Another Reason Why We Train

My young cousin was getting sucked into the gang scene in Denver, and managed to pull his head out of his butt before turning 18. He served a couple years on probation after being charged for something (I don't know what) as a juvenile. The whole family is phenomenally relieved to see him walk out of that, apparently just in time. I really don't think he'd be capable of that kind of violence, but the herd mentality can do peculiar things to people. I hope the suspects can find some kind of wisdom wherever their path takes them next.
There was a good reason why in the 19th century black people were not allowed to congregate in large numbers. This is exactly why.

I am no raicst here like Bill Mattocks said. " I do not intend that as a racist statement...

No, the reason that black people were not allowed to congregate in large numbers was so they could not 1) teach each other to read and 2) foment rebellion, ie. run away.

Just saying "I do not intend that as a racist statement" doesn't clear you of being historical revisionist and a bigot.

That is just my 2 cents on your comment.
Hello, Our society and laws....NOT yet is not perfect and therefore we will have inperfect laws...

NO one wants to get hurt...therefore staying out and NOT helping protects you as an individual...if you step in and get killed? ....who will take care of your family?

Yet? ...We must help others that needs help! ....Laws are on the side of the bad guys first....if we use excess force? ..we become a BAD guy!

911 is the best way....? cameras...good idea to take lots of pictures too...


Crimes is allow to grow..because of the laws...protects the wrong people...

In states that allows one to carry a firearm? ...less serious crimes happens...
No, the reason that black people were not allowed to congregate in large numbers was so they could not 1) teach each other to read and 2) foment rebellion, ie. run away.

Just saying "I do not intend that as a racist statement" doesn't clear you of being historical revisionist and a bigot.

That is just my 2 cents on your comment.

Nor does it make him wrong. I'm not racist by any means but I see certain trends which reflect trends in say the Balkans, Ireland pre independance & currently in Northern Ireland. Everyone makes a big deal about the racist White-People but what about the Racist Black-People or Racist Latinos.

Take the New Black Panther Party; they have directers who work closely with Shapton & other who stage civil rights activist parades, yet openly preach "Killing Crackers."

Fact is, we have been force fed the "poor black folk history" that was used as a pretext for the Civil War & is very different from actual motivations and reasons. The slaves in the North were not freed and yes the North had slaves until years later. We are fed the history of "winners" & winners always write history. Which gets to the point that several Black Slaves did stage rebels and kill white people & slave owners when they ran away.

If we look at American history we'll see that various native tribes were not allowed to congrigate enmass either, for that reason of rebellion. The same was true of the Irish who came here as indentured servants (a politically correct term for slave). The reason why was because since your going to be hunted down anyway, you had nothing to lose by taking an added risk & if you could kill a few of the people who would be looking for you no one will notice your gone until later & give you a head start.

Now to modern politics; you have a great deal of Americans who consider themselves American's second in nature & African, Chinese, Korean oe what have first. However, we have a deep set Racial Violence directed from Blacks against Whites & its justified by the term "Civil Rights."

Look at Menace Clan's 1995 Album. Look at the NatGeo documentary on the NBPP and the director screaming "Kill Crackers" & "Break in their homes & kill their Babies." Fact is we allowed a subculture of racism to grow in this country by trying to rid ourselves of racism. We have allowed people like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton to express & push for Socialist-Philosophy and militant activism under the term "Civil Rights." All in the name of the "You're entitled to because..." & "You have to fight this group because they are taking it from" politics.

I have several friends who are literally scared because they aren't "black enough" for such extremists and these extremists almost exclusively recruit from inside jails and prisons. To someone indocturinated into such a philosophy any mention of "race" seems like racism. To anyone looking at history and human nature we are a tribal mind species there for think in terms of race & racism. It is an instinctual element of the human condition and something we have & need to deal with. Being racially/tribally minded doesn't have to mean "hatred" but it does mean "instinctive bias."

Also I'm not racist I'm a prick who hates the human race it its many forms, colors, creeds and ideologies because we keep proving ourselves emotionally driven primates without any form of understanding. :D
Nor does it make him wrong. I'm not racist by any means but I see certain trends which reflect trends in say the Balkans, Ireland pre independance & currently in Northern Ireland. Everyone makes a big deal about the racist White-People but what about the Racist Black-People or Racist Latinos.

Take the New Black Panther Party; they have directers who work closely with Shapton & other who stage civil rights activist parades, yet openly preach "Killing Crackers."

Fact is, we have been force fed the "poor black folk history" that was used as a pretext for the Civil War & is very different from actual motivations and reasons. The slaves in the North were not freed and yes the North had slaves until years later. We are fed the history of "winners" & winners always write history. Which gets to the point that several Black Slaves did stage rebels and kill white people & slave owners when they ran away.

