corny joke time

yak sao

Senior Master
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
A woman is lying in bed reading.
Her husband comes walking into the bedroom carrying a chicken under his arm.

Husband: "Well, here's the pig I've been sleeping with"

Wife: "uh...that's a chicken"

Husband: "I wasn't talking to you"
Chinese Takeout :$16.49
Gas to drive there: $2.00
Getting home and realizing one of your packages is missing: Riceless
Recently I have been getting into astronomy so I installed a skylight.

People who live above me are furious.

One of my all-time favorite absurd jokes:

I'm living on a one way dead end street.
(slight pause)
I don't know how I ever got there.
An Australian ends up next to a British soldier in the trenches during World War II.

The British soldier turns to him and says, "Good to see you mate , have you come here to die?"

To which the Australian replies , "No mate , I came here yesterday!"
Dan: Someone that black belt level
Darn: The sound uttered by the black belt realizes the instructor will now strike harder and more often
Damn: The sound uttered by the black belt's partner, it's his turn now!

Best 5 inventions in probably the world...
5. ABC gum, takes the boring part out of the equation and if you're lucky there might be some flavor left
4. Nailed boards, they already have nails thus the hard work is already done
3. Water-proof towel, now you never have a wet towel
2. Peddle powered wheel chair, it's definitely better than your average wheel chair...
1. windows for a submarine, now everyone can look outside and if you want you can even touch the fish (just open it)
Why did the chicken cross the playground

To get to the other slide.
I was visiting my daughter and asked if I could borrow a newspaper.
"This is the 21st century," she said, "We don't waste money on newspapers. Here, use my iPad."

I gotta' tell ya....That fly never knew what hit him.
3 guys walk in to a bar.

You'd think at least one of them would have ducked...
A lawyer, a priest, and a rabbi walk in to a bar.

Bartender looks up and says "What is this, some kind of a joke?"