Gordon Nore
Senior Master
Anyone hoping for anything special under the tree this year?
As for me, we just dropped a bundle on a gas snow blower (sorry eco friends), which will be delivered on December 26 (Boxing Day to Suk, Tez and a couple others.) I've asked only for a really good computer chair for my home office.
Now if Santa wanted to bring me this, I'd be ecstatic:
So whether it's a Kimber or a pair of Crocs, what are your personal gift wishes for the coming Yule?
As for me, we just dropped a bundle on a gas snow blower (sorry eco friends), which will be delivered on December 26 (Boxing Day to Suk, Tez and a couple others.) I've asked only for a really good computer chair for my home office.
Now if Santa wanted to bring me this, I'd be ecstatic:

So whether it's a Kimber or a pair of Crocs, what are your personal gift wishes for the coming Yule?