
I can't say that I care for Croc's. I will just keep my flip flops for a a similar style shoe and yes they look better.
My kids have a pair each and they love 'em. Crocs have replaced their non school-related footwear for the warm season. They're great for going anywhere, even the beach or the pool, and less prone to stinky foot syndrome than even their sandals for some reason.

the best part is...I can now find them as low as 5 bucks a pair. At those prices, we'll be stocking up on them in larger sizes for the kids to grow into, because good trends never last.

As for me, I think they're ugly as sin and I wouldn't be caught dead in 'em, lol!
My missus likes them. She asked for a new pair for Christmas that are lined like slippers.
Personally....I can't stand them...on men that is. They're just not...I don't know...."manly"?

TBH...I don't much care for them on women either.

I see them going the way of the "Jellies" eventually.

I can't believe your doc didn't try to get you to wear those orthotic shoes with the big spring on the heel. LOL


  • $springyshoes.JPG
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Maybe Elder and Rich can just strap a couple of alligators to their feet and start a new manly big foot style.


I wear crocs. I'll admit it. They are so freakin' comfortable. They're even better than the mocassins I used to wear.

My father wears crocs, too. When he used to wear them in his sign shop he kept building up static and shocking himself. So he built himself a ground strap (a copper wire that went from his ankle to the ground through the croc). After that, no more shocks...
Crap. And I need a new pair too. >_<
Ebay I guess. Though I have seen booths as the local mall. I'll be buying as many size 12s as I can before they die! I thought they looked silly till my cuz visited and I tried a pair of his, now I'm way into them and the company dies!
Keep in mind "in trouble" doesn't mean "dead".

I just went to their website and......holy cow that have many different kinds of shoes....not just the ugly ones!
I just made the term up solely because of an abbreviation and fit with the double entendres. Google doesn't even return results for it. . .yet.

I found a google bookmark today that I had forgotten about. It linked back to the above post. I think my plan was to see how quickly google would index the term "kentucky shoehorn". Well, I don't know how long it took, but Martial Talk is the only site google returns. lol
I have to say as far as childrens' footwear in Hawaii is concerned, Crocs are great! When you are in and out all of the time and you take your shoes off all of the time AND kids need to wear closed toed shoes for whatever god awful reason, these pieces of funky looking plastic are Odin-sent.

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