According to John Nolte at Battle:L.A. came in #1 in overseas box office reciepts. I guess American movies do sell overseas. Perhaps now we can have a superman movie that actually uses "Truth, Justice and the AMERICAN way," and captain america can be called captian america instead of "the first avenger," and maybe the guys making the new Red Dawn movie can stop erasing all the Chinese stuff in the movie. Here is the article.
From John Nolte:
From the article:
In order to not make the pro-American films that so offend them, Leftist Hollywood lies and tells us pro-America doesn’t sell at what we’re told is the increasingly important foreign box office. And the hopelessly butt-boy entertainment media is always ready to help spread that lie. We knew that was a lie last year and now this year the single BIGGEST weekend for foreign grosses was captured by the openly pro-American, pro-U.S. Military Battle: Los Angeles.
Maybe Leftist Hollywood’s going to tell us that America sells overseas today because Obama’s president – he’s not Bush and our overseas neighbors like him more because he closed Gitmo, oh wait; because he ended indefinite detentions, oh wait; because without Congressional approval he would never attack a Middle Eastern, oil-producing nation that wasn’t a threat to us, oh wait; because he wouldn’t fight a war of choice, oh wait; because… because… because…
From John Nolte:
From the article:
In order to not make the pro-American films that so offend them, Leftist Hollywood lies and tells us pro-America doesn’t sell at what we’re told is the increasingly important foreign box office. And the hopelessly butt-boy entertainment media is always ready to help spread that lie. We knew that was a lie last year and now this year the single BIGGEST weekend for foreign grosses was captured by the openly pro-American, pro-U.S. Military Battle: Los Angeles.
Maybe Leftist Hollywood’s going to tell us that America sells overseas today because Obama’s president – he’s not Bush and our overseas neighbors like him more because he closed Gitmo, oh wait; because he ended indefinite detentions, oh wait; because without Congressional approval he would never attack a Middle Eastern, oil-producing nation that wasn’t a threat to us, oh wait; because he wouldn’t fight a war of choice, oh wait; because… because… because…