Alcohol Test... FAIL!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Maybe this should go into the Comedy area but I thought the LEO's here would get a big kick out of this short video of a soberiety test taken somewhere in Europe. Admit it, you guys would just laugh your butts off too. :lol: Enjoy.

Haha! He tried to take a swig from the breathalizer... i actually thought it was a bottle at first, convinced by drinking motion.

It must be from croatia or serbia.

I *SO* needed that this morning. I was going to start drinking early, but ... that helped a great deal.

You owe me a new keyboard, webcam and flatscreen.

That was funny....I think the guy knew he was "had"; looked like he was laughing too.
I *SO* needed that this morning. I was going to start drinking early, but ... that helped a great deal.

You owe me a new keyboard, webcam and flatscreen.

Nope... you should've scrolled down before clicking on the video to see the responses and then realize... hey ... this is going to be funny... so make sure your mouth is void of any liquids prior to viewing and you'll be fine... common sense my dear... common sense.