Another "testing"

i wanted to say a few words about this situation & others like it, & everyone's typical responses to them.

it's useful to sit back & analyze the pros & cons of all the variables in these kinds of situations, but astro had all kinds of information available to him that we don't have, & one of the most important bits was his own intuition. for instance, he knows what type of bar he was in, he had a better read of the antagonists physical conditioning, he had a better read as to whether or not the guy was drunk enough to even operate, he knows better than us how reliable security was at the bar, how often fights break out there, whether or not the guy had friends with him, how much he had had to drink himself...on & on. in short, yes, you can live your life as if every decision is a tactical one, & if that gives you a sense of peace that is fine. myself, i take calculated risks on a regular basis just like i suspect everyone does. so like i said, while it is a useful mental exercise to pick apart these situations, at the end of the day it was astro there dealing with the guy, & i think he did well.

Wearing MA t-shirt attracts nutcases.
Despite the fact that this is stupid and in no way your fault, it is reality.

Astro is taking a lot of flack for wearing his MA T-shirt, but the real problem is where you wear a shirt like that. I wear my school's T-shirt to a local sandwich shop where I eat on the way to my school for evening practice. The sandwich shop is frequented by TKD practitioners from another school located nearby. I've almost never had comments, and on the few occasions when somebodey did take notice, it led to a friendly conversation.

Now you wear the same shirt to a bar or party-scene frequented by young males with a bit too much alcohol and testosterone in their system for their own good, and the reaction to your shirt can be markedly different. And it's not just the alcohol, it's the whole scene. I mean why do you think they have bouncers?
LOL both reasons why I do not go to bars, and do not wear things that indicate I train in any system of combat!

I live in a town that well some in the bars carry guns, knives and such, and over the years a lot of blood has been fatally shed in the bars here... so I do not go to them any where. not comfortable in one.

the logo stuff, well invites stupidity it seems at times, besides if I need my training, I want it to be a very nasty surprise.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I may just take the advice and not wear the dojo shirt to a bar again. That said though, I will still wear the shirt outside of my home and school. If that draws in a dummie or two... then I'll have to deal with that when it comes to it I guess.
Well, these are the reasons I neither wear martial-arts related clothing in public or go to bars. Ever. I wanna get smashed I'm 3 minutes' walk from my house to a liquor store.
That being said, I don't get smashed. A man is of no use to himself, friends or family should he be sloshed when an emergency occurs. That's one Irish stereotype I don't fit--a "drinking binge" to me means more than once a YEAR.

It's the same reason why most states that allow carry of firearms mandate that they be carried concealed. Take the hint and conceal your school shirts as well.

Now with all that being said---"Any landing you walk away from is a good landing."
wear what you want when you want... if thier ego is on fire and lusting for some action, cool them off with some wit and tact.... no need to oblige or indulge thier inadequacies ... but you can however exploit them.... carefully inserted words can calm even the most savage egomaniacs
black lion gives good advice...when i've talked my way out of things it hasn't been with appeasement but humor.
