How far will PETA go?


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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First it's animals, now fish. What next?,1249,600106702,00.html

[font=Georgia,Verdana]The Fish Empathy Project stopped in Salt Lake City on Saturday to discourage Utahns from eating fish. Consumers should remember fish are not only "highly intelligent animals," but they are loaded with cancer-causing chemicals, according to the touring program sponsored by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

Read the rest of the article in the link.

- Ceicei


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
I remember the old saying... "Fish is brain food." Seems to me these folks are proving that they've never eaten fish before, because if they did... they'd be smart enough to realize just how stupid their ideas really are. Traditonal fishes (Halibut, Cod, Mackrels, etc. are caught far from any chemical/industrial plants.
According to Christian beliefs God created man and gave him dominion over all the beasts in the land, birds in the air and fish in the seas. This basically meant we are supposed to eat them as well as care for them and to help nature stay in harmony.
The only thing I agree with PETA is that how our foods should be better prepared. Cleaner and healthier slaughterhouses and so forth. Of course PETA's (which should mean People Eating Tasty Animals :D ) don't even eat meat or if they do then they're hypocrites.
Animals are just animals and they're food for us, pure and simple.
Don't like it? Don't eat it. Pure and simple. Leave the rest of us 20 oz. T-bone steak lovers alone!


Master of Arts
Sep 30, 2004
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actual according to gen 1:29 I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food." And it was so.
he gives us every tree that has fruit and seen and the beasts (animals) birds and other stuff he gives green plant

but after the flood it became accepable to eat some animals ...only clean kinds (ugh and thats a long one to explain) and now its really not followed cus i dont know why...i try (its a church thing kinda goes with being seventh day adventist) to but sometimes pep. pizza sounds too good


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Clean animals (at the time) meant no bottom feeding "sea-foods" i.e. lobsters, crabs, shellfish and fish that are... err, bottom feeders. It also included animals that root, live in their own (or others) fecal matter, pigs is the prime example, especially those that were penned up. Thus unclean animals.
One would think the primary reason for it was because there were no sanitary methods (invented) to ensure a (relatively) germ free slab of bacon or ham.
The Jewish Torah has it more in depth I think.
But looking back on it, it does make sense no?

From Pulp Fiction:
Thanks a bunch.
(to Jules, who's nursing his coffee)
Want a bacon?

Naw, I don't eat pork.

Are you Jewish?

I ain't Jewish man, I just don't dig on swine.

Why not?

Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.

Bacon taste good. Pork chops taste good.

A sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie. I'll never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy mother****er. Pigs sleep and root in s***. That's a filthy animal. I don't wanna eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense to disregard its own feces.

How about dogs? Dogs eat their own feces.

I don't eat dog either.

Yes, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but they're definitely dirty. But a dog's got personality. And personality goes a long way.
So by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he's cease to be a filthy animal?

Well we'd have to be talkin' 'bout one mother****in' charmin' pig. I mean he’d have to be ten times more charming than that Arnold on Green Acres you know what I’m sayin?


Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
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Effingham, Illinois
PETA has even gone to Fishing Tournaments trying to distrub fishing anglers. Bang on there boats, honking horns, getting in the way, doing any thing to cause trouble. Most fishing tournaments practice catch & release methods. If I caught a PETA I don't think I would release it. :revenge:

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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People should probably be more focused on the suffering of their fellow humans - children especially - who have little or nothing to eat, no warm place to live, or anyone to care about them. Granted, a counter argument could be made that animals need advocates too. Then do your part and adopt and spay/neuter an animal - give it a good home. Then give your time or a donation to a charity which will benefit other people.

Throwing red paint or animal blood on a person wearing fur is counterproductive. People think PETA members are 'nuts' and will therefore avoid and villify them despite their so-called good intentions. Present your case in clear, concise and realistic language and you just might get some sympathetic attention.


Trying to find my place
Jan 14, 2004
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Kempojujutsu said:
PETA has even gone to Fishing Tournaments trying to distrub fishing anglers. Bang on there boats, honking horns, getting in the way, doing any thing to cause trouble. Most fishing tournaments practice catch & release methods. If I caught a PETA I don't think I would release it. :revenge:
"Catch and release" fishing ranks right up there with "sport" hunting as one of the more senseless things we as humans have come up with to entertain ourselves, IMO. Sure, you let the fish go. Go you. Why did you feel the need to bait the fish in the first place and make it impail itself on a big friggin hook? How long is that fish gonna live now that it has a nice big hole in it from where you jamed a metal spike through it's flesh and released it back into the water, which we ALL know is clean. :rolleyes:

*rant off*

Sorry. I don't believe in PETA's actions when it comes to their protest methods as others have mentioned (throwing paint/blood on people, etc). Then again, when they disrupt an activity that has no apparent constructive use, perhaps it's not such a bad thing. If you're going to fish, eat what you catch or give it to someone who needs it. Don't make the animal suffer for your entertainment.


