diet help



does any one know of a good easy diet(i mean easyto prep) for martial arts
i can hang with any of the guys that i train with but i would like to get
down in pounds about 30-50 iam at 280 now. sorry for the spelling


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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Have you tried the Abs Diet by David Zincenko? I am currently using it and it is getting me the results I need.

Do you have any specific goals in mind other than losing some weight?

What workout are you currently doing to help with your weight-loss?

These questions will help with getting the right diet for you. It would also help to knwo what you are eating right now and how often.


Senior Master
Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 16, 2004
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Any diet or way of nutrition includes vegetables. Unfortunately they take preparation. Fortunately some are fast food now..Kraft has a new line for South Beach food already prepared--boxed dinners. Not much in them. I eat more veggies when I prepare them myself. Eat a salad at every meal, lunch and dinner plus another cooked vegetable at dinner. Eat lean meat, whole grain carbs sparingly-no potatoes or pasta, do eat cheese and nuts, olive oil and vinegar dressing. No sugar, use splenda substitute. Desserts very sparingly. After saying that, I owe a cheesecake which I have to bake for a new black belt. Well, its going to be divided to miniscule portions! TW


i have never heard of the David Zincenko, i will look into it.

goals, Around Aug. Sep. i will be testing for my brown belt
althow my instructor never said any thing but in my mind when you get to
that level of brown and black you should be in grate shape i in good shape
the best that i have been in . but i want to be the best that i can be
dont get me wrong there are a lot of big guys out there that good martial artist
thats what my instructor tells me also as long as i can do all the things
exspacted of me, and i can .

i work out 4 -5 times a week in class, you know stuff like running in place
hindu squats hindu push ups v up and crunches and differnt mat driles
for about 1/2 hour so work out good i need the diet help

what i need is easy meals i workk alot of hours so i eat a lot of trash
becouse its fast.

thanks for your help tigerwomen i dont have a sweet tooth so that wont
be to bad but like to drink soda but iam working on that right now

but most inportantly is would like to start my kids on a heathy diet now before they get to old


searcher said:
Have you tried the Abs Diet by David Zincenko? I am currently using it and it is getting me the results I need.
i been looking on the net there is two books. do you have both ?

does you book have a work out plane and meal ideals ?


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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Yes, I have both books. One is the actual Abs Diet book and thwe other is a companion boook, it is more for meal planning. Both are very helpful with the big book being the better of the two. It gives you meal plans and the knowledge of "how" to eat. It also has workout plans that are designed to help promote weight loss.

Some advice for you would be to also look at Body for Life by Bill Phillips. There are also books by other fitness experts that are very good. Go to the nearest book store and check them out.
These two guys that I mentioned have written books with the philosophy of,"Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish you will feed him for a lifetime". They give you the skills you will need to make wise decisions.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.


thank you both tigerwomen and searcher ill keep you all posted


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
There is also the old fashion way sweat, workout, and mire sweat. On the eating part Aiken diet has worked for me, I have loss almost 42 lbs since my heart attack back in march, of course I work out three times a day once with wieght \, then Poomse, and finally cardio mainly kicking drills. good luck in you quest.


terryl965 said:
There is also the old fashion way sweat, workout, and mire sweat. On the eating part Aiken diet has worked for me, I have loss almost 42 lbs since my heart attack back in march, of course I work out three times a day once with wieght \, then Poomse, and finally cardio mainly kicking drills. good luck in you quest.
wow 42 lbs thats cool, i work out in cardio. i atend class about 5 times a week
iam always getting stronger and faster and just in better shape but i really
need to change my diet i have tried the aiken a little it not really what im looking for i want a life changing diet that my wife and 3 kids cans go on so as well
more less i need to look into get some books on heathy eating


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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terryl965 said:
There is also the old fashion way sweat, workout, and mire sweat. On the eating part Aiken diet has worked for me, I have loss almost 42 lbs since my heart attack back in march, of course I work out three times a day once with wieght \, then Poomse, and finally cardio mainly kicking drills. good luck in you quest.
Aiken? If you are talking Atkins diet, go have your cholesterol checked to see how high it has gotten. I am giving advice on a good clean eating plan not a crash diet. The name of one book is contradictory to what it actually is.

42 lbs is a good start, but working out 3 times a day with what you put down is very much overkill. You should only do cardio 3-4 times a week at the most. Anything over that is building muscular efficiency and will reduce your calorie burn. Your muscles will get to good at what they are doing. Lifting weights every day will also not build muscle mass, you need some time off so your muscles can recover and grow(muscles grow when you are resting between workouts).

Your diet should be made up of mostly lean meats, whole grains, and vegetables. No white pasta , sugar(sucrose), or fast burning carbohydrates. You should avoid saturated fats and anythign fried.

These things will help you lose weight and be healthy. if you are really serious go and hire a trainer that has a nutritionists cert. They can give the best guidance.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Seacher you know I own my own Dojaang and the wieght training I should clearified, it is made up with light wieghts mosely legs and nothing over 40lbs right now, my cardio is becouse of classes i demostrate these techniques for the students and poomse is just something I personally been doing everyday for that is how I was tought to do them everyday so you do not lose the edge. A trainer maybe a good ideal if I was trying to get back in competition shape, but at my age competition is all but over. Thanks for your advice I'll look into a different diet I love stir fry vegies and alot fish, don't know how that really would benefit better food will always make you feel better.


searcher said:
if you are really serious go and hire a trainer that has a nutritionists cert. They can give the best guidance.
i would hire a trainer but i cant aford it right now . but i found the two books used and ordered them both for about $25 so thanks alot to every for the input