Some one should......



I was thinking one day about how many bad Dojos there are(aka mcdojos.) I think someone should have a site about mcdojos and listing of those that we know are mcdojos or a site were you can rate dojos. Just a Idea. Would help bring a better name to MA over all if it works out. IF you have any coments or ideas or can start this web page add on to this thread . Your friend judo-kid
My only question would be who do you propose is qualified to rate dojang's?
unfortunately, Joe Public doesn't know enough about martial arts to even go looking for stuff online. most of em just walk into the studio down the street. some get lucky. most don't.
Originally posted by Kirk .. check her out, it's right up your alley...nothing
but grapplers there.

Not true at all. wc, brazilian jj, muy tai, judo, are four that I found being discussed. Not an extemely active site but nevertheless had some interesting things on it.
well the way I see it, if the public doesn't think they should read into something they are interested in, than they deserve what they get.