Hmmm... the extremists are always a problem... ranging from animal rights and anti-testing groups through to civilian armies and terrorists. You will always encounter that small dark group of humanity that go a few steps beyond the normal actions of others and enter th terrority of violence, anti-social behavior, fear inducement etc.

The problem I have is that I can kind of understand why. I strongly disagree with harming others, with labeling, hounding, stalking, shooting, blowing things up etc..... yet when you have tried for so long to be heard, treated with respect, or feel so strongly about something and nothing is done... well, you either quit the campaign, or take it in a different direction.

Inmclude egotistical people, or those with ulterior motives, and you end up with those core groups that do the wrong things... but probably for the right reasons! (As far as they are concerned the reasons are good, for others they may not be!)

The problem seems to be drawing the lines between perspectives, aknowledgement, inacting upon problems and producing results that satisfy all involved.

As an example....
You go to your club to train... have done for years...every time you park up, get out, lock up, enter the building, get changed, warm up etc.... you have a solid routine.
All of a sudden, new shops open up locally, and you can't park anymore. No spaces are left. So you ask about new parking, or parking permits, or a simple soloution to the problem. You leave earlier to get a space, and still can'....all the while you are told it is being looked into and will be sorted out to everyones benefit.....1 month, two months, 6 months.... you have resorted to parking 100 meters down the road, and one day you get clamped.... £50 fine...GREAT! So what do you do? You have as much right as anyone else! You have been there for years, yet aren't considered above any of the newer ones...if anything, you are thought less of as you aren't spending £XXX money in the shops!
You then notice these stickers in the new-shoppers cars, permitting them to park during certain times for free!, whilst you have to either park ages away, or pay extortionate amounts for a ticket......

So what would your reactions be?
If you lert it lie, you suffer for no reason! If you take action, most others will see you as an extremist, though some of your fellow club members may support you - be it openly or covertly!

Now take that scenario and switch the details... you home town is invaded, and the other towns ignore you or won't openly support you. Or your pet cat is stolen, and you end up seeing someone wearing it.... your prize car, worth a fortune due to it's rarity is damaged or stolen.... the scenario shouldn't matter, the result shoould be the same!

An odd example... yet considers most of the issues that these people have from their perspective.... once you have answers, take the perspective of the new-shoppers, of the local/original shops, of the new shops etc... it's convoluted and there is no real way to make everyone happy!

The key is getting people to talk and to listen... yet things like money, land, bribes, hate and fear get in the way.... talk falls on deaf ears etc.

Shame, but humans suck in general.
Specifically for the PETA.... most of them seem to be of the ulterior motive group... i.e. violence, general disturbance and little in the way of communicating.... more a fact of the method ofr methods sake rather than ends justify the means, of means justify the end!


OUMoose said:
Then again, when they disrupt an activity that has no apparent constructive use, perhaps it's not such a bad thing.

It may not be apparent to PETA and others, but going fishing with your kids is a form of family activity, learning about nature, history and tradition, and the booboo on the fishy's lip will go away instead of him ending in the frying pan.

There are also laws against disrupting a legitimate hunt, which these "activists" have no trouble breaking.


Trying to find my place
Jan 14, 2004
Reaction score
MisterMike said:
It may not be apparent to PETA and others, but going fishing with your kids is a form of family activity, learning about nature, history and tradition, and the booboo on the fishy's lip will go away instead of him ending in the frying pan.

There are also laws against disrupting a legitimate hunt, which these "activists" have no trouble breaking.
True, but the example I was quoting was of a Fishing tournament. Also, it's usually a little more than a booboo. I've been fishing many times in the past and see hooks go through the fish's eye or completely through the bottom of their mouth. So, to extrapolate to a larger animal, if someone took a meathook to your cheek, then let you go abouts on your merry way, would that "booboo" just heal?

