Be Safe


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
To those of our trans-Atlantic friends who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, take care, keep your wits about you and stay safe. As ever, remember that property can be replaced, you can't.
I'm in its path but by the time it gets to me it is supposed to be rain and sustained winds of 20mph with gusts up to 65, I think biggest issue in my area is flooding. It is raining and windy here now but it is much worse south of here

To those south of me and closer to NYC and in NJ stay safe
For those that were effected by did everyone make out? For me, it wasn't that bad while I was at work. However, as the night went on, the rain and wind was quite strong! I was fortunate to not lose power. However, when I arrived at work this morning, my midnight shift co-workers, some of whom worked last evening, said it was crazy...lots of wires/poles/trees down. Flooding...again, I was fortunate, however, there were many areas in the state that got hit very hard. Sadly a few lives were lost as well as some homes that caught on fire and were unable to be reached by the FD, due to flooding.
I read on Facebook that the Broads in Canada were hit hard both at their dojo and their home. Anyone else here suffering damage?
Most of the public safety agencies I work with are in the NY/NJ area and Boston so it was a long night trying to stay one jump ahead of the technical issues (read: outages I can fix) and political issues (read: outages I can't fix).

I am fine, just sleep deprived. And whiney...LOL.
Most of the public safety agencies I work with are in the NY/NJ area and Boston so it was a long night trying to stay one jump ahead of the technical issues (read: outages I can fix) and political issues (read: outages I can't fix).

I am fine, just sleep deprived. And whiney...LOL.

I just want to know how many Maglites gave their lives to help you through this :D
I just want to know how many Maglites gave their lives to help you through this :D

Hahahaha...I had a package in my hand at Costco when I was doing my storm prep! Just...couldn't...resist :D
We mostly just got a bunch of rain. I did have one stressful moment when it felt like my car was going to get blown off a bridge but otherwise. Not bad as hurricanes go, this was my third.
For those that were effected by did everyone make out? For me, it wasn't that bad while I was at work. However, as the night went on, the rain and wind was quite strong! I was fortunate to not lose power. However, when I arrived at work this morning, my midnight shift co-workers, some of whom worked last evening, said it was crazy...lots of wires/poles/trees down. Flooding...again, I was fortunate, however, there were many areas in the state that got hit very hard. Sadly a few lives were lost as well as some homes that caught on fire and were unable to be reached by the FD, due to flooding.
So far, seems like the greater DC area wasn't hit too hard. Power outages, some flooding, but, really, I think we got hit harder over the summer by the Derecho event. Might be wrong; I'm only just getting up and haven't really watched or followed much news so far today. Ended up chasing falling trees and power lines in the peak of the storm around here last night. Wet, windy -- but really, not the worst I've been in.
my brother's house was ground zero for Sandy. Made a mess but everyone is okay.
Lots of rain and wind, but we made it through without losing power or having any flooding, which was fortunate. The only trouble we had was that the wind blew the sign off the dojang - we'll have to get out a ladder tomorrow and hang it back up (hopefully the fixture isn't broken!).
Bayville. Yea, they got trashed.

Sorry to hear it. I haven't seen any pictures from Bayville, but if Seaside is any indication then I'm sure it isn't good.

Glad everyone is ok, though.
To those of our trans-Atlantic friends who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, take care, keep your wits about you and stay safe. As ever, remember that property can be replaced, you can't.

My very Close friends in NY city (Manhatten) and on the Jersey shore (Highlands, Rumson, Red Bank, Toms River). Haven't heard from them since Tuesday night. Manhatten friends have been thru real Hurricanes here in S.East and got out ASAP - but they went to relatives in Connecticut and we've been unable to reach them.

Along the Jersey shore, my friends evacuated from Highlands - just below Sandy Hook, to Red Bank
(just barely off the beach) after 2 days preparing, boarding windows
raising furniture and everything they could possibly do.

Both are veterans of southeast US hurricanes and especially HUGO in SC so they knew what was coming.
But friends and neighbors have been thru 'Nor'easters' and have
survived bad storms - they were not complacent but had never been thru this kind of MASSIVE force/storm surge.

One thing that fooled many people was the absence of huge rain/downpours - but gale-force wind pushing the ocean AND high tide AND full moon tide was an unimaginable force for people who've never experienced it and who don't really know enough earth science to understand what was coming.

the destruction is so overwhelming over so much of the coast and NY. I'm truly afraid they have lost the house and both cars.
I hope I hear from them soon.

the larger climate processes have already changed - whatever reason you elect to attribute this to.
major seasonal weather events will be more extreme and more devastating and more expensive (in lives and $$).

whatever your perspective/political affiliation - this is the reality.
Physics and chemistry don't care about your/my opinions.

more later. prayers never hurt anyone.
thanks for thinking of the well fare of those in the path.

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