Coronavirus/Covid 19

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I am also one of those compromised immune folks, living well, but always vigilant.

I am also married to an accomplished, professional journalist who is not in any way incented to sell soap or anything else. Nor is she part of a conspiracy.
As one of those compromised persons I am not dismissing anything nor am I writing off as inconsequential however I am not panic buying, nor thinking we're all doomed. However the way it's being dealt with by authorities varies vastly from country to country.

Cost me absolutely nothing to be diagnosed and supposing I get the virus it will cost me nothing to have treatment.

This is true. Quite pleasant.
In my house we chuck 'purple spray' on wounds, whether its cats, dogs, cows, sheep, humans etc lol. Doesn't work on fish though.
From what i understand, you would have to havr some sort of evidence of an immune compromised condition for them to get you the initial diagnosis. I might be wrong. If it does, then there would still be people unaware of their conditions.
On this side of the Pond, it most definitely does not work that way.

Sadly not, I know. It can mean here that we have overcrowded A&E's because people know they can go and be treated, no worrying about the costs etc but on a scale of one to ten it's pretty much an eight and a half even a nine sometimes. the official approach here in the UK is measured, it's medical led which is always good rather than politician led. This is the England body, some of the info maybe helpful to non Brits, as might the Scottish site. Public Health England

HPS Website - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
From what i understand, you would have to havr some sort of evidence of an immune compromised condition for them to get you the initial diagnosis. I might be wrong. If it does, then there would still be people unaware of their conditions.

Here they are doing contact testing, as soon as a person is tested positive, they trace all contacts, in some places there's drive through testing places. You can also call the NHS and they will advise whether you should self isolate ( we are expected to self isolate here to prevent infections spreading), a medic can come out to test you as well. You don't need a diagnosis of any other conditions to be tested.

PHE novel coronavirus diagnostic test rolled out across UK
The Coronavirus is what it is, we do get regular 'visits' from viruses, if people have good hygiene anyway they are less at risk of catching a lot of things, with all this handwashing etc I'd hope food poisoning and the transmitting of colds and flu would lessen. Posting up numbers of people who died from Coronavirus, arguing about hand sanitisers ( small bottles are selling online for 50 times what they normally sell at and are being stolen from hospitals), not drinking Corona beer, beating up Asian people and crying 'woe is us' is pointless.

the Yorkshire view.
Coronavirus: why we must all keep calm and carry on – Jayne Dowle
I agree with the vast majority of those things being pointless.
may be we are talking about different things ? im talking about anti bacterial soap, ( solid, liqued or thick liqued other wise known as gel), which as the name sugests is SOAP that a) washes and b) kills bacteria that the wasing leaves behind. the main complainst against it, arnt that is leaves bacteria, it doesnt in mucus or anything else, its that it to effective and washes away bacteria that you need to be healthy and will in time give rise to super bugs.

i use it on my smelly bits, mostly my feet, that are prone to get a bit ripe if only washed in soap and water, as that leaves behind a significant % of the bacterial collony, which soon replenish themselves to there previous numbers and stinkyness. i wash them first in bio wash and then with soap ) shower gel) and they stay fresh for a considerable period of time, becouse ALL( but 1 %) the bacteria are dead
Yes, we were. I thought you were talking about sanitizer gel vs. soap. Antibacterial soap does do double duty.
I don't think it's a throwaway line. Those who have those conditions know how to be careful with their health. It's more aimed at preventing mass panic from those who don't have those conditions.
I think it's a step more than that (which I think was his point). If you and I have strong immune systems and just decide we'll weather the storm (take few precautions), we become part of the vector (I think that's the term) for spreading the virus. That raises the risk for folks with impaired immunity.

It's important that healthy folks take reasonable precautions, so the less-healthy don't have to take unreasonable precautions like avoiding contact with everyone.
Cost me absolutely nothing to be diagnosed and supposing I get the virus it will cost me nothing to have treatment.
"Cost at POS" isn't the same as "cost". I admire the NHS you guys have, but it doesn't actually render free service - it just distributes that cost better, so you (the entire nation) spread it well over time and individuals. Personally, I think it's a better approach, but that's me, and getting awfully close to political discussion.
"Cost at POS" isn't the same as "cost". I admire the NHS you guys have, but it doesn't actually render free service - it just distributes that cost better, so you (the entire nation) spread it well over time and individuals. Personally, I think it's a better approach, but that's me, and getting awfully close to political discussion.

Well, it's totally free for me, I don't pay National Insurance being retired and all my prescriptions are free. :D you are quite right about how it's paid for though. The important thing at the moment is that none needs to fear having to pay if they think they have or indeed do have the Coronavirus.
A big thing here is if you have been in contact with or have the virus even if you will fine is to self isolate for 14 days, not go out or 'just pop into work', the sick pay rules which usually mean you get paid after three days off sick have been amended to start on the first day.

This is very true, takes a lot to rattle them up here, I do mean a lot. we've had foot and mouth which wiped out prize dairy herds, floods which devastated homes and businesses ( they are still mopping up after third flood in nine months), mine explosions and colliery disasters, bombings, fires, Hillsborough disaster and much more yet Yorkshire people just carry on. 'Put kettle on lass' indeed.
"Cost at POS" isn't the same as "cost". I admire the NHS you guys have, but it doesn't actually render free service - it just distributes that cost better, so you (the entire nation) spread it well over time and individuals. Personally, I think it's a better approach, but that's me, and getting awfully close to political discussion.
The problem for us is that we pay twice: insurance premiums, and then copays and coinsurance. The insurance companies are in the way.
On this side of the Pond, it most definitely does not work that way.
Well, Canadians are on this side of that pond too, and it does work that way for them.

As for me, I'll qualify for medicare this summer. But then I lose my family coverage through work. My wife can get coverage through her employer, but not my daughter (currently on my plan) who has some issues. I'm frankly quite worried about that.

Maybe I need a second job ...or new career altogether. Been thinking Mexico is a cheap place to live. BTW, have any of you seen that Clint Eastwood movie, The Mule?

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A vaccine will be found, probably in the next four weeks, and it will pass.
Not sure I would trust a a Vaccine that was created that quickly. They are still having difficulty in understanding the virus and the US just recently got their testing kits to a reliable quality.
Even CDC is projecting 1 or 2 years

Looking at the rate of suicide, the second highest cause of death in the US and rising fast in the UK I think the Coronavirus isn't actually the thing we should worry about the most.
Suicide isn't contagious.
A report last night included news from the main testing site near Seattle. Approximately 5% of those with similar symptoms who were tested, tested positive for covid-19. This suggests a large number of unreported cases.
I wonder at what number do they determine that there is no benefit to tracking possible exposures.

2 cases of Coronavirus confirmed just a few miles (about 20 minutes) north of me.
That sucks. I think the county I live in got 3 new cases. So far the Georgia cases are from people who traveled to Italy. The last headline I saw about Italy is that they are preparing to do a big lockdown of some sort.
The problem for us is that we pay twice: insurance premiums, and then copays and coinsurance. The insurance companies are in the way.
I wanted to further point out: we pay insurance premiums, which you may as well call a “tax”. But the insurance company who collects those premiums has zero intention of spending the money on us. Their intention is to keep as much of it as possible, and make as big a profit as they can, above actual payroll and operating expenses. They want to simply put it into their own pockets, and not do any good for you.

Personally, I would be happy to pay a “tax”, knowing that the money will then be spent on me/us.
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