Does your Sifu approve of you posting here?


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, how many of you have a Sifu that knows that you post on this forum and approves of you engaging in open dialogue with members of other, different groups? I ask because I'm pretty sure all the traditional WC/WT/VT people I've trained under wouldn't like it.

So I just don't talk about it with them. You know "Ignorance is bliss" and "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" and all that. What about the rest of you?
No I don't say anything and frankly I don't care if they did have a problem. I'm allowed to post what I like. Outside of the club they have no control over me
No I don't say anything and frankly I don't care if they did have a problem. I'm allowed to post what I like. Outside of the club they have no control over me

True, but WC/WT/VT politics being what they are, it's easy to offend people.

The guy I train with now started a sort of forum for members only on his website. Once he asked me why I don't post there. The truth is because I sometimes like to question and debate our style's "sacred cows". Now you can't really do that on an official organization site, can you!
True, but WC/WT/VT politics being what they are, it's easy to offend people.

The guy I train with now started a sort of forum for members only on his website. Once he asked me why I don't post there. The truth is because I sometimes like to question and debate our style's "sacred cows". Now you can't really do that on an official organization site, can you!
Yeah but tbh I don't care if I offend people over something so stupid. I've always said I respect my instructors and in class I'll be respectful and obedient but outside of the class they're no better than me they're human just like me
I never had an instructor who cared.

That being said, I probably wouldn’t favor a beginner posting things publicly, because, you know, they don’t have much of a clue yet.
I do what I want, where I want, how I want. :D
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I get the feeling that this attitude is more prevalent in TCMA and especially Wing Chun. I know forum members who lurk more than post for this reason.

Others who post a lot have been scolded by their current or previous kung fu brothers for their free thinking. Remember when Jim Roselando came on here scolding KPM? I'll bet more than a few forum members have quietly bowed out to avoid such problems with their instructors. Those of us who carry on are often "free thinkers" or even rebels in our groups.
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I do what I want, where I want, how I want. :D

Yeah, well that's Clint Eastwood ya got for yer avatar. Nobody messes with the man with no name!

Hey guys, how many of you have a Sifu that knows that you post on this forum and approves of you engaging in open dialogue with members of other, different groups? I ask because I'm pretty sure all the traditional WC/WT/VT people I've trained under wouldn't like it.

So I just don't talk about it with them. You know "Ignorance is bliss" and "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" and all that. What about the rest of you?

Not Wing Chun but I lost my Sanda sifu because I posted here about Sanda. I did not tell him, he found the page and it was not hard to figure out who I was from his perspective.
Hey guys, how many of you have a Sifu that knows that you post on this forum and approves of you engaging in open dialogue with members of other, different groups? I ask because I'm pretty sure all the traditional WC/WT/VT people I've trained under wouldn't like it.

So I just don't talk about it with them. You know "Ignorance is bliss" and "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" and all that. What about the rest of you?
I know you meant this for the WC crowd, but you know that has never stopped me from posting! :p

Years ago - when I was just one side or the other of my BB in my primary art - I posted some stuff that caught the eye of my instructor's instructor (who was also my first instructor). He wasn't happy. I had posted under my own name, and stood by what I said as my own opinion and observations, and that it shouldn't be of any offense to anyone mentioned. I continue to post under my own name, and that interaction with him (fairly aggressively passive-aggressive) is one of the reasons I decided I preferred being independent. I don't know what my instructor or any of my previous instructors would think of what I post here. I can't say I don't care, but I can say I proudly own what I write and don't have a problem with anyone reading it.

I know some folks are in a position where their sifu or instructor (or someone further up the chain) could make life difficult for them if they realized who was posting, so I don't fault anyone who decides to keep their identity off the public postings. I'm just glad I don't have to. I wish nobody else had to, either.
True, but WC/WT/VT politics being what they are, it's easy to offend people.

The guy I train with now started a sort of forum for members only on his website. Once he asked me why I don't post there. The truth is because I sometimes like to question and debate our style's "sacred cows". Now you can't really do that on an official organization site, can you!
Yeah, I wouldn't post some of my thoughts on the NGAA website, for the same reasons. I consider it odd that there's not more debate on those sites - those folks should be more concerned with the health of the art than anyone, but they're usually more concerned with the appearance of health.
Fascinating thread! I'm glad you asked this because it never would have occurred to me to be concerned about it in the first place. I can see why someone would get upset if a student claimed to speak for their instructor or their organization, but just posting on a MA forum? When I think about all the people I've trained with over the years, I can only think of one guy who might have a problem with it and it's mainly because he was kind of crazy in general. On the other hand, I've never done any formal training in any of the CMA's, so maybe there's some cultural differences I'm missing?

