Under the tree this year?

Gordon Nore

Senior Master
Anyone hoping for anything special under the tree this year?

As for me, we just dropped a bundle on a gas snow blower (sorry eco friends), which will be delivered on December 26 (Boxing Day to Suk, Tez and a couple others.) I've asked only for a really good computer chair for my home office.

Now if Santa wanted to bring me this, I'd be ecstatic:

So whether it's a Kimber or a pair of Crocs, what are your personal gift wishes for the coming Yule?
Just that all may have a wonderful holiday season. My tree has everything that I need a wonderful wife and three great childern.
Just that all may have a wonderful holiday season. My tree has everything that I need a wonderful wife and three great childern.

Ah Terry, To be as 'wealthy' as you are, is a wish of mine. :)

I have been doing holiday events since early November with people leaving for warmer weather and extended family and friends.

Even with the horrible out look with Congress going home before cmiong up with a solution, "If choose not to decide you still have made a choice." Tom Sawyer - Rush , The Current sitting President now has to decide to assist, and if he does none of the requirements that were more than reasonable are required as this would come from the huge pit (* misspelled and then realized it must have been an unconscious slip ;) *) for the financial industry. But the good news is that I got confirmation that with the Pension funds being fully funded, then my Dad who is retired will still be able to get his pension. He is already over 65 and planned on Medicare being Primary.

So, while I spending for niece's and nephew's, I wish for serenity for myself.
I was going to ask for an attachment for my Kitchenaide Mixer for grinding, etc. but my husband's been laid off since Halloween and I can't find work.

A few things for the kiddos, a kiss and a hug for me and I'm good. ;)
My wish is that my job will last (bracing for a January layoff) until I can find another one, preferably near my family down south.
To those of you facing uncertain times this Season, my very best. I've been there. My missus and I were laid off within three months of eachother back in 1996. We've enjoyed a measure of security since 2001, when I returned to work. I hope the Holidays and presence of family provide a respite from the harsh realities of life.
Hmmmm, I'm hoping for some music CDs I've been asking for...but what i'm most looking forward to is having my son home from college again!

A few things for the kiddos, a kiss and a hug for me and I'm good.

My mother used to say that in some ways we were happier when we were poorer...one car, all of us in a small living room rather than separate cars and off in our bedrooms with our own electronics...
Hmmmm, I'm hoping for some music CDs I've been asking for...but what i'm most looking forward to is having my son home from college again!

My mother used to say that in some ways we were happier when we were poorer...one car, all of us in a small living room rather than separate cars and off in our bedrooms with our own electronics...
I'd agree. :)

We watched a movie - 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama - where the title monk was asked why, in India where there is so much abject poverty, were the poorer people so willing to smile widely and brightly when the rich men at the racetrack rarely smiled; that is was as though the poor were happier than the rich. His reply was that when you have little or nothing, the act of achieving one's daily basic needs is extremely satisfying and life becomes more valuable, hence they are happier. When you have much, you have much to worry over and your needs seem endless even though your basic needs can be fulfilled many times over.

An interesting consideration. :asian:
Hmmmm, I'm hoping for some music CDs I've been asking for...but what i'm most looking forward to is having my son home from college again!

My mother used to say that in some ways we were happier when we were poorer...one car, all of us in a small living room rather than separate cars and off in our bedrooms with our own electronics...

I know Arni, I hope you and him will have a wonderful time.
Just got an e-mail from the Grinch, er, boss--no raises for us this year due to the economy. First time ever for me!
Just got an e-mail from the Grinch, er, boss--no raises for us this year due to the economy. First time ever for me!

I understand. I have gotten two in six years and they were less than Cost of Living those years. Change has been happening for years at my company, even if it was not obvious to those from the outside.

I hope everyone can have a safe and happy holiday season, and be with their families and have secure jobs.