As far as the law goes, I agree that they're in the wrong with their not-so-peaceful protest activities.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Autocrat said:
Hmmm... the extremists are always a problem... ranging from animal rights and anti-testing groups through to civilian armies and terrorists. You will always encounter that small dark group of humanity that go a few steps beyond the normal actions of others and enter th terrority of violence, anti-social behavior, fear inducement etc.

The problem I have is that I can kind of understand why. I strongly disagree with harming others, with labeling, hounding, stalking, shooting, blowing things up etc..... yet when you have tried for so long to be heard, treated with respect, or feel so strongly about something and nothing is done... well, you either quit the campaign, or take it in a different direction.

Inmclude egotistical people, or those with ulterior motives, and you end up with those core groups that do the wrong things... but probably for the right reasons! (As far as they are concerned the reasons are good, for others they may not be!)

The problem seems to be drawing the lines between perspectives, aknowledgement, inacting upon problems and producing results that satisfy all involved.

As an example....
You go to your club to train... have done for years...every time you park up, get out, lock up, enter the building, get changed, warm up etc.... you have a solid routine.
All of a sudden, new shops open up locally, and you can't park anymore. No spaces are left. So you ask about new parking, or parking permits, or a simple soloution to the problem. You leave earlier to get a space, and still can'....all the while you are told it is being looked into and will be sorted out to everyones benefit.....1 month, two months, 6 months.... you have resorted to parking 100 meters down the road, and one day you get clamped.... £50 fine...GREAT! So what do you do? You have as much right as anyone else! You have been there for years, yet aren't considered above any of the newer ones...if anything, you are thought less of as you aren't spending £XXX money in the shops!
You then notice these stickers in the new-shoppers cars, permitting them to park during certain times for free!, whilst you have to either park ages away, or pay extortionate amounts for a ticket......

So what would your reactions be?
If you lert it lie, you suffer for no reason! If you take action, most others will see you as an extremist, though some of your fellow club members may support you - be it openly or covertly!

Now take that scenario and switch the details... you home town is invaded, and the other towns ignore you or won't openly support you. Or your pet cat is stolen, and you end up seeing someone wearing it.... your prize car, worth a fortune due to it's rarity is damaged or stolen.... the scenario shouldn't matter, the result shoould be the same!

An odd example... yet considers most of the issues that these people have from their perspective.... once you have answers, take the perspective of the new-shoppers, of the local/original shops, of the new shops etc... it's convoluted and there is no real way to make everyone happy!

The key is getting people to talk and to listen... yet things like money, land, bribes, hate and fear get in the way.... talk falls on deaf ears etc.

Shame, but humans suck in general.
Specifically for the PETA.... most of them seem to be of the ulterior motive group... i.e. violence, general disturbance and little in the way of communicating.... more a fact of the method ofr methods sake rather than ends justify the means, of means justify the end!

The first man to raise a fist ... is the first one to run out of ideas. ~ H.G. Wells
Hurting people to get attention is what a toddler to an adolescent child does. Extremists are those who go too far in expressing their frustration at not getting their way.
As far as PETA folk goes, they are fighting their own natural in-based nutritional requirements. We are ominivores, like bears. We eat both MEAT and Veggies. We require BOTH to sustain ourselves and to have a natural balance for our bodies, our lives. Our teeth shows this. Molars for grinding up fiberous foods (veggies) and cainines for tearing meat.
These people who go too far in saying AWWW poor widdle animals, poor widdle defenseless animals, we're too cruel to them just so we can eat. I find it ludicrous to think that a fish suffers pain in the same manner that we do. Animals do feel pain, a response to damaged nerves.
They're animals dammit. Nothing more. Not reasoning intelligent beings as we are. They haven't done ANYTHING to make their lives better. They eat, sleep and make little versions of themselves that grow up to eat, sleep and make little versions of themselves. They'll act the way that nature intended for them to act. Be territorial out of instinct and survival. They are not the same as we humans and these idjits need to realize that. Animals don't create art for art's sake, they don't entertain each other. Sit and watch a herd of cows for a couple of weeks, first of all you're gonna see them do the same thing hour after hour, day after day, secondly you're gonna go outta your mind with boredom just watching a big dumb animal stand there and chew on it's own vomit (cud). Nice huh?
Hurting people that continue to hunt, fish, eat meat and ignore their pleas to stop is just childish and stupid. Don't like it, dont' join us.