If we look at American history we'll see that various native tribes were not allowed to congrigate enmass either, for that reason of rebellion. The same was true of the Irish who came here as indentured servants (a politically correct term for slave). The reason why was because since your going to be hunted down anyway, you had nothing to lose by taking an added risk & if you could kill a few of the people who would be looking for you no one will notice your gone until later & give you a head start.

Now to modern politics; you have a great deal of Americans who consider themselves American's second in nature & African, Chinese, Korean oe what have first. However, we have a deep set Racial Violence directed from Blacks against Whites & its justified by the term "Civil Rights."

Look at Menace Clan's 1995 Album. Look at the NatGeo documentary on the NBPP and the director screaming "Kill Crackers" & "Break in their homes & kill their Babies." Fact is we allowed a subculture of racism to grow in this country by trying to rid ourselves of racism. We have allowed people like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton to express & push for Socialist-Philosophy and militant activism under the term "Civil Rights." All in the name of the "You're entitled to because..." & "You have to fight this group because they are taking it from" politics.

I have several friends who are literally scared because they aren't "black enough" for such extremists and these extremists almost exclusively recruit from inside jails and prisons. To someone indocturinated into such a philosophy any mention of "race" seems like racism. To anyone looking at history and human nature we are a tribal mind species there for think in terms of race & racism. It is an instinctual element of the human condition and something we have & need to deal with. Being racially/tribally minded doesn't have to mean "hatred" but it does mean "instinctive bias."

Also I'm not racist I'm a prick who hates the human race it its many forms, colors, creeds and ideologies because we keep proving ourselves emotionally driven primates without any form of understanding. :D

I take your point. I agree that racism is present at every level of society, and especially at lower socio-economic levels. This includes white hatred of blacks and hispanics, hispanic hatred of blacks and whites, asian hatred of blacks and hispanics, etc. etc. ad nauseum. But his argument was that American blacks were not allowed to congregate during the 19th century to prevent them from attacking whites. In reality, this law was one of many designed to keep one people in subjugation to another. You yourself bring up other examples of this strategy used throughout history. His mention of that law also implied that it was a good thing, and maybe we should bring it back (although he didn't explicitly say that and perhaps I am reading too much into it).
No, the reason that black people were not allowed to congregate in large numbers was so they could not 1) teach each other to read and 2) foment rebellion, ie. run away.

Just saying "I do not intend that as a racist statement" doesn't clear you of being historical revisionist and a bigot.

That is just my 2 cents on your comment.

Saying a race of people should not congregate to avoid such instances is absurd. Punsih the criminals, not the race they belong to. Is that in itself not racist? To assume that all of a race behaves in a certain way? Guess what, we all belong to the same race: the human race.
Each of us may have different reasons for believing what we do about race, but not one of us is singularly correct because there are so many variables in each of our experiences. Let the racist ones be the criminals, not those judging the criminals.
I am ashamed of some of the things that my race of people have done to others. If I were to be judged by their standards I would think that extremely unfair.
We are all adults and people believe all sorts of weird and wonderful things. That in mind dont make racist comments and claim that they are not. I can handle it if I share the forum with people who have alternative beliefs which go against my own beliefs.
I take your point. I agree that racism is present at every level of society, and especially at lower socio-economic levels. This includes white hatred of blacks and hispanics, hispanic hatred of blacks and whites, asian hatred of blacks and hispanics, etc. etc. ad nauseum. But his argument was that American blacks were not allowed to congregate during the 19th century to prevent them from attacking whites. In reality, this law was one of many designed to keep one people in subjugation to another. You yourself bring up other examples of this strategy used throughout history. His mention of that law also implied that it was a good thing, and maybe we should bring it back (although he didn't explicitly say that and perhaps I am reading too much into it).

True, but what I'm saying is that he might be right its not a bad idea. I'm not for advocating it against any racial group but all racial groups. A local mall here is a popular hand out for teenagers and we have 4 gangs here so security guards at the mall do not allow teenagers to get together in groups of 3 or more in the mall, they can walk in large groups but not just hang out as that has resulted in many fights, drug sales and gang activity.
True, but what I'm saying is that he might be right its not a bad idea. I'm not for advocating it against any racial group but all racial groups. A local mall here is a popular hand out for teenagers and we have 4 gangs here so security guards at the mall do not allow teenagers to get together in groups of 3 or more in the mall, they can walk in large groups but not just hang out as that has resulted in many fights, drug sales and gang activity.

So according to you, this is a good idea. All people, of all races, should be expressly forbidden to congregate, in case they are thinking about causing trouble. This, of course, would mean that I can't train in kenpo at my dojo, you can't go to church or to work, Congress can't must admit that this is patently absurd.

Although it is not expressly protected in the First Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled, in NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958), freedom of association to be a fundamental right protected by it.

We live in a free society, or one that is intended to be free. With freedom comes fear. Fear of what someone else may do to you with their freedom to act. I would rather live in a free society and deal with the threat of death than to live in a tyranny and deal with the certainty of oppression.

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