Chin Na (need some help)


Senior Master
If I understand correctly Chin Na is Chinese Wrestling. If that is not true please tell me. If it is I would like to know some conditioning tips from people who have done Chin Na before. I ask because starting this year I am going to be a wrestler in high school.
I already know some Judo and Aikido (both are in Cuong Nhu), so I feel I have at least a fighting chance. How ever I would like to do some conditioning the wrestlers wont know, as it could also give me an edge (or atleast irritate them).
Now some of you may be woundering why I even care so much about a game. Well, if I get good enough I could go to college on a wrestling scholarship. And it could also help train my grappling. heres hopeing
CuongNhuka said:
If I understand correctly Chin Na is Chinese Wrestling. If that is not true please tell me. If it is I would like to know some conditioning tips from people who have done Chin Na before. I ask because starting this year I am going to be a wrestler in high school.
I already know some Judo and Aikido (both are in Cuong Nhu), so I feel I have at least a fighting chance. How ever I would like to do some conditioning the wrestlers wont know, as it could also give me an edge (or atleast irritate them).
Now some of you may be woundering why I even care so much about a game. Well, if I get good enough I could go to college on a wrestling scholarship. And it could also help train my grappling. heres hopeing

No Chin Na (Qinna) is not Chinese wrestling it is muscle and tendon tearing and joint locking to be exact. Chinese wrestling is Shuai Chiao (Shuaijiao)
Yes....listen to Xue.
Chin-Na IS very very interesting though.
But the majority of it's moves would get you thrown OUT...if not arrested...from a wrestling meet.

I wrestled too!! I'd bet you'll enjoy it!
If you want the upper hand...
start lifting weights NOW, emphasize the main power movements. BUT: Don't go TOO heavy. Just get a good foundation of strength now. DON'T do any over the counter (or under) "Body-building" supplements until you are an adult!! Trust me, you're don't need them at all and would end up with just some very expensive urine.

Also: Lift twice a week, RUN three times per week. MOST wrestlers in the HighSchool range do not take cardiovascular conditioning seriously enough. I'd recomend that you work a series of 20 yard sprints....doing ALL OUT speed, maybe 15 of them, taking a 1 minute break between. THEN: finish your sprints with a one mile jog. NOT fast, just a good even pace.

ALSO: Don't ever neglect building strength in your abdominal muscles and the muscles of your lower back!! (CRUNCHES are great, but they are just the beginning!)
START working those neck muscles NOW. Look up exercises for the neck and then do them RELIGIOUSLY!!! (Neck injuries are one of the more common injuries in wrestling so....overcome it NOW)

Best of luck to you man.
Be good!! DO better.......

Your Brother
Brother John said:
Yes....listen to Xue.
Chin-Na IS very very interesting though.
But the majority of it's moves would get you thrown OUT...if not arrested...from a wrestling meet.

Qinna is the only CMA related art I studied and read about that made me cringe, it can get plain nasty and incredibly debilitating if not down right crippling as far as your opponent is concerned so I agree completely with Brother John.
Thanks. I had never even heard of Chin Na untill I read an article about it in Black Belt magazine. And the way the auhur described it, I thought it was wrestling. But thanks for the replys.
The authur also mentioned that there are specific conditioning execrises used in Chin Na. I really menat could you folks send me in the write derection to get those exercises. Assuming I read the arcticle correctly.
But since Shuai Chiao is Chineese Wrestling, are there any specific conditioning exercises for it? I don't want techinques, since they are hard to learn with a descrpition and pictures. and nearly imposable to learn form just a description.
And folks thanks for the insite!
CuongNhuka said:
Thanks. I had never even heard of Chin Na untill I read an article about it in Black Belt magazine. And the way the auhur described it, I thought it was wrestling. But thanks for the replys.
The authur also mentioned that there are specific conditioning execrises used in Chin Na. I really menat could you folks send me in the write derection to get those exercises. Assuming I read the arcticle correctly.

There is an article in a magazine that I have that goes over some of the exercises for Qinna, I will have to look for it and maybe you can get it a back issue.

Also Dr Yang Jwing Ming has a book on Qinna that goes over training as well. But remember Qinna could get you kicked out of a match

CuongNhuka said:
But since Shuai Chiao is Chineese Wrestling, are there any specific conditioning exercises for it? I don't want techinques, since they are hard to learn with a descrpition and pictures. and nearly imposable to learn form just a description.
And folks thanks for the insite!

Yes there are but I have no idea what they are exactly. I do know that Liang Shouyu use to teach it.

Maybe he has something on it
Like they said Chi'Na is not wrestling. Chi here means 'to catch', and 'Na' means 'to control'.
all chinese martial arts involve chi'na of some sort usually. also, in terms of your wrestling you can use china to control then transition to your throw downs. Remember locks are not intended to be just locks. they give you control of opponent to do something with them whether it's a strike, take down, or just to escape from a situation
Xue Sheng said:
Qinna is the only CMA related art I studied and read about that made me cringe, it can get plain nasty and incredibly debilitating if not down right crippling as far as your opponent is concerned so I agree completely with Brother John.

I like the sound of that, :) Can you shed a little light please brother? :asian:
I own a book called "Chin-Na, The Grappling Art of KungFu"..That about says it all...Some REAL serious techniques that could get your training partner REALLY hurt if you don't know what you're doing...
Thanks again guys. You are being very helpful. I think all this is going to be very helpful. Esspecialy the book and web sites.
And unrelated to every thing, but Drac what language is your signature in? I'm sorry, but it's been bugging me. What is that? Russian?
CuongNhuka said:
Thanks again guys. You are being very helpful. I think all this is going to be very helpful. Esspecialy the book and web sites.
And unrelated to every thing, but Drac what language is your signature in? I'm sorry, but it's been bugging me. What is that? Russian?

CuongNhuka said:
And unrelated to every thing, but Drac what language is your signature in? I'm sorry, but it's been bugging me. What is that? Russian?

CuongNhuka said:
Thanks... that shows how much Russian and Latin I know.

I did Latin at high school, that's the only reason I knew mate. "Timeo daneo et dona ferrentis", or there's "omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amore"!! That's about all I remember. Oh, "orum" on the end of a word means it's genetive plural. Apparently? ;)
I Just remembered this

Another person that was in wrestling and then later competed in Shuai-Chiao was Matt Furey of Combat conditioning fame. Maybe there is something on his site as well.
Kensai said:
"Timeo daneo et dona ferrentis", or there's "omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amore"!! ;)

and those mean what? all the latin i know is "you too Brutus" but like i could spell it.
Xue Sheng said:
I Just remembered this

Another person that was in wrestling and then later competed in Shuai-Chiao was Matt Furey of Combat conditioning fame. Maybe there is something on his site as well.

i'll look into that