David Lee Roth?

He appears to be a very short time student. Some of what is in that video is recognizable as Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, but it is done as a new student might do it, a student with 6 months or so of training. There is an awful lot of stuff in that video which appears to have been made up on the spot.
Yes, it looks a lot like MJER, but my teacher would've killed me for some of the mistakes he's made. Then again, I have seen a whole lot worse. In his favour, he's not saying he's any kind of master, he's not claiming these moves are pure MJER or that this is in any way intended as a training video. He's just doing something he obviously likes and has set it to music.
Originally posted by Kirk
Had no idea he was a practitioner. I'm not in the sword arts, so
maybe it's not as good as it appears to me. But it looks like
he's been studying Iaido for a little while at least.

Looks like he is serious and focused as much a most people are with a blade in their hands, if not more.

I would like to hear from him about his instruction and study. Not to mention where he plans on going with this.

I heard a radio interview with him a while back and he seemed to have mellowed out a large amount.
He was into rock climbing then and seemed to be having a great time and was also very focused on doing well.

You have to give him credit. How many other rockNrollers have any kind of martial arts on their web pages?

Gene Gabel

What bothers me I think about the video is his use of what appear to mix koryu techniques with all the other stuff. I disagree that he appears serious and focused. Perhaps it wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't using some elements of the style I've spent more than 5 years studying.

He clearly shows a lack of mastery of the basics. That's why I said he looks like a 6 month student. A lot of his problems appear to stem from the tsuka(handle) on that weapon which is a bout 3 inches longer than it should be. That's tending to put his hands too far apart and that's messing up his cuts.
Diamond Dave also has a Kenpo background!
Moreover, the art has richly blessed his family and has brought him close to dozens of Hollywood celebrities, including Elvis Presley, McDonald Carey, Bill Cosby, Robert Culp, and rock stars Billy Idol and David Lee Roth. But like a proud father, Parker would rather talk about how kenpo benefits his students. And he has no trouble citing examples when doing so.

Well I'll be damned!
Not all that bad, from what I can tell.

Yeah, it has its technical issues, but it's still pretty decent.

Anyone know where I can download a copy of that video for my personal files?

Thanks in advance!!

Yeah, I remember reading in Circus or somewhere years ago that DD "knows Karate". I thought it was cool.

Sammy who?
Actually, I gained a bit more respect for ol' Diamond Dave after I just did a quick search around on the net, trying to track down that video.

It seems that, as of 2001, Dave had celebrated his 35th anniversary of studying Pek Kwar (a form of kung fu). He also said that he has "dabbled" in a number of martial arts.


I didn't know good old Dave was a martial artist, that was pretty cool, although why was he holding the sword in his left hand??? Is he left handed, Japanese sword arts use the right hand if I'm not mistaken. Anyways it was pretty cool.:samurai:
I have a video clip of Mr Trejo, sparring and roth on the side lines cheering him on.

kinda cool.
Originally posted by D_Brady
I have a video clip of Mr Trejo, sparring and roth on the side lines cheering him on.

kinda cool.

Now that's MAJORLY cool!
Originally posted by Charles Mahan
What bothers me I think about the video is his use of what appear to mix koryu techniques with all the other stuff. I disagree that he appears serious and focused. Perhaps it wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't using some elements of the style I've spent more than 5 years studying.

He clearly shows a lack of mastery of the basics. That's why I said he looks like a 6 month student. A lot of his problems appear to stem from the tsuka(handle) on that weapon which is a bout 3 inches longer than it should be. That's tending to put his hands too far apart and that's messing up his cuts.
Everybody is a critic. If he were a reprentative of said system he would say so, but until then he is just a performer doing somthing that looks cooler that what you would see from say Justin Timberlake.