
Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
I just had my son born on Wed. So you and Technopunk can go to town on me. I only wanted one. My wife says differant though....


And I seem to find that most of us men are happy with small families while more women seem to want large ones. But is she still saying she wants more this soon after going through what Carol Burnett described as being like, "Having your lower lip pulled up and over your head"?

Maybe you can convince her and get her to agree in writing to only one if you move fast. :rtfm:


Yellow Belt
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
So I went to class this morning. Great training, I am loving the knife stuff that is part of my kyu. While I was training, Technopunk asks if I need an Uke. I say sure, he is a much higher kyu than I am so I would love his feedback. Then he gets the itch to do some knife stuff of his own, and guess what.... I get dropped on the floor, tangled in my own gi, then got a nice backfist to my junk. I was really happy about that. Back to wearing a cup for me.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
I get dropped on the floor, tangled in my own gi, then got a nice backfist to my junk. I was really happy about that. Back to wearing a cup for me.

This is a total lie.

It was a regular punch.


2nd Black Belt
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Merrill, WI
Put down the drinks for a second.

Has anyone besides me worried about their uke injuring their foot when they kick the hard plastic of a cup?

Quite honestly, if a guy is kicking you in the nuts hard enough to hurt his foot, he deserves to be hurt IMO. A kick like that with out a cup could seriously injure the person getting kicked.

Or you could be like us and train with shoes on, then you don't have to worry about it.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Oneonta, NY
So I went to class this morning. Great training, I am loving the knife stuff that is part of my kyu. While I was training, Technopunk asks if I need an Uke. I say sure, he is a much higher kyu than I am so I would love his feedback. Then he gets the itch to do some knife stuff of his own, and guess what.... I get dropped on the floor, tangled in my own gi, then got a nice backfist to my junk. I was really happy about that. Back to wearing a cup for me.
Technopunk is just paying it forward. I clipped his "boys" with a kick at the MT Meet & Greet... :p


Master of Arts
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
I use this


it is padded inside and out for your pleasure... and his. I am 10 times happier with this than the usual plastic cup unit.

unforunately I don't know if I could fit a squeeky toy in there. but i will be at the pet store this weekend...


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Oneonta, NY
unforunately I don't know if I could fit a squeeky toy in there. but i will be at the pet store this weekend...
Excellent! I've slipped one of those disposable picnic cups into my dogi top before training with a new student, then crushed it under my arm while they were trying to apply a lock. The look on their face was hilarious. :lol:


Yellow Belt
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
a couple of years ago my instructor picked me up for training i was a brown belt at the time on my last kyu grade and he looks over at me smiles and chucks me this box i open it and i see a groin guard inside he gives me an evil smile and sez you might need this tonight this was my first inkling that it was going to be my black belt grading so ismiled and gave a real nervous laugh turned out i needed it couldve done with a chest protctor but thats another story and hey guys 80% of the time a targeted kick to the groin will miss cause its not as big as we might want others to think hehehe

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
a couple of years ago my instructor picked me up for training i was a brown belt at the time on my last kyu grade and he looks over at me smiles and chucks me this box i open it and i see a groin guard inside he gives me an evil smile and sez you might need this tonight this was my first inkling that it was going to be my black belt grading so ismiled and gave a real nervous laugh turned out i needed it couldve done with a chest protctor but thats another story and hey guys 80% of the time a targeted kick to the groin will miss cause its not as big as we might want others to think hehehe

Honest to God, could you go back and take a remedial English course? Please! I can't see even one period in the above. And that is not the only problem.

What you write is just painful to read. Are you trying to cause problems for other people, or do you just lack the ability to understand?


Yellow Belt
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
sorry brother ive been trying to rectify my situation and i do try to keep it short and simple, yeah i probably lack the understanding but hey man did you have to let every one know how you feel towards me cause its a bit of a downer, im 27 cant write properly and have just found out in the last two months how to get my partners computer up and running and how to use the net so i could be doin worse like playin patience on it.
Well brother i do recall on another posting that you were askin for english kids programs maybe i can help you as i have kids of my own and have a few dvds like hi five and the wiggles and can get others if you need, any way hope training is good i understand youre in japan must be great man talk soon bro.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
sorry brother ive been trying to rectify my situation and i do try to keep it short and simple, yeah i probably lack the understanding but hey man did you have to let every one know how you feel towards me cause its a bit of a downer, im 27 cant write properly and have just found out in the last two months how to get my partners computer up and running and how to use the net so i could be doin worse like playin patience on it.
Well brother i do recall on another posting that you were askin for english kids programs maybe i can help you as i have kids of my own and have a few dvds like hi five and the wiggles and can get others if you need, any way hope training is good i understand youre in japan must be great man talk soon bro.
Let me offer you some simple advice on how to write much better. Buy one book. The Elements of Style by Strunk & White. Read and apply that book; if you can read a martial arts book, you can read it. And it will improve your writing.

Beyond that, simply separate your ideas into sentences. Sentences begin with a capital letter, and end with a period. Keep the use of "and" to a minimum unless you're making a list.

Effective writing is an essential skill, and all too often ignored today.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Cloud, Florida
Primo thanks bro

I understand you are new to computers and I am sure it is awkward to get used to. Your doing better, I am seeing periods and commas in your latest posts. Please don't be too upset with people. Everyone here likes to talk about their respective arts and it is nice to be able to read the posts without having to decipher what it is the person is saying. Punctuation and smilies make a world of difference in conveying a feeling and idea. Give it some time and you will master it as well. Hang in there and keep posting.

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