all in the mind



when i practice MA, i just think of the techiques taught. i never thought of the theory. ive read a feew articles and it has really changed my ways of fighting and thinking. for example, when i go to MT and spar, i just think of kick punch knee elbow and all. but when i read that the beliefs of Thais were: if a fight is to take place, destruct the opponent as fast and powerful as possible. or something like that. every since that article, ive gotten much quicker. and it occured to me that its not all in the training but in the mind as well. it could be more mind than body,as many Asian MA belive
please share some of your MA philiosphy and beliefs
ok here's mine :)

when i train, i train like my life depends on it. i don't do it as a "hobby".

i think that the martial arts were designed to survive in extreme situations of danger and still make it out alive. not neccessarily to totally kill your opponent.

the reason i train is to protect myself and my family. it also gives me focus and patience. all in all it makes me a well rounded individual. i am able to see things in different ways than others would.

i think this was the thinking behind the creation of many martial arts.
Tony Blauer, a sports psychologist, had an interesting point in one article I read. He mentioned doing strenuous pushups and situps (pushups with hands in a triangle position, pushups where you push off the ground and "clap", etc. and situps where you do double punches on each "up" move) and seeing how many you could do. Say you do 10. Could you do 11? 12? Where is your breaking point? Okay, say your breaking point is 25 "clap" pushups. Now, what if someone had a gun to your head? What about your spouse's/significant other's head? Your kids' heads? Could you do one more?

It's all about the motivation, seriously. You will most likely react the way you train. If you train hard and train seriously, then it will benefit you when and if you need to use it.

One fighter once described his attitude in the ring as something like this: He saw his opponent as the person that was trying to take food away from his kids. If that person won the sparring match, and won the tournament, then his kids didn't get to eat. This provided him the motivation to get more involved than just participating in a "match"--it became a little more serious. (The competitor in question never actually *hurt* anyone, btw--it was all his psychology, no brutality involved).

Anyway, I agree with the saying: "The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat". Train seriously; look and question.....analyze, break things down, re-arrange.....whatever it takes to give you more dimensions to what you do.

And have fun doing it....;).....that smile on your face at the end of training should always be there.....

here's one of my practices.

take two steps forward and one step back.
whenever i move into new areas of training, or add something new, whether it be a new form, chi kung excercise, combat app, whatever. i work on it and after i feel comfortable with it, i go back to the root to learn more. for example after i try a new punch combo afterward i work on single, short punches for each fist. the mental aspect of this for me is to tie the connection of the more complicated actions to their basic origins. in a practice form, i usually, speed it up, then slow it way down, and finally break it down step by step. wait, i think that would be one step forward, two back? whatever, you get what i mean.

this is a fairly commonly practiced technical learning tool, but many of you know that its actually a mental process as well.
alot of people say it's 90% mental 10% physical.. your mind can deffenatly push your body, I think alot of people don't puch them selves hard enough.. than again some people push them selves to hard and get hurt.. gota know the diffrence between mental fotitude and stupidity :p
AMEN to that sweeper!

I couldn't agree with you more :)