Cranky old people rejoice!

arnisador said:
Ingenious! Twisted, but ingenious!
My grandfather had a digital watch with an alarm on it. He couldn't hear it. It used to drive me nuts. I'd go fishing with the old man at the river, and he'd be a good 200 yards down stream, his watch beeping away, him oblivious.

Me, I could hear the watch 200 yards away, and i'd yell down stream 'Pa, your watch is going off'. He'd hold it up to his ear, shake his head, hold it up to his ear again. Finally, after beeping for 10 minutes, it'd quit on it's own. It was kind of a running joke.

Now, several years later, i'm 31, my grandfather is still around, still unable to hear his watch. Now, though........ I can't hear it either. We just turn the TV up together, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Now, if we can find one that keeps old people off the road...


OOH. Or that works on pesky neighbors!
Beeping watches have always been a huge aggravation to me too...but I can still hear them!

But, a buzzing watch that drives away teenagers....hmmmm.
I like the concept of it, my only issue is that I know myself I have very sensitive ears and hearing range, so though they say something like that is just annoying, I personally would have a fear of pain (I don't like pain) if I needed to enter a store that had this going.... and what happens if you've got some kid shopping with mom and dad with a similar problem, you could do damage to the kid, especially if they are way young and can't articulate the problem and mom and dad don't know this device is in use...
My first reaction is "how terrible!". My second reaction is "where do I get one?":)

Ever since my daughter started highschool we have been inundated with hordes of giggling girls and goofy boys. They are all good kids but some just don't have that "it's time to go home" gene in their bodies.

I wish I had this device for about midnight every Friday and Saturday. I love having them here (even though they are eating me out of house and home) but not ALL night!!!!

As far as ethical goes, as long as it doesn't hurt the kids, why not? They said it hasn't been tested by hearing experts, so until that is done I don't think it should be used. There is nothing wrong with shopkeepers protecting their merchandise in a harmless manner.
I like the idea. It doesn't hurt the teenagers' ears (as far as we know), just annoys them enough to leave; I know that when I was that age, I was a PITA too. :D While I believe that the teenagers have a right to shop there, if they're being disruptive & not shopping, the business owners have a right to protect their merchandise, staff, & customers.
Technopunk said:
Interesting. Now, if we can find one that keeps old people off the road...:eek: OOH. Or that works on pesky neighbors!
Definitely! I have annoying neighbors whose TV I can hear in my apt after Midnight. And, my boss' 81 yr old mother in law had a very bad car accident recently; she & two other members of the family were severely injured (bad judgment & pulled out in front of oncoming traffic). Now she's going through physical therapy & still wants to drive! :erg:
What I want is one of those devices that interfere with cell phones. I would have so many opportunities to use it!
Since the cutoff seems to be 20, I'm sure some of the bars here would be willing to conduct field tests.
I'd say that further testing is probably called for. I wouldn't feel comfortable using or promoting this device without evidence of it's safety. My fear would be the potential liability of damaging someone's hearing.

If it can be demonstrated to be safe, I think it's a wonderful idea. The "bird flu" excuse was brilliant.
Phoenix44 said:
That won't work. It'd never get past the iPod.

SSSsssssshhhhhhHHHHHH!!!! Don't tell the kids!

- Ceicei
Sorry, I dont find this amusing.

Keep finding ways to treat young people like they're inhuman, they'll continue to treat adults with indifference. Why do you think they use the iPods?
Keep finding ways to treat young people like they're inhuman, they'll continue to treat adults with indifference. Why do you think they use the iPods?

Treating adults with indifference is a developmental stage.
He's right though, about the Ipods. My dad was yelling at me the other day and he didnt even see the earbuds in my ears because - well, I dont know why. But my hand in my hoody pocket turned the volume up loud enough that I couldnt hear him while he still thought he was chewing me out. I wish I bought one when they first came out

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