Couldn't say- I don't know the man. But his skill is obvious as a martial artist.

He is a good martial artist. But his personal moral sucks. The guy abandoned his Japanese first wife and 2 children to fend for themselves while he lives a good life in Hollywood. The first wife is a the daughter of an Akido master. She worked her *** off to support him while he came and went as he pleased. Ate when hungry, slept when tired. THe wife did everything to support his dojo and his acting career, and raised their 2 kids all alone. One day, he told his wife she was crazy and he wanted out. Hugged his kids, whom he did squat little to help raise, and goodbye Japan, Hello Hollywood! He married his second wife while still married to his first wife. While married to his second wife, he pursued his third wife. The second wife has the marriage anulled. The third wife dumbed him. And he is with his 4th wife now.

On this account, he and Van Damne, run nose to nose, in terms of numbers of ex-wives.

To use the word morality together with these people, is an insult. Whatever happened to loyalty? Isn't that the core value of martial artists?
Originally posted by Brother John
But,.. yeah.... he did fall asleep a lot in acting class me thinks...
My thouhts.
Your Brother
this is the understatment of the century! :)
Originally posted by Jas0n
So VanDamme doesnt have any real skill? I thought he used to fight in france?

Actually, as I understand it, there was a Jean Claude Van Damme who was a fighter and, apparently, a very good one.

The actor, though, wasn't originally named "Van Damme" ... he was Jean-Claude Van Varenberg. He was running a gym in Brussels and, if I remember correctly, it wasn't doing all that well.

He went to a movie premier and met a Hollywood producer. The guy gave him the standard, "Come to Hollywood, I'll make you a star" line and JC bought it.

He showed up in Hollywood and, surprise, the producer didn't remember him and wouldn't see him. JC lived in his car and did odd jobs (I think he might have been a bouncer for a while) and kept trying to get into movies. Finally, he was given a break with the film Cyborg. He took the name Van Damme because he'd always admired the fighter and that it would be more appealing to Americans than Van Varenberg (he was probably right).

Don't take this as gospel. It's just what I remember reading somewhere.

He was a kick boxer but nothing to get excited over but he was very good at gymnastics and ballea.Wich gives him his good balance and limberness.He did have alittle kickboxing experince.And with the mixture of the three looked good on film.But he isnt nearly the martial artist they make him out to be.
Just my two cents worth...