I found the birthday party info I downloaded a while ago. Hope this helps...
ć Get list of names from parent for VIP passes.
ƒá Prepare ¡§goody¡¨ bags with VIP pass, candy and little toys, stickers, & pencils. Tie with curling ribbon.
ć Order cake 3-4 days ahead of date. (vanilla)
ƒá Order pizza day of party to arrive at 3:00 PM. (Cheese Pizza from Petti¡¦s)
ć Check supplies for party: balloons, pop etc.
ć Schedule SWAT members to assist.
ć Send a note 3 days ahead to birthday child.
ć Send Thank you immediately following the event.
ć Set up obstacle course ahead of time.
ć Have focus pads, boppers, and other equipment ready to use.
ć Arrange for a short demonstration at 2:45 PM.
2:00 PM ¡V Welcome guests. Reward birthday child with special belt. Explain attention stance, bow, ready stance, at ease, and listening position (take a knee).
2:05 PM ¡V Explain & play ¡§Reaction¡¨ (musical chairs) using hand target pads & stereo. Play twice if it goes well the first time.
2:15 PM ¡V Split group into 2-3 teams for Dragon Pop Balloon game. Each child receives a balloon that they need to keep off the floor to the end of the mat where they sit or step on the balloon to pop it. Then they race back & tap the next team member to start.
2:30 PM ¡V Learn the High Block. Have host child demonstrate. Use boppers to practice. Teach kiai.
2:35 PM ¡V Explain & play the ¡§Ninja Noodle Game¡¨. They must duck under or jump over the noodle or use the high block to cover their head.
2:45 PM ¡V Demonstration of katas, weapons, self-defense, & skits.
3:00 PM ¡V Serve Pizza & Pop.
3:10 PM ¡V Open presents. Present a gift from the school (dog tag, mug, T-shirt etc.)
3:20 PM ¡V Learn punch. Have host demonstrate. Practice on hand targets & bags. Then toss a hand target to each child and have them punch it back 4 to 6 times. Remind them of using kiai and punching straight to return the pad straight.
3:30 PM ¡V Learn Front Kick. Have host demonstrate first. Practice on body shields and bags. Divide group into 2-3 teams for a relay to the bags. Kick right, then left & run back to tap the next team member.
3:40 PM ¡V Serve cake with a karate figure on top.
3:50 PM ¡V Obstacle course ¡V Have each child run the course twice and use the best time.
4:00 PM ¡V Distribute ¡§Goody¡¨ bags and say ¡§Come again!¡¨ Host receives leftover pizza and cake.
Post ¡V Party Clean-up:
ć Dust mats.
ć Sweep floor in lobby.
ć Clean off tables.
ć Put away supplies & equipment.
ć Pay assistants (12 & under $5 / 13 & over $10).
Other Games To Add Or Substitute:
¡§Sensei Says¡¨
¡§Teamwork ¡V Clean-up Drill¡¨
¡§Blind Man¡¦s Bluff¡¨
¡§Dragon-Dragon-Lizard¡¨ (Duck-Duck-Goose)