Ask Professor Kelley

Is this more from an autobiography slant? Just curious because I already had my question answered by Mr. Planas.
Professor Kelley is a really down to earth kind of guy who is willing to answer questions hopefully pertaining to Kenpo but if you guys have questions from the Journey etc. go ahead.

Just don't throw in the old "How do you change the gravitational constant of the universe?" question.



ps. I have two other interviews lined up after this one so lets get this one finished :)
Hi folks,

Figured I should resuurect this thread rather than start a new one. Professor Kelley has posted his answers to the open interview that was the start of this thread. (the delay is totally my fault so don't bang on his email about the tardiness factor, ok?) Currently it is on the CKF Online home page.

If you like, you can jump directly to the article here.


That's great being able to get senior people to answer questions in such a format! Good work!
I like to do interviews this way. Much easier when others ask the questions and I get the answers (ala /. ) :)

Interviews aren't easy. I did one a while back with Jeff Speakman but it was kind of impomptu (read:Sandor wasn't prepared) so the interview came out sounding like a conversation between me and Jeff versus questions and answers. Maybe one day I'll post it...

Anyways, I hope you folks enjoy it. Wheelers questions are 'on the way'