Anyone Play D&D?



For me, nothing beats pen-and-paper rolepalying. Dork Ho!!!!
Lol.......Nah to be honest....Ive never even seen anyone play it. Wouldnt mind giving it a go tho.

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
Originally posted by kenposcum

For me, nothing beats pen-and-paper rolepalying. Dork Ho!!!!

Hey Kenpo DUDE,

I resemble that remark! :D

I play D&D, and SHadowrun and have played WarHammer 40K, and lots of other games ae well.

Hmmm, Maybe a play by post game with live chats.
(* I stole this idea from soem friends of mine who had one running a few years ago. *)

Hey Kaith, does your Sci-fi Board have this option?
Actually Rich, we've got a PBP Changling game going on right now. I have no problems setting up more forums over there for more games. :) (I'm not too thrilled with the software though, so I'll be updating it in early Nov.)

I'd love to get a game of SFB going....those nice month long turns. :D

I've done DnD, ADnD, Champions, Changling, Star Fleet Battles, The West End Star Wars RPG, The old Star Trek RPG, Star Frontiers, Gamma World, PokiThulu, and about a dozen more.

KODT and Dork Tower are required reading, of course. :D
I've played DnD since it came out. Warhammer a little .
I just like DnD type games. the charitors take on a "life"and "personality" of their own after a while. If you play with the same group its interesting to see how people use these "alter" egos
Whew, guess I'm not the gaming geek on the boards.

I've been involved with pencil and paper roleplaying since the third grade or so (1981?). Played with a solid group of gamers since 91, and couldn't have asked for a better experience in a whole variety of games (AD&D, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Stormbringer, Runequest, and others). I was involved in LARPs for a while, but I was too "combat oriented" for good role-playing (hey, if you are gonna put a sword in my hand, I wanna use it!). I'm currently a partner in a company that is developing a universal role-playing system, beta product goes out this winter (hopefully.) I don't do online gaming, half of the experience of gaming is the social interaction with friends, which you (or at least I) don't get online.

Originally posted by kenposcum

For me, nothing beats pen-and-paper rolepalying. Dork Ho!!!!

Oh man, where have you people been all my life? I love D&D. Although I haven't played in a couple of years. It was a blast though, ahh the memories.

I've done DnD, ADnD, Champions, Changling, Star Fleet Battles, The West End Star Wars RPG, The old Star Trek RPG, Star Frontiers, Gamma World, PokiThulu, and about a dozen more.
Jeez Kaith, just how old are you? :D
Here are some old ones. How about Twilight 2000 or Car wars? And Traveler or the Middle earth roleplaying game. And although not a roleplaying game , but how many of you remember spending a good 8 hours playing Axis & Allies?
In Fact 2 of my Tattoos come out
of one of the Monster manuels.
I play AD@D, D@D 3 Edition, Gurps, Rifts, Star Wars of both systems, Warhammer 40K with eight armies and Warhammer with four armies. So I guess I'm a member of the geeks club as well
hehehe...... I'm 32...going on 18. :D

I forgot about twilite2k.... also axis n allies, fortress america, shogun, tons of older avalon hill games.....
Originally posted by ace

In Fact 2 of my Tattoos come out
of one of the Monster manuels.

I'm a AD&D Dugeon Master myself (although on a few years leave at the moment).

What 2 creatures would yours tatts be of?
We can not afford both!

hahaha, just kidding.
Just got back playing for about 3 hours. We get together about every other week, been a month now really, to play.
One of my good friends, also trains, sometimes pops by the board here, is the DM.
Been playing again for almost year now, this is third game.
Other than that it has been about 10 years since last time!
Lots of fun, especially after a bottle of wine with dinner.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

hehehe...... I'm 32...going on 18. :D

I forgot about twilite2k.... also axis n allies, fortress america, shogun, tons of older avalon hill games.....

Yeah I grew up with a guy that was nuts about Squad Leader. How about that pocket game, uh.. I think it was called Ogre? You played a giant tank on a futuristic battle field.
I have a friend that bought a role playing game some months back called All flesh must be eaten. It's a zombie game. It looks pretty cool.
Guys.. its almost 2003! Get with the technology! I used to play pen and paper games but now its computer D&D all the way. Baldurs gate series, Icewind Dale series, Neverwinter nights..etc.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I have not seen a game mentioned that I have nto played at one time or another. Makes feel all warm and fuzzy?


on your Changling sight, do you have room for a 7' Tall Blue Troll with the title of Sir Knight? Just Curious.

Maybe if we all get together we could play a quick game (* Read the whole weekend *) or two.

Ciao for now

Pop over and ask the Gamesmistress. She's the one running the Changling game. :)

Personally, I like both PnP and PC games. Depends on what ya want. I like paintball, but when I cant get my fix (or need to do zero gee stuff) I'll play UT. :) I always liked the Ultimas as I could lose myself in them... SFB on the PC was cool, but lacked the variety and detail of the paper version...yes it looked good, but it felt less 'real'.

Hmm....wonder if I should add a gaming forum.....hehehe
1 is a Death Night
2 is a creature that resembels the Godess Kali
Originally posted by Blindside

I'm currently a partner in a company that is developing a universal role-playing system, beta product goes out this winter (hopefully.)

There's already a universal system that's been out for quite some time: Steve Jackson's GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System). They have a ton of source books out for it, though all you really need to get started is the basic rulebook. It's a very flexible's what I primarily played back in my pen-n-paper RPG days.

In addition to GURPS, I used to play: AD&D, Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu (duh), Champions, Star Wars (old), Ars Magica, various World of Darkness games, It Came from the Late Show (and its sequels), SLA, Shadowrun, Rolemaster (ugh), Robotech, TMNT, and various other crap I can't remember right now. Don't play squat anymore.

Yes I'm a gamer too lets see I've run/or am running games of Call of Cthulhu, D&D, Ars Magica, OD&D, MERP, Rolemaster, Hero, Shadowrun, Soverien Stone, WarHammer RPG, Top Secret, Delta Green, Spycraft, Ravenloft, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Harnmaster and hopefully my group will try Hackmaster.

And KODT and Dork Tower are a must.