Gracie's are frauds!!!

Counte dante i could have kicked that clowns ***. What a dumbass thinking that the gracies and bruce lee copyed him. He dosnt even do BJJ . WHAT A LOAD OF ****. Sorta funny
You don't have to do BJJ to be a great fighter, and BJJ is no better or worse than any of the arts he has taken, BJJ from what a lot of people see on TV is a different BJJ geared toward the UFC rather than the all-out BJJ.

Seriously, nobody copied him. They might have gotten some principles from him, but if he was as all that he was up to be, then he would be better known.

And the title of being the "Deadliest Man Alive" - hahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a joke, the deadliest guy alive IMO was an old guy from Asia a couple hundred years ago, but you can't match him up.

Bruce Lee copied him? So all his extra training and extra studying and his library containg something thousand books were just a hoax?

The Gracies copied him? The Gracies learned jujitsu from a Japanese immigrant if I remember and they changed the training regime a bit to their liking and added a couple of techniques.
i agree that ufc bjj is different from traditional. just like many other arts. for example, MT has lots different techniques include grappling but ppl are so much into "The Ring" that they forget it.

back to the subject now.

id like to see this guy tell that to a gracies face. ooooooooooohhh:armed:. and if mr bruce lee was here :uzi: ouch
The MT grappling does happen in the ring. It's just neck wrestling, I don't think they have any groundfighting in traditional Muay Thai. I don't know how much actual ring time YOU'VE had, but I don't think I want to do any neck wrestling with any guys who are pure grapplers, because I'm going to get beaten. In non-MMA fights, I see it all the time. In MMA though, you do the techniques that will work best against the specific opponent, and since most these days are submission wrestlers/grapplers of some sort, and MT guy isn't going to want to neck wrestle because it will go to the ground very quickly, giving the opponent the advantage.

I'd never believe a bio this outrageous when it's from the persons personal website. It just makes it harder to believe. It's BS. Don't get so worked up about it.
Count Dante was never defeated, tied or even injured in any of the full contact, no holds barred matches he had had against some of the world's top experts, and masters of Street fighting, Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, Boxing, Wrestling, Savate, Tai Chi Chuan, Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, Dim Mak or other forms of self defense or fighting arts.

:rofl: :rofl:
Wow, what do we define as injured? A bloddy nose? That would be hard to believe!

just another prime example of.. you cant believe everything you read.

sound like alot of web trash to me!
People like him are the reason I tell me students to stay off drugs.;)
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

People like him are the reason I tell me students to stay off drugs.;)

LOL....that is too funny:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Please......stop.....yer killin' me.....

Count DANTE'? OMG.....wasn't he the role model for the Ninja Turtles???


Hoooooo......boy......yeah....he was the best, I'm sure....:rolleyes:

He and Frank Dux should "duke" it out sometime.....I think the Count would do pretty well, even though he's dead.....

Okay, back to reality....these guys need to get a clue. AND a life. Count Dante' was a showman, like many others. He may have been a decent martial artist, I dunno. But his hype makes him look like the biggest goon this side of Ashida Kim.

That bio is still a royal hoot, though......I'm gonna be chuckling all day long, now....;)

I wonder if the Black Dragon Society still advertises in the superhero comic books......

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BJJ is Judo. Different rules, different teaching method, exactly the same techniques.

It has much to offer if you want to learn that type of ground fighting, mostly because of their teaching approach, and the way they break down the art.

The Gracies neither invented the techniques or stole them. Better still they didn't steal Count Dante's name, or they would just look silly. Better *still* they didn't invent Count Dante's name, or they would look even sillier.
Is'nt he(Dante)dead? I thought he passed away some time ago, during, or around the time of the so called "dojo wars" ? I remember the old "Black Dragon Society" ads in my old comic books. He sure sounded deadly, and if I coulda spared the dough I probably would have joined, and learned the deadliest art known to man...

Salute in Christ,
I mean come on, he advertises in comic books.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is there any film or video on this guy.
Or are these stories passed down
from 1 person to the next.

Do U guy's think he could
hang with a Shamrock,Sakuraba, Ruas or any other top fighter????

I have heard stories like this many of times
And usaly there is no evadece to back it up.:confused:
Originally posted by donald

Is'nt he(Dante)dead? I thought he passed away some time ago, during, or around the time of the so called "dojo wars" ? I remember the old "Black Dragon Society" ads in my old comic books. He sure sounded deadly, and if I coulda spared the dough I probably would have joined, and learned the deadliest art known to man...

Salute in Christ,

That's what I thought. I'll ask my instructor to make sure. He was around during those "dojo wars".
The actual Count Dante appears to have been a good fighter. he just got carried away with the image
Originally posted by ace
Is there any film or video on this guy.
Or are these stories passed down
from 1 person to the next.

There is a montage video under the archives section of the site. :shrug:

I've watched it and laughed. Mostly the cutting watermelons with swords on people, smashing blocks on the chest with a sledge hammer, and other parlor trick type things.

The self-defense sections are.... uh.... interesting.....

And at the very end is a short clip of Dante himself, but you can tell it's been sped up....

Eh, just watch and judge for yourself. At least get a good laugh or two. :rofl:
Originally posted by Brenwulv
There is a montage video under the archives section of the site. :shrug:

I've watched it and laughed. Mostly the cutting watermelons with swords on people, smashing blocks on the chest with a sledge hammer, and other parlor trick type things.

The self-defense sections are.... uh.... interesting.....

And at the very end is a short clip of Dante himself, but you can tell it's been sped up....

Eh, just watch and judge for yourself. At least get a good laugh or two. :rofl:

Wow...that was pretty good! :rofl: