Budget cuts in the field kitchen?

Sounds like they'll get cold food instead...yeah, that does suck, but a drawdown is a drawdown I suppose.
Not just cold food...MRE's. Although I personally don't mind them...but for weeks on end...that would be rough.

I have to say it sounds necessary because of the pull out...but the fact that this administration doesn't like the military...makes me suspicious...especially with the way they have used the government to go after groups they don't like...
Sounds like a cruel game to me. A hurtful cut is taking place not because its the most efficient way to scale back on a budget but to prove a point.

This is a cut that not only hurts the morale a bit but IMO also the performance. I don't mind MRE's either, but I think when in a situation where one is under a heavy load (physically as well as mentally), a hot meal makes a difference in how a person can perform.
You doubt that his people would be that petty...with the information on the I.R.S., the E.P.A., OSHA and any number of other government agencies targeting conservative groups...you don't think they would stoop to taking away these meals just for snicks...

going after reporters in the A.P. story, or Fox news's Jim Rosen...going after his parents...
To what end? What do you suppose they get out of hurting troops?

Just plain old fun of making them miserable. He made a marine hold an umbrella for him. Here Marine keep me dry as you stand in the rain Last I checked when I was a marine it was against marine regulations to even have an umbrella in uniform. He doesn't salute them when he enters or exits Marine 1. Just a total lack of respect for them. Then that speech he gave the other day when he said that troops overseas fight for him. Troops don't fight for the president its not his personal army.

I understand draw downs and needed to remove the chow hall at some point but unless the base is closing in the next few weeks that should be one of the last things removed.
Everyone that says MREs are fine. Trying eatting then every meal for weeks at a time. Not so much fun then
He made a marine hold an umbrella for him. Here Marine keep me dry as you stand in the rain Last I checked when I was a marine it was against marine regulations to even have an umbrella in uniform

You know that this has been done for every president before him, right? Pictures were posted everywhere of Marines holding umbrellas for presidents from at least Nixon on--including both Bushes. This has been debunked everywhere except at Fox News.

Reagan also was reluctant to salute at first, reasoning that he was, technically, a civilian, even as CINC. He had to be talked into it.
I would like to edit to add however I don't think it was Obamas idea to remove the chow halls. The prez doesn't get that involved in troop planning. So I don't blame him for this.
You know that this has been done for every president before him, right? Pictures were posted everywhere of Marines holding umbrellas for presidents from at least Nixon on--including both Bushes. This has been debunked everywhere except at Fox News.

Reagan also was reluctant to salute at first, reasoning that he was, technically, a civilian, even as CINC. He had to be talked into it.

Really where I've looked and found no pictures of Marines holding umbrellas for bush Reagan or Clinton.
You know that this has been done for every president before him, right? Pictures were posted everywhere of Marines holding umbrellas for presidents from at least Nixon on--including both Bushes. This has been debunked everywhere except at Fox News.

Reagan also was reluctant to salute at first, reasoning that he was, technically, a civilian, even as CINC. He had to be talked into it.

Interesting article here on Presidents and salutes...

Regarding the chow hall... I can't say I agree with it. There's too much solid reason not to close it for the one meal -- and I can't help but wonder if it's not another case of sequestration budget cuts hitting the most visible areas possible, and administration refusal to look at less visible, or less painful cuts. But the bottom line is simple: food is closely tied to morale, and is one of the last places that they should be cutting.
Really where I've looked and found no pictures of Marines holding umbrellas for bush Reagan or Clinton.


Maybe Reagan and Clinton didn't melt in the rain?

But it could be worse:

Just plain old fun of making them miserable. He made a marine hold an umbrella for him. Here Marine keep me dry as you stand in the rain Last I checked when I was a marine it was against marine regulations to even have an umbrella in uniform.
Well obviously Bush taught him he could use the Marines for weather issues, but the idea that he is just relishing the idea of punishing troops is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
I find the idea ridiculous that the man is sitting in the oval office, figuring out how to piss off the troops.

There are enough people in the mix, never having been on a camp out, much less in the field, figuring where to save a penny.

And plenty of people who - as unPC as it is - don't like soldiers and veterans.

But it really is the suck, picking on people who ahve no means to substitute their meal plan on their on.
Well obviously Bush taught him he could use the Marines for weather issues,
How do you figure that?
but the idea that he is just relishing the idea of punishing troops is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
I dont think he does it on purpose. I do not believe he has much respect for them however.
I also dont believe this chow hall closure thing is his Idea. I Hope he has much more important things to do then figure out what chow halls get shut down and which dont

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