Anyone else affected by the WGA strike?

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
The Writers Guild of America are scheduled to set up picket lines at the Major Studios tomorrow morning. They are meeting at this time with the Producers to come to a contract agreement and head off the strike.The last time they went on strike we were out of work for about 5 months.

Well, on the positive side I do have some home projcts to catch up on. That might add to the value of my home when I have to sale it...
What do you do for a living that makes this affect you?

I am pretty much NOT effected, except for having to watch reruns.

Hope it doesn't last long for you. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I'm not personally affected. Hopefully it all works out quckly so it doesn't put you in a bind.
I don't have TV or watch many movies. This affects me about as much as a fruit fly buzzing around a football stadium.
I'm not personally effected.

I take that back... Several shows I like will almost certainly end up in reruns soon. And they'll probably go to crap after the strike is over because the strike's going to break the unconcious stream that goes into the shows.

For the writer's sakes, I hope one comment I heard from a radio host who used to be on TV the other day isn't accurate. I hope the writers are sending lawyers in to the meetings, not writers... (The host suggested that many of these groups send members in to argue with the producers's lawyers. Not surprisingly, they lose.)
I'm thinking, if the writers strike, WWE programming might actually improve.

But it'll suck I'm sure for the good writers out there. Hopefully things work out.

What are the issues involved?
I'm thinking, if the writers strike, WWE programming might actually improve.

But it'll suck I'm sure for the good writers out there. Hopefully things work out.

What are the issues involved?
You mean the WWE is scripted? :rofl:
What do you do for a living that makes this affect you?

I am pretty much NOT effected, except for having to watch reruns.

Hope it doesn't last long for you. I will keep my fingers crossed.

I'm originally a Special Effects guy. But the last few years I've been working as a supervisor for the studio. This might be my saving grace this time. I'm required to report to work. The last Writers strike I was working FX and production was shut down for 5 months.
I'm thinking, if the writers strike, WWE programming might actually improve.

But it'll suck I'm sure for the good writers out there. Hopefully things work out.

What are the issues involved?[/quote]
I think DVD sales are the main issue.
Prayers and good thoughts going out to you and your colleagues, Qui-Gon

May the force be with you. :D
I'm thinking, if the writers strike, WWE programming might actually improve.

But it'll suck I'm sure for the good writers out there. Hopefully things work out.

What are the issues involved?

The residuals they get on DVD sales (which the studios refuse to budge on) and the money they get for work that ends up on the internet or on cell phones etc...(which the WGA refuses to budge on)

According to an article I read this morning...
Since I did not know what the WGA was and I checked this post to find out what it was I guess I am not affected by it. But I hope it all works out for you and it is settled quickly.
My initial reaction to this is that I don't know what's worse: that the shows on television actually have writers, or that they think they deserve more money for what they're turning out. But for Qui-Gon's sake and for anyone else here who is in the industry, I hope they get it worked out soon.
My initial reaction to this is that I don't know what's worse: that the shows on television actually have writers, or that they think they deserve more money for what they're turning out. But for Qui-Gon's sake and for anyone else here who is in the industry, I hope they get it worked out soon.
I don't think it's more money per, that's not exactly right. They aren't looking for more money from existing venues. As is the WGA members only get residuals from broadcast media and DVD sales. Many more folks are getting their movies and shows from the internet as downloads direct to the hard drive and as I-pod downloads. It's the same material that gets broadcast but the members don't get paid for that. I can understand their anger on this one as it's still their intellectual property in the same format just delivered differently. It'd be like a manufacturer telling it's line crew that they'll only get paid for the products that are shipped via 53' trailer and not for the stuff shipped in a 45' trailer.
My initial reaction to this is that I don't know what's worse: that the shows on television actually have writers, or that they think they deserve more money for what they're turning out. But for Qui-Gon's sake and for anyone else here who is in the industry, I hope they get it worked out soon.
Thanks for the kind words. Today it's business as usual. You wouldn't know anything was up except for the many Writers picketing the gates.
I don't think it's more money per, that's not exactly right. They aren't looking for more money from existing venues. As is the WGA members only get residuals from broadcast media and DVD sales. Many more folks are getting their movies and shows from the internet as downloads direct to the hard drive and as I-pod downloads. It's the same material that gets broadcast but the members don't get paid for that. I can understand their anger on this one as it's still their intellectual property in the same format just delivered differently. It'd be like a manufacturer telling it's line crew that they'll only get paid for the products that are shipped via 53' trailer and not for the stuff shipped in a 45' trailer.

Thanks for the info. I can see their point, if the original contract covered royalties it should extend to newer media.

Thanks for the kind words. Today it's business as usual. You wouldn't know anything was up except for the many Writers picketing the gates.

Do the actors also get royalties? Does their contract cover the new formats or is there a possibility of a similar action?
Thanks for the info. I can see their point, if the original contract covered royalties it should extend to newer media.

Do the actors also get royalties? Does their contract cover the new formats or is there a possibility of a similar action?[/quote]

Not sure. I'll look into it. But there is another strike expected in a few months when the Directors and Actors contract expire.