American Kenpo Techniques...



Would anyone care if I wrote up some of the techniques and posted them here for people to discuss?:confused:
There is a single technique named "Sword & Hammer" used as a defence against a flank right side shoulder grab. I will dig up the manual I have for a exact description of one method that is used to execute this technique.

In short however, it is a hand check with the left hand, as you step out with the right foot to execute an outward chop to the throat. Then you drop the right hand to a hammerfist to the groin. There are variations on the technique but in all it's about 2 strikes. Throat and groin. Hence, "Sword & Hammer".

I'm at work now but later I will find and post a decription that you can read and follow. It's not the 90 moves of your kata though.:D
It's a simple technique that believe it or not can get very deep depending on how you analyze it, interpret it, or use it.
I remember reading somewhere that in the movie "The Perfect Weapon" which is the video bible for kenpoists.
Jeff Speakman said that he really didn't go any higher than purple belt really for most base techniques. I'm not saying he did or didn't but I was thinking, does this mean that really the lower belts have the meat and potatoes of the system? (at least for Jeff Speakman)
Lets rip apart 5 Swords or Triggered Salute, or Dance of Death.
Well they're all right hand punch/shove techs.
5 swords is a roundhouse at shoulder/head level
Triggered Salute is a right direct shove, shoulder level
Dance of Death is a bit of a combo in a right step through straight punch.

The first two work inside the arm and the last one works outside the arm.

The Dance of Death also leads directly to the taketown.

Which one do you want to start with?
True, Dance of Death, right cross, right leg back.

Myself I'd pass on the Dance Of Death if the leg was forward as you could use it to slip into the Zone of sanctuary behind them and work to your little heart's content. But I digress...

Taken from internet website:

"Dance of Death
(Front- Right Straight Punch; their left leg forward)

1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a right punch while in a left foot forward fighting stance.

2. Step your left foot forward towards 10:30 into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a left inward block to your attacker's punch.

3. Immediately pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you maintain a left bracing angle check and execute a right reverse hand sword to your attacker's groin.

4. Switch your hands so your right is now high against your attacker's right arm and your left is low. Execute a right step-through knee kick to your attacker's groin. (This gets their weight shifted off their right leg so you can grab.)

5. Land in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a right inward elbow as you grab the back of your attacker's right knee and pull towards you. Note: This move should knock them on their back. The pull and strike must counteract each other to be effective.

6. Execute a right backfist to your attacker's left knee. Note: This is done in case of an unintentional move; their left leg may come up when they are dropped to the ground.

7. Drop into a right wide kneel stance and take advantage of marriage of gravity and execute a right inward handsword onto your attacker's groin.

8. Cross out towards 7:30. "
Ouch, talk about an invite to join the boys choir.
I have always loved Dance of Death, but I prefer to stomp to the groin instead of the handsword. You are also in position at this point to flip the attacker over to go into the extension.
Suggestion: Do each "pull apart" as a seperate thread.

I'd suggest Triggered Salute. :)
I'd be interested in reading those posts.

Speaking of which, am I correct in thinking that American Kenpo has a set of techniques (waza?) called 'Sword & Hammer'? The reason I ask is Okinawa-te has a kata (at *leaast* 90 moves) that is called 'Sword & Hammer'. In fact, it is one of the primary katas we have to know for black belt. I wonder if any of the kenpo moves are in our kata, of if they simply just share the same name.

Thanks for the clarification, Gou. Nope, definitely not related to Okinawa-te's Sword & Hammer.

Okinawa-te's Sword & Hammer comes from what supposedly happened when Japan subjugated the Okinawans 400 years ago. According to some accounts, not only did the Japanese outlaw weapons, but they outlawed anything that could be used as a weapon, including ordinary knives and tools like hammers. Supposedly, villages had a sort of communal knife and hammer that were chained together and guarded by a soldier, who oversaw the use of these implements. According to the story, Okinawans would steal these tools and use them for self-defense. The first move of the kata is the clasping together of the open left hand (sword) and the right fist (hammer).

Heh...while hoping to find vid clips of the Okinawa-te Sword & Hammer kata, I ran into a clip of the Kenpo S&H technique.

Oddly enough, it was just as you described :D

Joke! No kill me!

Many techniques from 'classical' martial arts are like that, aren't they :)

Fortunately, only those of us who stick with the art get to learn the 'goodies'.

Don't have the link to those S&H vid clips, but the guy did show a few variations, pretty much just involving the strike targets.

Maybe he means that the basic strikes and defenses necessary for basic self-defense are contained in the purple belt syllabus. Everything after that may be considered advanced application/theory on top of more advanced forms and whatnot.

Bear in mind, I'm not a kenpo practitioner. Just tossin' in my two yen.

Yoiks. Since I ain't a kenpo feller, I got lost with this one fairly early. Anybody know of any sites online with vid clips or pics of it to help me picture it better?

Can you tell me how to do Twirling Wings:asian:
I'am Sorry Sir but Dance of Death is for a right cross right leg back. But you have to be able to do it with that leg forward also! The way you should look at it Five Swords and Triggered Salute are on the inside and Dance of Death is on the outside which I like much better. Take care.:asian: :soapbox:
Dance of Death as the book say is not Dance of Death it is the take Down. If you do it the way the BOOK says you may get a foot some place you do not want! :D