Barr: ?You ain’t seen nothing yet?

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
Sep 11, 2006
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11-05-2008 07:00 PM
That is what Bob told supporters last night in Marietta:

“I don’t know about you, but I feel like celebrating tonight,” the Libertarian nominee proclaimed as he bounded on stage in a crowded function room at the Mansour Center in Marietta. “We want to tell the American people: You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

That naturally raised the question of whether the former conservative Republican congressman from Georgia would run again. In an interview, Barr would only say, “This is the start, and not the end of something.”

The campaign also sent out a statement today:

&#8220;This year, we set a solid foundation for freedom, on which we will build a strong and united political organization that advances freedom and liberty in the United States,&#8221; says Barr. &#8220;I, and all Americans who support true liberty, owe a great debt of gratitude to our staff, donors, volunteers and voters who helped support this campaign.&#8221;

We made up the difference between Obama and McCain in two states, Indiana and North Carolina, not that it would have mattered anyway because McCain&#8217;s poor showing in other battleground states.

We&#8217;ll be spending a couple of days wrapping up the campaign. Thanks for your support.

