Bruce Lee!


Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
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Bruce Lee was the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

The 1st seen in Enter the Dragon.
Bruce & Samo are in trunks,Shoe & are wearing Gloves.
They Strike, Wrestle & it ends in Submisson.

It seems to me the rest of us are
Still trying to ketch up to Lee!

Ok i know this was not a real fight!
But this was done with this type of fighting.
On his mind.

Back When 1 style was what U did.
U never cross trained.
U never Competed aganist other M.A.

What do U guy's think Was Bruce the 1st
I say YES!
:samurai: :samurai:
Bruce in My Eye's @@
Was the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

The 1st seen in Enter the Dragon
Bruce & Samo are in Trunks, Gloves & Shoe's.

They Strike, Wrestle & it ends in Submisson.

Ok Yes i know this was not a fight.
But this is what Mixed Martial Arts fighting.
Is all about.

It seems to Me we are still trying to ketch up
With Bruce & i reconise him as the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

What do U guy's think???
Originally posted by ace

It seems to Me we are still trying to ketch up
With Bruce & i reconise him as the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

What do U guy's think???

I think ketch up is great on a burger. Unless you are implying that mma is the heinz 57 of martial arts.
But I fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 on 1
So don't sing it!:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:
Originally posted by ace

But I fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 on 1
So don't sing it!:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:

Nah .. it's much more entertaining this way.

Strong like bull! Smart like tractor!

:rofl: :D :p :)
:redeme: :bird: :bird: :bird:
Bruce in My Eye's was the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

I would disagree. Martial artists have been cross-training between striking and grappling skills since well, forever. Just one example of people who "strike, wrestle, and end in submission" is the formation of kajukenbo in 1947. Bruce was about 3 then. Bruce was just the most popular example, certainly not the first.

I have to agree with Blindside.

Mixing martial arts is nothing new, fact it has been done for centuries. People have always been adding things they have seen work.


If you have trouble spelling most computers have a feature known as "spell check". Type whatever it is you want to say in an email form when your finished hit Ctrl + A and then F7. This will check everything on the page.
Also, some friendly advice, if you would like to be taken seriously why don't you give the animation stuff a rest now and gets old when it's over used.
And your more than occasional reference to you "fight" and how you will meet "anyone any place" and all the other chest pounding you do to act tough sounds and is childish.....give it rest. You could be the biggest baddest mother in the valley but you will never prove it that way........some 5 year old might be impressed but most adults know better.
Anamation Rocks!!

Fighting is what i do.

Im new to the computer
This is my 1st one.

Bruce was the 1st in the GLOVES, SHOES. & TRUNKS.

I may spell Bad but U guy can't read.
Im talkin about the sport!!

U guy's are takin about cross training.

& Kate Man U just keep talkin

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Wanna find out????????????????/
Talk is cheap:D
Let get it on
:D :D :D :D
I can set it up for combat Zone.
Thank U Bob :D
Now how about Combat Zone.
Spelling aside.
Bruce may have been one of the first to get alot of publicity and may have been one of the first to openly say he studied many systems ans styles and used what he thought best, but he really didnt compet.
He taught, studied, and made movies and televison shows. He was the right face at the right time and had talent to go with it.
Was he the first to use the pads and try grapleing also- not hardly, many of the old time schools found out what could and could not be done with the pads on.
Was he good and did he help promote the martial arts- yes

This is not what i am saying At all
He was the 1st to bring all of these

Elements to the public eye.
The out fit the way of the fight.

take another look at what i wrote.

Ill find spell check sooner or later

Until the Oooo

I can't say anything about ace's spelling but I can say that he can sure fight =-), he is also a pretty intellegent guy. And he could probley tell you the history of about 1000 martial arts
Side note: See the support forum here for an add-in to Internet Explorer for spell checking.