Don't tell me communism is good,

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
It let this poor guy live 55 years without an anus...

A happy ending to farmer's anus woes

[20:27 February 27 2011] Global Times EXCERPT: A farmer from Jiayu county of Hubei Province has lived 55 years without an anus, after being born with congenital anal atresia in the Wuhan Union Hospital. But now doctors have reshaped a new fundament for him in January.
<<<SNIP>>>As his economic situation improved, Wu went to the Wuhan Hospital at the end of last year, where Dr Li Zhibiao examined him and framed operation plans. Wu accepted an artificial anus, and three days later, could excrete like normal people.
As his economic situation improved? I thought communism was about everyone being equal?
Were you under the impression that China was a communist country?

Besides, almost no one thinks communism is a good idea.
It let this poor guy live 55 years without an anus...

A happy ending to farmer's anus woes

Regardless of what I may or may not believe you got to know as soon as you throw down the gauntlet like that and say

Don't tell me communism is good&#8230;I&#8217;m going to say ok then&#8230;.it&#8217;s good

Just as if you said Don't tell me communism is bad... I would say...ok then&#8230;it is bad

What can I say&#8230; I also don&#8217;t hold the railings on an escalator either... just because they tell me I have to. :D

But back to China and communism. There are no truly communist nations on the planet if you go by the definition as to what communism is. However there are Communist political parties that are much closer to Socialism than Communism.
conventional long form: People's Republic of China
conventional short form: China
local long form: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
local short form: Zhongguo
abbreviation: PRC

Government type:
Communist state

Do you know anything about how life is practiced in China? They are communist in name only. If you bothered to look at anything beyond your narrow ideology, you would know that clearly. Even a cursory glance at China shows runaway capitalism, complete with asset bubbles (housing right now), extreme disparities in wealth particularly between the western countryside and eastern cities, heavy growth, a small class of extremely wealthy owners getting rich off this massive buildup, and so forth. There is no government regulation of incomes. No government provision of much in the way of services, and certainly not incomes. Only a third of industry is still government controlled, mostly concentrated in defense and utilities, and there has been an intensive campaign of privatization over the last few decades. Bah, such hackery.
You are arguing about communism being good? 1962 would like it's issue back.
Do you know anything about how life is practiced in China? They are communist in name only. If you bothered to look at anything beyond your narrow ideology, you would know that clearly. Even a cursory glance at China shows runaway capitalism, complete with asset bubbles (housing right now), extreme disparities in wealth particularly between the western countryside and eastern cities, heavy growth, a small class of extremely wealthy owners getting rich off this massive buildup, and so forth. There is no government regulation of incomes. No government provision of much in the way of services, and certainly not incomes. Only a third of industry is still government controlled, mostly concentrated in defense and utilities, and there has been an intensive campaign of privatization over the last few decades. Bah, such hackery.

First I’m not arguing I agree with what you said I just wanted to add

That there actually are some regulations on some things…there just not enforced unless they transgressions are seen. Which translates to they are not seen unless the government is looking or made aware and generally they are not looking so just don’t make them aware. If they find out you can get into big trouble, jail to death. However this does not mean that you can’t buy your way out with enough money, if we are talking lower level officials. Try and buy your way out with the higher levels and you will be put down.

What China seems to be these days is a combination of Socialism and the worst parts of unregulated Capitalism. Go to a construction site and see what it is like without OSHA and see what it is like when you are not from the city you are working in and have to live in make shift housing near the site because the developer, the one making all the money may or may not pay you this month.
That there actually are some regulations on some things…there just not enforced unless they transgressions are seen. Which translates to they are not seen unless the government is looking or made aware and generally they are not looking so just don’t make them aware. If they find out you can get into big trouble, jail to death. However this does not mean that you can’t buy your way out with enough money, if we are talking lower level officials. Try and buy your way out with the higher levels and you will be put down.

Indeed. They put Zheng Xiaoyu to death for taking bribes in relation to the 2007 recalls. Just a facade of course. One man pays to show they are "doing something", while the problem as a whole remains completely unaddressed.
I shouldn't but :chuckles:. I suppose someone had to say it, Ken! :D.

Mind you, for the poor fellow in question, I would guess it would be the first case of something described by such an epithet being welcome!
Were you under the impression that China was a communist country?

Besides, almost no one thinks communism is a good idea.

On the contrary. I think communism is a great idea.

The problem is in the implementation.
Indeed. They put Zheng Xiaoyu to death for taking bribes in relation to the 2007 recalls. Just a facade of course. One man pays to show they are "doing something", while the problem as a whole remains completely unaddressed.

A bit of a side story on the no OSHA bits

I will never forget driving by a sky scraper that was almost finished. There were guys sitting on what appeared to be a 2x6 with big heavy rope ties to the ends, hanginf of the sides of the building doing finish work.

About 3 stories apart, sticking out of the sides of the building, at a slight upwards angle, only at the corners were 4 things I can only describe as telephone poles and on those was hooked cargo net. It was the only safety type thing these guys had f the fell and, like I said, they were 3 stories apart and only on the corners.

And this was a damn tall building
About 3 stories apart, sticking out of the sides of the building, at a slight upwards angle, only at the corners were 4 things I can only describe as telephone poles and on those was hooked cargo net. It was the only safety type thing these guys had f the fell and, like I said, they were 3 stories apart and only on the corners.


I shouldn't but :chuckles:. I suppose someone had to say it, Ken! :D.

Mind you, for the poor fellow in question, I would guess it would be the first case of something described by such an epithet being welcome!
At least he didn't say they ripped him a new one, they cut and sewed...