Anyone else having trouble w/ KKW website?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I was told today that my info was finally corrected at the KKW. I went to check & it wouldn't show up. Anyone else having trouble?
I was told today that my info was finally corrected at the KKW. I went to check & it wouldn't show up. Anyone else having trouble?

can you get into the website at all, or just the check window? which window are u trying to open?
Thanks Master T. That was different than what I was trying. I think I had the old site.

He beat me too it. I was thinking that was the case.... but wasn't sure. They changed it over last month. and left a lovely korean banner that most wouldnt/ couldnt tell what it was saying.

glad u got it.

hey curious to know, when you check the Check dan/poom, does it show your instructor cert for the Master instructor?

Do they even have a way to verify that yet?
hey curious to know, when you check the Check dan/poom, does it show your instructor cert for the Master instructor?

Do they even have a way to verify that yet?

No, the Instructor Certification is not shown on the website.