Bill O'Reilly hit with sexual harrassment suit.


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
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Bloomington, Indiana
Bill O'Reilly was hit with a sexual harrassment suit. It was written up at "The Smoking Gun" replete with the defendent's complaint. Very interesting stuff. If it sticks, it'll hurt him quite a bit...but I think it'll be a "he said, she said" sort of thing.

I'm not enclosing the link as it has questionable content only suitable for adults. The complaint goes into somewhat steamy detail regarding O'Reilly's alleged behavior.


Good idea not posting the material. I believe that there is more info on the Drudge Report. I think it's You're right, doesn't look good for O'Reilly. What's wrong with people?
I wonder if she ever heard of "hang up the phone".
I wonder, Mr. Harbers, if you've ever heard of "scared to lose your job".
Ronald R. Harbers said:
I wonder if she ever heard of "hang up the phone".
What on Earth is this supposed to mean? Can you not see the blatant abuse of authority that's gone on here? Did you read the affadavit?
I've heard of Kobe Bryant.

I've also heard of those whacky women who all accused Bill Clinton. But they were all just nuts. :rolleyes:
Hanging up the phone? This wasn't some perv calling her up out of the blue. This was her boss.

The guy was alledgedly sexually harrassing her everywhere.

Read the affadavit.


Ronald R. Harbers said:
I wonder if she ever heard of "hang up the phone".
If you are being harassed, the only way you can take action (legal, discipinary by an employer, etc) is if you have the harassement documented. You have to take notes or record it or something like that. And it can be a good way to intellectualize and cope with the harassement while you are still suffering from it.

Yes, she could have hung up the phone. But if he was really harassing her, he would have called again.
Plus, since it was her boss, he's supposed to be held to an even higher standard with those he oversees.

According to her affadafit (I believe that is unproven claims of fact, right?) after she broke up with her fiance, he took her out to dinner offered her a raise. Then began offering her "unsolicited advice regaurding her handling of future relationships with members of the opposite sex." This degenerated into him telling her to use a vibrator to let of steam, and telling her that he had coached another Fox employee in the use of her vibrator over the phone.

Are there still people in this world that think this sort of thing is appropriate?? In fact, were there ever???
You are all right. I work in a place where we are taught not even look a woman in the eye. Sound ridiculous. It is. I'm not going to pass judgement on either of them yet. Sorry to hurt any feelings. I will hope that the victim here is victorious.
Well, in all fairness, though we have her affadavit, we've not seen O'Reilly's response. The information that we have IS one sided, at this point.

The fact is, it wouldn't be the first time someone has tried to cash in heavily at the expense of someone else's reputation. Perhaps it would be a more moderate approach to not condemn anyone here until we have more information.

I do expect, though, that it won't be long before elements of this story are corroborated by others that he has worked with.
Thanks Flatlander. So sorry Feisty Mouse, I guess I stuck my big plastic foot in my mouth again.
Of course O'Reilly is kind of might have an advantage in a trial as he is use to speaking in a manner that will...whats the proper word here...I give up... be more influentail than your average joes way of putting it.
Add that to him having money for lawyers and he will probably do a better job in court or on his affadavit.

Sorry Bill......that is America, can't even look them in the eye....WTF????

This is a sorry state of affairs....IMHO....

Regards, Gary
All I have to say in the matter is this...

Does she have PROOF?

The reason I ask, is because I myself was accused of sexual harrasment once...

Because the employee under me was angry about something I did. So, to get even she called the office and said I was harrassing her.


I don't know who's at fault here, and I'm not saying she's making this up... Billy could have been Harrassing her, but I am willing to believe there is a possibility she is lying... If I were required to pass judgement, Id like to see some FACTS in the matter.
Well, in all fairness, though we have her affadavit, we've not seen O'Reilly's response. The information that we have IS one sided, at this point.

Bravo! I read through it's entirety...and something is nagging at me pretty well. If there was such a history with Bill to begin with, why would she leave CNN to return herself to such a situation. Something isn't adding up here....I'm very interested in O'Rielly's comments..
In actual cases were the boss is harassing the employee this is wrong and very sad.

Yet, a month ago, I was talking to a young lady, and she started bantering. I say benatering and not flirting, becuase she has a steady boyfriend, and child by him and in a long term relationship, and it was nothign more than teasing or bantering and not sexual.

Well being the stupid male I am I replied, in kind. Nothing was said that was wrong to either of us. Yet, another male employee with me, made a comment real loud that, boy I am a ladies man and ahve all the women eating out of my hand. Of course there were supervisors around for the young lady. I could not resolve the issue immediately. I went back later and apologize to the young lady, her supervisor also female overheard it, as I planned, and she aid there was nothing wrong, and could not understand why I had done what I had done. Yet the supervisor, nodded her head when I apologized as if this was the correct thing to do, and was upset visable at the young ladies reply about nothing being wrong. It is sad that I cannot even talk to anyone at work in a joking manner or face dismissal. This is in no way to take away from those who are harassed, yet, I would like to see some happy medium. Yet, I was afraid I might either loose my job, be moved, and or never promoted again.

And people wonder why I do not date people from work. :idunno:
It never works out good.

I hope if it is proven that harassment did occur, and I say it like this until they both get their day in court, that a corrct punishment is put in place. 60 million dollars is a lot, yet I do not know the mental anguish.

Well, here we go. Why wait and see when we can make up stories about the woman, whose fault we just KNOW it is?

After all, there's no chance whatsoever that a guy who sure appears to be about the most arrogant, ego-driven intellectual bully on TV (no small achievement!) could conceivably be the kind of guy who hassles the women who work for him. No, none at all.

Incidentally, a) the complainant previously interned for George Bush; b) despite the men's folklore, it is fairly uncommon for women to bring these suits, for exactly the reason previously mentioned.

But hey, dinna let that interfere, laddies. I'm sure it was the same chic who asassinated Kobe Bryant's character.