Crutch Fu

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Well it appears that I may be out of CMA for a bit, I have what appears to be a minor foot problem that is making it hard to walk that appeared out of nowhere Sunday and got considerably worse yesterday. Per my MD it looks like I will need minor surgery. And since it is on the bottom of my foot walking on it will be out of the question for a bit so I am guessing the MD will not like the idea of me doing Taiji or Sanda.

I just got an MRI and I see the MD again after Thursday so see what the problem actually is and to find out how we are going to proceed.

And now to Crutch Fu; I am not all too fond of crutches and I may be on them again soon, I tend to get into a lot of trouble with them, I treat them like a Chinese Dao and stuff gets broken I try to balance on them and kick with the good foot and that upsets the family kind of thing. Oh well I must train and at least it is semi-entertaining and a whole new style of my very own.

Must hobble, later
I am in full sympathy with you. A similar thing happened to me - a bit of a pain in the right big toe, turned out it was broken, no idea how it happened.

I hope things work out and you don't need surgery, but you know better safe than sorry.

If you keep inventing new styles you'll have to change your screen name.:D
The key thing for somebody who has shown, let's say, moderate interest in the CMA is to have the self discipline to stop and wait until this is diagnosed and cured. I have seen way too many people report back to work or sports too early, turning a temporary short term injury into a more serious and permanent condition.

Time out can be an advantage in some ways. When injured I would still go to class to watch.... with no pressure I could sit back and observe all sorts of valuable things. This would also be a good time for reading MA material.... pick up on the book back log while you have the chance.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear that, maybe you can borrow some move from these guys?
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Why crutches? Can't you call a toe truck?

Bah-dum bum

Take care of yourself!
Heh, I know where you're coming from with the crutches getting you into trouble. Been there, done that. Fastest way to a speedy recovery is to RECOVER! No sneaky late night taiji sessions when the wife is sleeping.:lol:
Good advice from Letch there :tup:. Sorry to hear about the ailment, Xue - best of positive wishes that things turn out okay with minimum hassle.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that Xue. Knowing you, you will become very proficient in Crutch Fu as you tend to train anything with all you've got. :D Hang in there my friend.
Sorry to hear that Xue...I hate the traditional crutches that hospital give out...When I was laid up with the knee injury I almost really ahd a serious fall attempting to use them...I had a pair of the kind that brace against your forearm when I was recovering from surgery way back in 79..Those were easy to use..Haven't seen them anywhere in awhile.....
Thanks everyone, I will get the results of the MRI Thursday and go form there.

And not to worry, I will not rush things, I have done that before, twice, when I was younger and I paid for it. I have learned my lesson.

But if I end up on crutches again I make no promises about not training my balance on the crutches kick and Crutch (Dao) form. :)

And Drac, if they give me those that that brace against my forearm... then I become REAL dangerous :EG:

Ad letch, I like the way you think.. "Iron Crutch".. :EG:
Apparently I have a benign lump in the bottom of my foot that will be removed in a week

A long weekend of going insane not being able to do much followed by NOT Crutches but a Cane so it will be Cane fu after all. That’s good because I master Crutch fu last time :mst: :D
Good news that a rapid rectification is in sight :tup:.
Apparently I have a benign lump in the bottom of my foot that will be removed in a week

A long weekend of going insane not being able to do much followed by NOT Crutches but a Cane so it will be Cane fu after all. That’s good because I master Crutch fu last time :mst: :D

While this is much better news than the bone problem we all feared... I am guessing that you will be more dangerous, not less, during this period of convalescence.

Don't forget the legions of false gods who can be slain by keyboard rather than kick - do some venting here!

Use the down time to read and research, there is always something in the CMA that we can learn more of.
Good news... I think

Apparently the lump of whatever it is in my foot is getting smaller.

I show up at the hospital get the this is going to take 3 weeks to heal directions and then on the final check as I lay on a stretcher in the entrance to the OR I get one last check by the doc and it is considerably smaller and there is no longer any infection. Then I am given the option, go through with the operation or wait a couple of weeks to see if is goes away on its own.... guess which one I picked... and after I went and found my crutches too

So I go back and see the Doc in a week or 2 to see how it is and go from there.

So for now I sit back, enjoy the day off and watch Jet Li in The one

Bagua vs. Xingyi COOL,
Some other possible activities:

The current Journal of Asian Martial Arts has a fascinating article on Tai Chi ruler by Ken Cohen. I am savoring a very good read there.

There's a variety - in content and quality - in the current Kung Fu Tai Chi (March/April) that you can get at least 3 threads out of. I can't understand the "Double Dragons Qigong", can't match the photos to the text very well.

Once when a friend took a very bad fall, we explored the concept of "Tai Chi in a Chair".... was pleasantly surprised at what she could actually still do.

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