That's definitely something I think an instructor would need to communicate directly and clearly as it sure doesn't seem like a default requirement in my experience.
Fascinating thread! I'm glad you asked this because it never would have occurred to me to be concerned about it in the first place. I can see why someone would get upset if a student claimed to speak for their instructor or their organization, but just posting on a MA forum? When I think about all the people I've trained with over the years, I can only think of one guy who might have a problem with it and it's mainly because he was kind of crazy in general. On the other hand, I've never done any formal training in any of the CMA's, so maybe there's some cultural differences I'm missing?

That's definitely something I think an instructor would need to communicate directly and clearly as it sure doesn't seem like a default requirement in my experience.
I've been sitting here trying to think of a situation where I'd be upset by any student of mine posting. I can't think of one, unless they were lying about me or their training. I'd expect them to get some stuff "wrong" by my reckoning, and to say some things I disagree with and possibly don't like. But I can't see where that'd be much of an issue for me, so long as they're speaking truth.
I get the feeling that this attitude is more prevalent in TCMA and especially Wing Chun. I know forum members who lurk more than post for this reason.

Others who post a lot have been scolded by their current or previous kung fu brothers for their free thinking. Remember when Jim Roselando came on here scolding KPM? I'll bet more than a few forum members have quietly bowed out to avoid such problems with their instructors. Those of us who carry on are often "free thinkers" or even rebels in our groups.
I have been in MA since 1984. My GM is now 84 and I am certain he would have no problem as long as I wasn't a douche bag. I would say it is very narrow minded of anyone to have a problem with using a public forum no matter the topic. That said, I agree with others who have said they may have a problem with a new student using a forum in the wrong manner.
I get the feeling that this attitude is more prevalent in TCMA and especially Wing Chun. I know forum members who lurk more than post for this reason.

Others who post a lot have been scolded by their current or previous kung fu brothers for their free thinking. Remember when Jim Roselando came on here scolding KPM? I'll bet more than a few forum members have quietly bowed out to avoid such problems with their instructors. Those of us who carry on are often "free thinkers" or even rebels in our groups.

Since you brought it up........;) He wasn't even my Sifu at that point! However, back when he was actually my Sifu in the days when the KFO forum was actually a decent hang out, he specifically told me to stop posting in the forums. Explicitly he told me that he was afraid I was sharing some of the "inner secrets" that he didn't want other Wing Chun lineages to know about. This stands out in my mind after all these years because I remember it occurred just after I mentioned the idea of a "Got" Bong or "cutting" Bong in Pin Sun Wing Chun. He didn't want me talking about that. He was also afraid I was telling people wrong info, though he could never point out anything I had shared that was in error. Of course, implicitly, another motivation was that he wanted to be seen in the forums as THE authority on Pin Sun Wing Chun, so he couldn't very well have me "stealing his thunder"! :rolleyes: I assume he is still telling his students not to post in the forums. His one current student that has posted has only posted here and in the FB Wing Chun forum to essentially come after me. He has never actually participated in open discussion topics. In these modern times I think this attitude is rather petty and small-minded. But likely not all that uncommon amongst those that consider themselves "traditional."
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Hey guys, how many of you have a Sifu that knows that you post on this forum and approves of you engaging in open dialogue with members of other, different groups? I ask because I'm pretty sure all the traditional WC/WT/VT people I've trained under wouldn't like it.

So I just don't talk about it with them. You know "Ignorance is bliss" and "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" and all that. What about the rest of you?
You know I've always wondered about this! :D

As I'm in between styles I don't think any knew, but wouldn't think it an issue at all.

I can see how some schools don't want their info/training methods openly shared, and fair enough to some degree. But I'm a big fan of openness and sharing and think it has great value as a whole :)
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I remember it occurred just after I mentioned the idea of a "Got" Bong or "cutting" Bong in Pin Sun Wing Chun. He didn't want me talking about that."

Yeah I recall times on the forum! ;) Hahaha

I'm sure you're already aware KPM...but got/cutting bong is not exclusive to Pin Sun.

As to the topic of this thread...I have a "caveat" statement contained in my posts (borrowed in part from Juany) haha...
It basically means that I speak for myself and my current state of wing chun knowledge and skills...NOT any particular instructor or family. It's one of the things I dislike about the Reddit wing chun forum....their "lineage" tags...
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The idea that a martial artist shouldn’t engage in open dialogue with other groups or that their instructor should have the right to police what they say in such discussions is a terrible one. I’m aware that it’s part of a cultural tradition for some people. I’m also quite certain that it’s a bad cultural tradition and shouldn’t be carried on.