Cat IN A Diet Box


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Okay there is something seriously wrong with you if this kitty don't make you laugh. Just for the heck of it. :uhyeah:
LOL! That was great! Cute and funny kitty! :D
It's a big mystery why cats love paper bags and boxes so much. But they do, and it's cute every time!
Excellent...All of ours love boxes and paperbags....
I love watching cats play with boxs and bags
mine do it all the time
Cats love Boxes and Bags.

But this cat is bigger than the box and he thinks if he gets a big enough run he can make it through not only one but two. :lol: :D
Cats love Boxes and Bags.

But this cat is bigger than the box and he thinks if he gets a big enough run he can make it through not only one but two. :lol: :D
Well remember that a cat's bulk is mostly belied by it's fur also it's 70% water (like us) and far more supple and bendable skeletal structure than ours... so... it can do it. If it's head fits... the rest of it will.... usually.

THAT cat would make a great caver though. :uhyeah:
Biology Nerd Point Alert!

If a cat's whiskers will fit through a gap, without being bent, then so will the whole cat :D. The kitty in question ran into problems with the laws of friction and inertia as relating to a light object with a large surface area ... or maybe it was too many cheeseburgers :lol:?

My favourite part was when he/she had a box as a cummerbund - that lashing tail said plain as day "Oh darn it! I've made a right twonk of myself now :grr:!" ROFL.