British Armed Forces Day


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Today is the first British Armed Forces Day, it's not in place of a remembrance day but a chance to thank you to all past and present servicemen and women who have all given and are still giving,to make our country a better place. We are so proud of you all, we may not say it much as we should but it's there.


Quite so. From the days of the wooden walls and iron men that secured the borders of Great Britain, our servicepeople have been deserving of proper respect for the thankless tasks they are sometimes called upon to perform.
An attitude of gratitude, to all who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy. A special thanks for lives lost on the battle Field. In life we are distinguished by uniforms, but once fallen, death hath no boundaries. There is a special place for those who, in the pursuit of life, choose to place themselves in harms way, for the betterment of all mankind. :asian:
The first one? Sounds like an idea whose time has come!

Yep the very first! I hope it really kicks off. We have Remembrance Sunday which rightfully is a solumn day to honour the falen but today was designed to be a celebration of service and what service people have given to the county not just while they were serving but also when they are out.
I think we need to take a leaf out of Americas book and really appriecate our troops, one thing I've always liked is that you thank people for their service, I've even seen ii in fictional programmes like CSI New York where 'Mac' says to an ex servicewoam, 'thank you for your service' it's such a good custom.