Cup Check


Blue Belt
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score

So how many of you train without a cup?
The reason I'm asking is I was wondering how much it actually affects how we train. In other words, because I am wearing a cup does it keep me from blocking those groin kicks? And would not wearing a cup keep me more aware of those...... ummm family jewels?

Just a thought.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo
So how many of you train without a cup?

They're too uncomfortable--and look what happened to Bill Wallace. I don't wear one. I probably should, but I just can't stand them.
The anwer is yes and no, During regualr teaching classes no i don't, But during shootfighting class i do, and once in a while my teacher and i have a sparring day (mostly consists of him whooping up on me for half an hour) and those days i wear cups because an occasional deflection goes to that area, and also we do what we call street simulated combat where he will give us taps to the balls to wake us up and show us that were open, this is only for the last month, my training has gotten interesting since i got my purple belt.
It depends on the venue. In Kenpo I am forever telling people to put their cup on because I will hit them there so it's in their best interest.

In judo I do not wear a cup because it gets in the way and can cause more damage then good.

Systema, I wear not cup because it's part of the training for sensitivity.

In boxing, I wear the no foul protector when I get into the ring because, well, because bad things can happen.

It's a time and place thing. I go through about 1 broken cup a year.
We spar every week, and groins are always an "open" target. Also damn near every kenpo self defense tech hits the groin at some point, and though you only usually tap it for targeting, I don't always trust my fellow students.

So, yes, I wear a cup. :)

I can't really imagine doing kenpo without one, and I'm so used to it that it doesn't really bother me. I don't think wearing one gets me habituated to getting popped, I'm still pretty aware of what happens down there.

When I did BJJ I didn't wear one, so that I got in the habit of stretching the armbar over the side of my pelvis rather than right down the middle.

I generally wear a cup when practicing techs at speed, or when working with lower belts. For general class I usually don't, it drives me nuts (no reference intended). I ALWAYS have it with me, so if the training looks like it's gonna head that way (or if I am going to work with an "offender") I'll go slap it on.

If you're like the guys in the attached pic, you don't need one!


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I wear a cup to every class I either teach or workout in regardless of what is going to be done.
I just can't imagine doing kenpo any day without a cup so the person I'm working with can be able to get to hit there to work on focus.
Also, I have had the same cup for the last 17 years now, so yes even if you wear one you should always block.
Ive never been hit while sparring but i used to play baseball and wore a cup and i know that it still hurt to get hit there anyways, always fear the testicle hits.
The late comedian Dennis Wolfberg used to tell a funny story related to this topic:

"When I was in little league, one day I came up to bat. The pitcher was one of these "hormonally advanced" children- at 8yo he was foot taller than everyone else and shaving. He wound up and fired that ball at me like a missile, it went low and struck a very delicate part of my 8yo anatomy (a part that up until that point I had little use for, but one which I had great future hopes for). It went CRRRRAAAAACK!!! Every male creature within a two mile radius cringed! One parent said "Gosh- that sounded like it BROKE HIS CUP!!" Now ladies and gentlemen, had I BEEN WEARING A CUP..."
You can't override your instincts. If someone makes at move at your groin you will attempt to block it. The cup is there in case you are not fast enough.

Wear A Cup it could save your life!
My cup digs, makes me sweat too much, is a pure pain in the ...
I forgot it ONE time ... I love that cup!
Originally posted by arnisador
Now that's dedication to one's art.

Actually, it teaches you to move. I never said I was happy with it. But I understand.
I usually dont...that discomfort thing. If its a sparing night, I do though. Best thing was sparing with a guy, built like a linebacker, about 7' tall.... he asked me to be careful as he'd forgotten his. I said, no problem. I wasn't wearing one as they were too small. The look on his face allowed several shots to land. :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I usually dont...that discomfort thing. If its a sparing night, I do though. Best thing was sparing with a guy, built like a linebacker, about 7' tall.... he asked me to be careful as he'd forgotten his. I said, no problem. I wasn't wearing one as they were too small. The look on his face allowed several shots to land. :D

That is too tasteless for even me to comment on.
Excellent replies gentlemen, especially you Vince, I am always entertained by your quick wit and testostrone.
I always wear mine, don't think that I have ever gone without it. In our studio if a student gets too rough with another student he is then asked to remove his/her cup and then to return to class(whether it is sparring or techniques).
Do you think that that is a fair punishment for being too rough? What is appropriate action for an instructor to take, in your opinion? Pushups, situps, laps.... what?


Originally posted by AvPKenpo
Excellent replies gentlemen, especially you Vince, I am always entertained by your quick wit and testostrone.
I always wear mine, don't think that I have ever gone without it. In our studio if a student gets too rough with another student he is then asked to remove his/her cup and then to return to class(whether it is sparring or techniques).
Do you think that that is a fair punishment for being too rough? What is appropriate action for an instructor to take, in your opinion? Pushups, situps, laps.... what?



If a student is too rough, he gets one warning. If he continues, he is told to leave.

Back on topic: when I train with the TKD class, I don't wear a cup because they generally don't train to hit the groin. When I trained regularly in Okinawa-te, I always wore my cup because I always needed it. Now I'm training FMA, and I don't wear one at the moment. However, as we get more into the hand-to-hand stuff, and as one of the guros incorporates more and more Kuntao-Silat de Thuoars, I'll probably go back to wearing one.

Rob - :D

AvPKenpo - Force them to watch the Bush Gore debates from the US debacle, err, election? :D

Seriously, I'd lean more towards laps or pushups, rather than risking damage. Of course, if the student is a particularly hard case, then it may be deserved.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo
Excellent replies gentlemen, especially you Vince, I am always entertained by your quick wit and testostrone.
I always wear mine, don't think that I have ever gone without it. In our studio if a student gets too rough with another student he is then asked to remove his/her cup and then to return to class(whether it is sparring or techniques).
Do you think that that is a fair punishment for being too rough? What is appropriate action for an instructor to take, in your opinion? Pushups, situps, laps.... what?


If he or she want's to be a tiger; by all means let them! 15 Tiger Claw Finger Tip Push-ups with proper hand form is a good start; then 10 more removing one finger at a time until nothing but the thumbs are left to push-up on! Then give them 25 palm up, back of hand flat on deck Wrist Push-ups! These can be done also on concrete pavement and on a bed of course gravel. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!