Animal Rights activists call for death of baby polar bear


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A German zoo has been told it should let a baby polar bear named Knut die after it was rejected by its mother...Reuters says three-month-old Knut has become an unofficial Berlin city mascot and has also starred in a climate change campaign by world-renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz.
Animal rights activist Frank Albrecht told Germany's Bild newspaper: "Hand-rearing a polar bear is not appropriate and is a serious violation of animal rights. "In fact, the cub should have been killed," he said. His view was backed up by the head of another zoo who has watched two hand-reared animals struggle to cope after being inevitably separated from their human carers.

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I swear I saw one of those animals programs where they raised a polar bear cub and he was eventually release back to the wild without incident..
I have the same recollection, Drac...

Funny what some of these folks are contruing as `rights', eh? I think this is a fringe position—Defenders of Wildlife and similar orgs would never take this stance as long as the animal were healthy and there were hope of returning it to the wild along those lines.
Isn't the cub already in a zoo? I swear, animal rights activists don't have any common sense at all.
Isn't the cub already in a zoo? I swear, animal rights activists don't have any common sense at all.
I agree. Isnt that what zoo's are for. Im all for treating animals with respect but saying that its against nature to help keep a baby polar bear alive and then turn around and argue against the killing of animals is crazy. In fact my brain is likely to shut down now

Well maybe they think we should start doing the same thing with people. Kids are given up for adoption instead just kill them. It would solve quite a few problems.

This makes no sense at all!
Now, I am am inclined to believe that there is probably something wrong with the cub for the mother to abandon it, but why would that stop us from doing everything we can to keep the little guy alive. How is it a violation of animal rights to help him? I am with you guys, I can't figure it out.
Man, if he stayed that little and cute I would take him home!! Polar bears have always been my favorite ever since I was a little girl though.
I swear I saw one of those animals programs where they raised a polar bear cub and he was eventually release back to the wild without incident..

Yes it was on National Geographic a couple year ago
They dont have rights like we have rights. But they do have certain natural rights. Like not to be abused, maimed, or killed for no reason. They have a right to live if it is within our power to see that that happens.

Dont get me wrong, im not part of PETE they are a bunch of morons. I just believe that we as humans should help animals that cannot help themselves.

They dont have rights like we have rights. But they do have certain natural rights. Like not to be abused, maimed, or killed for no reason. They have a right to live if it is within our power to see that that happens.
They may have certain man-made protections, like not to be "abused" but these are not "natural rights."

And other than claws and teeth, they have no way to enforce their "rights."

im not part of PETE they are a bunch of morons.
How is Pete these days?
They may have certain man-made protections, like not to be "abused" but these are not "natural rights."

And other than claws and teeth, they have no way to enforce their "rights."

How is Pete these days?

If we never intervened for animals alot more species would be extinct than already are. "Man-made protections" are necessary. As for PETA, I too think they are a bunch of morons with absolutely no common sense whatsoever, and in their zeal over "animal rights" do more harm than good.

I forget where I saw this quote, it might even be someone's siggy here, but I think it's quite appropriate.

Most people are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it is much easier to harrass rich women than bikers.
I remember that the narrator said the cubs eat every few hrs and make this God awful noise when they are hungry..
Sounds like a good reason. Lets kill it.(ha ha) actually as endangered as the Polar Bear is becoming we had better learn to raise them.
If we never intervened for animals alot more species would be extinct than already are. "Man-made protections" are necessary.
I believe that over the history of this planet, science would say that mankind is responsible for a small percentage of extinct species. Those that cannot adapt are doomed to don't think mankind will be around forever, and forever be the savior of all living species? That would be counterproduct to the natural evolutionary process.

for the record, I am against abusing animals too. But I do love to eat meats of many fowl and mammal.

I haven't decided if I'm against abusing PETA members though.
I believe that over the history of this planet, science would say that mankind is responsible for a small percentage of extinct species. Those that cannot adapt are doomed to don't think mankind will be around forever, and forever be the savior of all living species? That would be counterproduct to the natural evolutionary process.

for the record, I am against abusing animals too. But I do love to eat meats of many fowl and mammal.

I haven't decided if I'm against abusing PETA members though.
Mankind will never be around forever? I dont know the answer to this neither does anyone else. Some may say yes, some may say we will all die tomorrow but until that day come how about we save as many animals from extiction as we can.

How is it counterproductive? If we, like scientists say, are the cause of declining animal populations why would it be counterproductive to try and save them? We are only trying to rectify a mistake. Using your logic, had it not been for us they would not have been near extinction. Of course this is an argument that could go different way, depending on whether or not you see the hunting of game animals by human as part of the natual evolutionary process.

The logic that the bears can't handle separation from their human carers is seriously flawed as when they get older they naturally separate from their natural mothers!
It's one small polar bear for crying out loud, give it a chance!
(I don't think you can eat them, I seem to remember that at least one bit of them, the liver, is poisonous, maybe more of them)

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