Oh, and I'll have that 20 oz. t-bone steak medium rare. Ah lak a little blood for the flavor, along with the fat :D.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I realize that eating animals is wrong, but has anyone asked the veggies how they feel?
Maybe we should form a group against the blatent vegetable slavery and consumption?

Or maybe I'll just go have a nice tuna salad. :)


Jul 31, 2003
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MMMM..lemon chicken in a peta pocket. Oh wait a minute....


Master of Arts
Sep 30, 2004
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um humans are made outta meat too...but you wouldnt go around eating people. I see there arugement, the college im going to is an all vegitarian campus, and i can see the heath benifits ...i still stop by burger king every now and then and i still eat some things i pry shouldnt, but there are deffinate valuse in not eating meat, our bodies can and do survive well on eating veggies, grains, and fruits


Master Black Belt
Oct 16, 2003
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Milledgeville Ga
I'm one of the vegitarians. Yes we are nuts. I disagree with PETA on this one though.
If a person wants to talk about it I will but if they don't then I'm not about to go out and start forcefully converting people to vegitarianism.
Bah i cant spel wroth a crud

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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I don't know that it's necessarily vegetarianism or veganism that PETA is advancing. There are vegetarians/vegans who will eat meat -- eggs, fish specifically -- as part of their diets but still consider themselves vegetarians/vegans. The PETAns have a larger agenda and are aggressive in pushing that agenda on others.

I thought vegetarians/vegans were peaceful people.:idunno:


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I would consider myself to be pretty liberal, but this is one of the major disagreements that I often have with my political peers.

I hunt and I fish and I do it for fun.

In this country there are very few people who really need the meat they can gather with their own hands. I don't. In fact, its much easier to go to the store. Yet, when I kill, I take the meat home with me anyway. In a very real sense, this is wasteful of the animals that were commercially slaughtered for my consumption in the market. Yet, I kill anyway.

Why? Fun is part of it...

There is something special about killing and eating. There is something primal and something that I think that humans, in our current society have lost. I see so many people who really have no idea where there meat comes from. Most don't even want to know. Personally, when I kill, I feel like I am garnering an old pragmatic wisdom by participating in something that my species has evolved to do. With my weapons of death, I slip back in time and I become aware of myself in ways that I can't describe right now.

If you ever meet me (or my children, because I teach these skills to them) you will meet a gentle man who loves everything around him, but underneath that veneer, there is something primal and brutal - beautiful. There is blood and humanity.

Regarding the pain an animal feels...

This fall, I stood in my tree stand and took an easy shot at a four point buck. Something flicked in my eye, so I was slightly off. The arrow went into the animals guts and it ran off. The rest of the day, I tracked the deer by following its blood trail through the snow. It was starting to get late, so I called the wife on the cell and told her what was happening. She told me to quit and go back in the morning, but I thought I could hear the deer up ahead so I kept up my pursuit. I came upon the animal in a clearing. It had collapsed from blood loss and exhaustion. When it saw me, it struggled to its feet and attempted to run. I pulled my knife and gave chase. Weakened, the deer slipped and fell. I fell on it, grabbed it by the head and cut its throat. The deer grunted and was quiet. The forest was quiet. The snow was cold and the blood was warm. I think about that animals pain and its lasts moments and I know that it is not the only one to suffer. I am not the only one to cause such suffering. Do the wolves care when they take a moose in the snow and begin eating it while it is still alive? Why should I be different?

This brings me to the point Catch and Release fishing.

My cat had kittens last spring. During the summer, she would take the little ones outside. Then she would proceed to catch a bird or a rodent and wound it so it couldn't escape. The animal, still alive was brought back to the kittens so they could practice killing. They are very innefficiant and the animal's suffering must have been great. When the animal expired, they abandoned their play and went inside to get some food. Without that practice, how could they ever become better?

Are my children any different? I took my three year old daughter fishing last summer. We caught a whole bunch of sunfish and perch and I put them into a bucket. She was excited and happy and so was I. Experimenting, she took a stick and poked at the fish in the bucket. They swam out of the way easily. Then I drained some water out of the bucket and picked one up. I showed it to my daughter and then she proceeded to pick up a fish to show me. I know many adults, children, and entire families, where not a single person could do what she just did. The wriggly slimy thing, for some reason, has become dangerous and menacing. My daughter has not fear of such things.

My earliest memory (I was two and a half) is of picking up a live fish and handing it to my father. I remember how the fish filled my hands and dissappeared into my fathers. He was like a god at that moment....


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